English Teaching and Autonomous Learning Conference

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English Teaching and Autonomous Learning Conference





The end product of education is an independent learner…(Mcdevitt 1997, p. 30).

Autonomous learner  active learner  success in distance learning • 3.

A Self-Learning Center survey (done in June, 2008) – 826 respondents (SLC users, esp. the students whose teachers encouraged self-



What do you think is the strongest motivating force for English self-learning?

請問你 一般學生 要持續自修英文,最重要的動力(會)是什麼? 老師算分 興趣 18% 老師鼓勵 語測激勵 出國或就業 學習護照加 點 興趣 增廣見聞 其他 學習護照加 增廣見聞 4% 其他 1% 老師算分 ; 點 0% counted into final grades 44% 出國或就業 For career and studying abroad 23% 語測激勵 8% 老師鼓勵 2% 355 17 64 190 2 146 36 5

What do you think is the strongest motivating force for English self-learning?

請問你 一般學生 要持續自修英文,最重要的動力(會)是什麼? Liberal Arts 老師算分 老師鼓勵 語測激勵 出國或就業 學習護照加 點 興趣 增廣見聞 其他 0 42 9 2 144 30 9 9 43 Foreign Languages 老師算分 老師鼓勵 語測激勵 出國或就業 學習護照加點 興趣 增廣見聞 其他 19 9 0 47 3 13 1 2 0 Management 老師算分 老師鼓勵 語測激勵 出國或就業 學習護照加點 興趣 增廣見聞 其他 31 4 0 105 11 2 19 38 0 老師算分 老師鼓勵 語測激勵 出國或就業 學習護照加 點 興趣 TOTAL 增廣見聞 其他 355 17 64 190 2 146 36 5

Did you get encouraged by your teachers to do self learning?

請問你 在本學期(年) • 有沒有受到老師或系所學院鼓勵自修英語?


可複選) 沒有;我是自動 未參加自修活動 自發的 3% 4% 有;交報告 5% 有;口頭鼓勵 14% 有;算成績




If your English self-learning is not effective, what can be the reasons? 如果你覺得本學期進行英語自修的效果不佳,為什麼? • 學習資源不 夠 2% 外在動力 不 夠 24% 方法不對 6% 太忙 53% 太忙 興趣不夠 外在動力不夠 學習資源不夠 方法不對 536 興趣不 夠 15% 154 240 20 66

Tentative Conclusion

• Teachers’ encouragement and guidance are indispensible. •

Questions :

• How do English teachers foster S’s autonomy in learning and/or encourage students to do self-learning ?

Possible but Still Difficult Answers

1) 2) 3) Methods: offer Ss transferrable language learning strategies and skills (e.g. cognitive skills in reading and writing, visualization skills, socialization strategies, syntactic awareness, etc.) in various courses; Methods: adopt teaching strategies in support of autonomous learning (e.g. in determining the locus of control, assessment criteria, or giving comments, scaffolding; adding self-reflexive elements ) Motivating/Maintaining, and/or Monitoring? guide/encourage Ss to – – – – use existing learning resources; set proper goals, and acquire a sense of achievement; build learning communities; develop reflection and metacognitive strategies.

Difficult because

• Ideas need to be concretized differently in different contexts; teachers need to be cognitively flexible to recognize student temperament interests and needs; • Decisions need to be made between evaluating performativity and allowing freedom. (e.g. errors in LiveABC) • It takes time to provide road maps, too.

More Questions …



Visualization with computer software – Inspiration, MS. Visual, concept map tools — can it be limiting? How do we do scaffolding in teaching English majors, and non-English majors, without testing? If moving from multiple choice Q’s to cognitive skill training is a method taken by GE teachers, how about teachers of Eng. Majors?

More Questions … from teaching, to learning, to self-learning

• • • What role(s) does a teacher play today, a knowledge provider, a judge, a mentor, or a learning facilitator who offers them multiple choices in learning, and show them more in this world?

• Teacher: as a star, an unmoved mover ( 師父引進門,修 行在個人 ), a coach or a shepherd? How about a self-learning center ? • • SLC’s doing fish-netting 一網打盡 SLC”s angling 姜太公釣魚願者上鉤 Can the two work together as shepherds using an open garden? (Self-learning ecology--the relationships between the air, land, water, animals, plants, etc., usually of a particular area)

Thank you!

Especially all the staff members. . .