Transcript Slide 1

Open Meetings, FOIA
and Record Management
How Law and Technology Impacts the Nuts and Bolts
May 16, 2012
Illinois Association of School Business Officials
Peoria, Illinois
Rob Swain
Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick & Kohn LLP
Open Meetings 101
- Training conducted by
AG’s office
- 1 year deadline for
current officials
- 90 days for newcomers
Participation in Board Meetings by Audio and/or
Video Conference
Web Meeting
Conference Call
•A majority of the quorum must be present
•Members may participate remotely only due to
emergency, illness, or business travel
•Draft a policy and adopt remote participation
Local Records Retention
A Public Record is:
“any book, paper, map, photograph, digitized electronic material, or other
official documentary material, regardless of physical form or characteristic,
made, produced, executed or received by any agency or officer pursuant to
law or in connection with the transaction of public business and preserved or
appropriate for preservation by such agency or officer, or any successor
thereof, as evidence of the organization, function, policies, procedures or
activities thereof, or because of the informational data contained therein.”
library materials preserved only for reference and extra copies of
documents kept for convenience.
The public body must develop policies or ordinances and procedures for
the maintenance and destruction of public records.
•Public records, including electronic records, shall be preserved by
category of record.
•Public officials and their employees should be trained to identify and
retain public records.
•Electronic records should be preserved in their original format, except
they may be reproduced in microfilm or digitized form.
Managing Electronic Information
•Any information that was a public record when
produced in paper remains a public record when
produced or maintained electronically.
•Records created as or converted to an electronic format
are government assets and must be maintained for the
period required by law or Local Records Commission
•The State Archivist’s website has very specific
instructions regarding the medium to be used for
digitizing public records.
The Illinois FOIA defines “public records” to include “all records, reports,
forms, writings, letters, memoranda, books, papers, maps, photographs,
microfilms, cards, tapes, recordings, electronic data processing records,
electronic communications, recorded information and all other documentary
materials pertaining to the transaction of public business, regardless of
physical form or characteristics, having been prepared by or for, or having
been or being used by, received by, in the possession of, or under the control
of any public body.” 5 ILCS § 140/2(c)
The key to determining whether a record is a public record under the
Act is how it is used rather than its format.
FOIA includes a presumption that government records are public
records. This presumption is rebutted only when a record falls within
one of the exceptions enumerated in the Act.
Pursuant to a permissible request, public records must be made
available to the public within 5 days (or extended to 10) for inspection
and copying.
Information stored electronically must
be provided in response to a FOIA
request. Finding every electronic record
(e-mail, word processing document, etc.)
that is a “public record” can create a
formidable administrative burden, but
failure to find all responsive records can
lead to liability.
Public bodies should ensure that notices
to the public regarding procedures for
FOIA requests and lists of the types of
records maintained are updated to
include electronic records.
Electronic Records
Electronically stored information often contains
metadata — data about the file that may
include a variety of types of information.
New FOIA Highlights
FOIA Officers
Change to student records exemption
No “personnel file” exemption
Employment contracts
Settlement agreements
Disciplinary investigations (the new
personnel file?)
No Board-level appeal
Public Access Counselor
Advisory opinions from Attorney General
Preapproval: UnPACked
• As of August 26, 2011, pre-approval from the PAC is no longer required
to invoke the “personal privacy” and “preliminary draft” exemptions.
• Invoke these exemptions now in your FOIA response, just as other
exemptions. Still subject to review by the PAC or in court.
• “Personal information … the disclosure of which would constitute a
clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy”
• “Preliminary drafts, notes, recommendations, memoranda and other
records in which opinions are expressed, or policies or actions are
formulated” if not publicly cited by Board President
Notable PAC Preapproval Decisions
• Can withhold
– Draft talking points and press releases (assuming pre-decisional)
– Applications for public employment, but not for candidate hired
– 1-1 Board member e-mails discussing agenda items and issues to be
addressed at upcoming Board meetings (*OMA warning*)
– Medical information, birth dates
– Signatures? (no PAC opinion, but PAC omits its attorneys’ signatures)
• Cannot withhold
– Applications for public office
– Private citizens’ comments to district officials about an employee
controversy, but can redact citizens’ names from such comments
• (Note that PAC preapprovals are not binding precedent)
Question: How long must e-mails be archived?
Answer: As long as ______ paper.
When a public body is a party to litigation or can
reasonably foresee that a dispute will lead to litigation,
it must preserve evidence that might be relevant to
the dispute. The preservation process is called a
“litigation hold.”
Identification and Preservation:
Identify all potentially relevant files, including but
not limited to word processing documents,
spreadsheets, voicemail and e-mail both sent by and
received by relevant persons.
Identification will be more difficult if:
• Relevant persons have used personal e-mail
accounts to communicate about a subject
relevant to the dispute, or
• Relevant persons have created documents while
using computers belonging to other persons, or
have saved documents to places other than their
personal user accounts and/or the central
computer network.
To develop a comprehensive records maintenance policy, public
bodies should:
 Comply with retention requirements of the Local Records Act and of
litigation holds
 Identify the formats and places in which data are “created, used, stored,
maintained and backed up”
 Ease the administrative burden of identifying and locating records
responsive to a FOIA request
 Identify and purge ESI that is unnecessary
 Create objective standards for purging data that is not subject to a
statutory or regulatory retention requirement; and
 Create a thorough procedure for efficiently implementing litigation holds on
these purges. This procedure should identify:
-Routine procedures to suspend when a litigation hold is necessary,
-Procedures for notifying employees of a litigation hold,
-Procedures for periodically reminding employees of a litigation
hold, and
-Monitoring, discipline or other methods for enforcing a litigation
Thank you for coming.
Enjoy the Summer!
Rob Swain
Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick & Kohn LLP
847.670.9000 · [email protected]