Grammar - prefreiserafico

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Transcript Grammar - prefreiserafico

Present, past and future Tenses
Present Simple
(+) I walk everyday.
(-) I don’t walk every day.
(?) Do you walk every day?
(+) He walks everyday.
(-) He doesn’t walk every day.
(?) Does he walk every day?
p/ he, she, it (+) adiciona-se ‘–s’ no verbo;
‘-es’ se o verbo terminar em –s, -sh, -ch, -o, - x, - z;
e ‘-ies’ se o verbo terminar em y precedido de consoante.
Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever,
never (sempre depois do verbo be antes dos outros verbos)
• Expressions: once/twice/three times a week; every two days. (finais de
Use the Simple Present Tense for:
Habits / Routine
Permanent Actions
Natural Laws
Historical Past
-ING forms
Present Continuous
Talks about an action that happens at the moment we speak
Verb to be (am, is, are) / + verbo principal (ing)
I am /am not ; He, She, It is /isn’t ;
We, You, They are / aren’t
(+) She is going to the club.
(-) She isn’tgoing to the club.
(?) Is she going to the club?
Depois de alguns verbos  like, love, hate, can’t stand...
Com alguns ‘determiners’ (the, my, this)
Does my smoking annoy you?
I don’t mind your going without me.
I hate all these useless arguing.
Depois de preposições (exceto ‘to’) e algumas
expressões com ‘to’
Como sujeito de frases
You can’t make an omelette without breaking the eggs
He’s talking about moving to the country.
What is a toothpaste for? It’s for cleaning the teeth.
I look forward to; object to; to be /get used to; prefer to
+ verb(ing)
Smoking is bad for you. / Reading is my favourite activity.
/ Working makes me feel good.
adjetivos formados de verbos
interesting, boring, tiring, relaxing, etc.
Present Perfect (have/has + participle)
worked in France.
(have) done the activity.
worked in France.
done the activity.
1) experiências passadas; sem tempo definido
2) ações que começaram e continuam no presente  SINCE / FOR
 I’ve known him for ten years. / I’ve worked here since 2001.
• Question: How long...?
3) yet, already, just, ever, always, never
 I haven’t done my homework yet.
 Have you ever been to Canada?
 He’s already done his homework.
 She’s just done her homework.
 I’ve always wanted to be a doctor.
 They’ve never thought about
getting married.
Present Perfect Continuous
(have / has + been + verb-ing):
been working in France.
been doing the activity.
been working in France.
been doing the activity.
been working in France? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
been doing the activity? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.
Present Perfect Continuous (have/has been +verb –ing)
Para que se usa:
• para enfatizar a duração de uma ação que começou no passado e que continua no
e.g.: She's been working all day and she's obviously very tired.
(começou de manhã e ainda não parou)
para descrever uma ação que começou no passado e terminou no passado, mas que
durou muito tempo e que tem efeitos no presente:
e.g.: What happened? Are you sad? No, I’ve been peeling onions.
school. (foi uma semana cheia de trabalho e por isso ele não quer falar disso)
• para descrever uma ação que nos causa irritação ou fúria:
e.g.: You've been wearing my t-shirts again! You know I don't like that!
(quem fala está irritado)
Com o present perfect continuous usam-se as mesmas expressões temporais do que
com o present perfect:
how long...? (há quanto tempo...?)
for (há)
since (desde)
lately (ultimamente)
recently (recentemente)
Next: The Past Tense – módulo 7
Past Simple
Simple past: definite time in the past
Mesma forma para todas as pessoas
Dois tipos de verbos: regulares e irregulares.
Regulares: +ed, ex: watch = watched, close = closed; worry = worried; stop =
stopped (1 syllable + CVC )
• irregulars: table
• Yesterday, last year/week/Sunday; the day after yesterday
• Alteração só na afirmativa. Outras - auxiliar
(+) She went to the club yesterday.
(+) They watched TV yesterday.
(-) She didn’t go to the club yesterday. (-) They didn’t watch TV
(?) Did she go to the club yesterday?
(?) Did they watch TV yesterday?
They used to have very long hair.
1. She used to be a rebel.
2. She didn’t use to be a rebel.
3. Did she use to be a rebel?
 She isn’t anymore.
 Today she is.
be used to + noun or gerund
get used to + noun or gerund
• We use be used to to say that a situation is not new or strange, or is no longer new or strange.
– I've lived here for ten years now so I'm used to driving in the city.
– He's not used to working at night so he sometimes falls asleep.
– Are you used to the climate?
– I wasn't used to working such long hours when I started my new job.
• We use get used to to say that an action or situation becomes less strange or new, or becomes
more comfortable.
– It took them a long time to get used to their new boss.
– Have you got used to driving on the left yet?
– She is getting used to waking up early for her new job.
Past Perfect
(had + participle)
Expressa uma ação que aconteceu antes de outra no passado simples (de duas ações passadas
é a que acontece em primeiro lugar).
É comum vir acompanhado de conjunções como before, after, when:
 When I called up Sue, Ralph had just left.
(Ralph saiu antes de eu chamar Sue.)
 They had already cooked dinner before I got there with a pizza.
(O jantar já estava pronto quando cheguei com a pizza)
Veja o seguinte exemplo:
Sarah arrived at the party.
Este é o ponto de partida da nossa história. Se quisermos falar de coisas que aconteceram antes
desse tempo, usamos o past perfect:
 When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul had already gone home.
(Paul foi embora para a casa antes de Sarah chegar a festa.)
Future Tenses
• Futuro  de acordo com o que se quer
Plans, intentions, predictions, scheduling,
Descrevem ações que estão para
acontecer mais tarde no mesmo dia, ou
num futuro próximo ou distante.
(will + infinitive)
• Affirmative: In the future people will live on the
moon.(No futuro as pessoas morarão na lua)
• Negative: In the future people won’t live on the
• Interrogative: Will people live on the moon, in the
• Short answers: Yes, they will. No, they won’t.
• Mesma forma para todas as pessoas: I / You / He /
She / It / We / They will / won’t travel
• Podem-se usar expressões tais como: Maybe,
Perhaps, Probably, I think, it's possible + will
I) Incerteza – o que você acha que irá acontecer
Sílvio Santos will be the next president of Brazil. (Sílvio
Santos será o próximo presidente do Brasil)
I think Maria will phone me.
(Eu acho que a Maria irá me ligar)
a) não há certeza mas uma simples possibilidade
MAY / MIGHT / COULD - The weather may /might / could be
better later tonight. (O tempo poderá estar melhor mais
b) não há certeza, mas existe uma esperança: The weather
will probably be better tonight. (O tempo provavelmente
estará melhor à noite)
Offer (oferecer)
I’ll help you with the books. (Eu te ajudarei com os livros)
I’ll open the window for you. (Eu abrirei a janela para você)
Shall I / we carry the chairs? (use ‘shall’ somente com ‘I’ e ‘We’) (Posso /
Podemos carregar as cadeiras?)
III) Requests (pedidos)
• Will you please help me carry this? (Você me ajudaria a carregar isto?)
• Will you please not smoke? (Você poderia não fumar?)
 Could you help me carry this?, Would you carry this please?, Why don’t
you help me carrying this? (Por que você não me ajuda a carregar isto?)
 Would you mind not smoking? (Você se importa em não fumar?) 
Could you not smoke? Would you not smoke? (Você poderia não fumar?)
IV) Prediction without evidence (prever o futuro sem evidência)
• James will stop smoking soon. (James irá parar de fumar logo)
• Flamengo will win the championship in 2009. (Flamengo vencerá o
campeonato de 2009)
V) Promise (promessa)
– Ok, I’ll clean my room. (Ok, eu limparei o quarto)
– We’ll build new houses for the poor. (Nós construiremos novas casas para os
VI) Decision at the moment we speak (decisão no momento da fala)
• Hmm, I’ll have an ice cream. (Hmm, eu vou tomar um sorvete).
• Look, I still have R$ 2,00. I’ll buy some candies. (Olha, eu ainda tenho
R$2,00. Comprarei algumas balas)
VII) usar - let us or let's – no lugar de fazer uma pergunta:
• Let's go to the cinema this evening! (= Shall we go to the cinema this
evening?) = Vamos ao cinema?
• Let's eat our lunch now! (= Shall we eat our lunch now?) = Vamos comer
nosso almoço agora?
GOING TO [verb to be (am / is / are) +
going to + infinitive]
Affirmative: I’m going to see the Olympic Games in China.
She’s going to see the Olympic Games in China.
They’re going to see the Olympic Games in
China.(Eles irão ver os jogos Olímpicos na China)
Negative: I’m not going to see the Olympic Games in China.
She isn’t going to see the Olympic Games in China.
They aren’t going to see the Olympic Games in China.
Interrogative: Is she going to see the Olympic Games in China
Short answers: Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
I) Plans
I’m going to travel to Rio. I’ve checked all prices. (Eu vou
viajar para o Rio. Já chequei todos os preços)
She isn’t going to travel with me. Maybe, she’ll be working.
(Ela não vai viajar comigo. Talvez ela esteja trabalhando)
II) Predictions with evidence
Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain. (Olhe aquelas
nuvens. Vai chover)
Shh, cross the street. There’s a huge dog over there. It’s
going to bite us. (Shh, atravesse a rua. Há um enorme
cachorro logo ali. Ele vai nos morder)
That girl is wearing a wedding dress. She’s going to get
married. (Aquela moça está vestindo um vestido de noiva.
Ela vai se casar)
[verb to be (am / is / are) + verb (+ing) ]
• Affirmative: I’m seeing my mother next Saturday.
(Eu verei minha mãe no próximo sábado.)
• Negative: She isn’t working next week.
(Ela não trabalhará na próxima semana.)
• Interrogative: Are you travelling to São Paulo this year?
• Short answers: Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
- Certeza quanto ao fato que irá ocorrer;
- usar time expressions: next week / year
Verbal tenses: yet, already, ever, just, always, usually, never,
hardly ever, rarely, often, sometimes, seldom,
once, twice, occasionally, generally, every day
/ daily,
Adverbs of manner
Slowly, quickly, actively, well, badly, carefully, politely, immediately
Adverbs of intensity
Absolutely, completely, very, quite, so, really, almost, perhaps, probably,
nearly, doubtlessly, only, hardly
Adverbs of time
Early, soon, late, now, today, before, immediately, the day before yesterday,
then, still, tomorrow, tonight, yesterday, ago, in the
morning/afternoon/evenings, at night
Adverbs of place
Beside, here, there, indoors, outdoors, around, everywhere, somewhere,
anywhere, far away, close, next, upstairs, nowhere, abroad, ahead.