Transcript Slide 1

TAFE Directors Australia

Australian vocational education cooperation projects in China briefing

Chongqing – October 2013

Current as at 12 March 2013

TDA - the peak body for TAFE

Member association representing the CEOs and Directors of Australia’s TAFE institutes (government owned TVET providers); 61 member institutes

Governed by a Board of Directors with representatives from each State & Territory

Activities managed by a National Secretariat

Current as at 12 March 2013

TAFE Institutes in Australia

Current as at 12 March 2013

Mission and Role of TDA

• • • • •

To provide national leadership in the TVET sector through: Advocacy Research Marketing & promotion National & international networks Business development

Current as at 12 March 2013

TDA international cooperation

              

Formal agreements and associations with:

American Association of Community Colleges Association of Community Colleges Canada Association of Colleges (UK) Chile Ministry of Education China Education Association for International Exchange Commonwealth Secretariat, UK Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa Community College Baccalaureate Association India Ministry of Human Resource Development & Ministry of Labour and Employment Kasipkor Holdings, Republic of Kazakhstan Korean Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training Mongolian Ministry of Education Indonesian Ministry of Education & Culture and Ministry of Manpower &Transmigration UNESCO UNEVOC World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics

Current as at 12 March 2013

TDA cooperative agreements & associations

International policy development

 Review of international student visa program (on-going)  Implementation of the Tuition Protection Service for overseas students (2012)  White paper on Australia in the Asian Century


 International Education Advisory Council report (February 2013)  TDA Position Paper on international education (mid 2013) Current as at 12 March 2013

TDA International Engagement

Some of our 2013 projects:          AsiaBound student mobility workshops Asian Century Business Engagement Project – offshore partnership models BECAS Chile scholarship program China Leadership Program & Student Exchange program China Green Skills conference East Asia TVET provider network Indonesia mentoring program; industry survey International student survey USA Green Skills network Current as at 12 March 2013

Models of cooperation (1)

• • • •

High level consultancies

TVET systems Competency based training Industry engagement Resource development

• • • •

Teacher training

Partnerships with:

Local providers Government agencies Industry

Current as at 12 March 2013

Models of cooperation (2)

  

Study tours

High level short term (3 to 5 days) Institute & college tours (5 to 10 days) Professional development (10 to 30 days)

 

Student / Teacher Exchange

Short term (one Semester – 16 to 18 weeks) Academic year

Current as at 12 March 2013

Models of cooperation (3)

  

Course delivery in another country

Stand alone provision ‘Twinning’ programs ‘Auspicing’ programs

  

In partnership with:

Other training providers Employers & industry bodies Government agencies

Current as at 12 March 2013

TAFE offshore engagement

Partnership agreements

(TDA 2011 survey – 41 respondents) 

247 active partnerships

40 countries

China - 95 India - 28 Korea - 16 Singapore - 11 Indonesia - 9 PNG - 8 Malaysia - 8 Japan – 5 Sir Lanka – 5 UAE – 5 Vietnam - 5 Current as at 19 August 2013

Students studying offshore with an Australian institution - 2010

NCVER Survey 2010

Providers Students Students based in China

VET private providers

105 8 452 1 282

VET public providers


64 819

48 971


142 73 271 50 253 Students(b) based in countries other than China 7 170 Students(b) studying all award (c) courses

Students studying diploma & advanced diploma courses

Students(b) studying non award (c) courses 7 005 3 601 1 447 Students(b) studying courses taught in English only Students(b) studying courses also offered in Australia Courses Countries (a)(d) 5 231 7 533 483 66 15 848 52 478 34 973 12 341 38 947 53 540 572


23 018 59 483 38 574 13 788 44 178 61 073 1 055 68 Current as at 12 March 2013

Students studying on & offshore - 2011

VET private providers NCVER Survey 2011



China Fiji Hong Kong India Korea Kuwait Nepal PNG Philippines Singapore South Africa Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Other

TOTALS Offshore

698 640 2,080 520 876 1,957




14,133 53,189 7,537 9,574 10,687 52,488

147,608 VET public providers Offshore

43,183 1,709 2,247 1,848

2,055 7,474 58,516



4,380 2,369 2,102

939 2,269 11,570 23,629 Totals

51 62,394 1,709 640 55,558 9,639 2,247 9,574 1,848 939 2,080 520 876 10,687 4,324 73,489


Current as at 12 March 2013

Current China-Australia engagement China

• Green skills curriculum • Special college partnerships • CEAIE VELT leadership


Current as at 12 March 2013 • Study in China – 45,000 students at China colleges • Students to TAFE in Australia offering ‘work ready’ degrees

Current ideas ….

• • • • • • STUDENTS Graduating China college students into Australia TAFE / Hong Kong THEi degree courses Industry demand for specialist technical workers RESEARCH Launch of Australian TAFE Centre for Skills Excellence Econometric model on contribution of VET to GDP and employment Project work on industry competency training, green skills curriculum, and green campus development English language teaching and learning Current as at 12 March 2013

Australia Brunei Burma China Cambodia India Indonesia Japan Laos Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Russia Singapore South Korea Thailand Vietnam United States

Australian government initiative: support the development of an East Asia Network of TVET Providers

1. To build the capacity of TVET institutions to meet the skill demands of industry and contribute to the social and economic development of participating countries 2. To build this capacity through the exchange of ideas, knowledge, expertise and experience 3. To further develop this capacity through joint research programs, institutional partnerships and cooperation with government agencies, donor organisations and other networks TDA is leading the development of the network with a residential workshop held in November 2012 in Melbourne. An inaugural network conference is scheduled for November 2013 in Seoul, Korea. Current as at 12 March 2013

Thank you

For more information, please contact:

Martin Riordan

Chief Executive Officer TAFE Directors Australia [email protected]

+61 2 9217 3180 (direct office line) Current as at 12 March 2013