Transcript Document

New to College?
PVCC’s student success program, iStartSmart,
is required if any of the following apply:
• New to college, degree seeking and taking 12 or more credit hours
• You are enrolling in 6 or more credits, are seeking a degree, and
your placement test scores indicate any course under 100 level
Placement Testing required for all students who meet any
of the following criteria:
• New to college, degree seeking and taking 6 or more credit hours
• All new to college students wishing to take college-level English,
Math, or Reading
• Any student receiving Financial Aid who does not have a GED or
high school diploma
Here's How You'll StartSmart!
Step 1: Complete the Student Information Form
Step 2: Take Placement Tests in English, Math and Reading
Step 3: Complete Part 1 - Online Orientation
Step 4: Enroll in Part 2 - On-campus Orientation
Step 5: Enroll in a College Success Course
As a result of attending today’s OnCampus Orientation you will be able to:
Connect with your fellow students and staff through
activities and a tour of Student Services.
Explore the opportunities waiting for you in a College
Success Course, and review Funding Your Education, a
session about funding available to you as a college students.
Identify how degree and certificate requirements and
general education courses assist you in reaching educational
Choose and register for your classes while you participate in
an advising session.
Orientation Agenda
Welcome / Icebreaker
Group Activities
Funding Your Education
Tour of Student Services
Breakout Sessions
Benefits of a College Success Course
Parent Session
Choose Your Classes
Choosing Your Class Schedule
Register for Classes
Orientation Check Out
Evaluation / Assessment
Student ID Card, Pay for Classes Option
Degree planning
Class selection
Transferability of classes and programs
Graduating from PVCC
Referral to PVCC resources
Degrees & Certificates
Transfer to ASU, U of A, & NAU
•Associate in Arts
Accelerated Associate Degree Option
•Associate in Business
•Associate in Science
•Associate in Elementary Ed
•Associate in Arts/Fine Arts
•Associate in Transfer Partnership
Learn Job Skills
Certificate for Transfer
What’s AGEC?
•Associate in Applied Science
•Certificate of Completion
(See Advisor about transferability)
Associate in General Studies
(Not designed to transfer)
Arizona General Education Curriculum
• 35 units (11-12 classes) in Writing, Math, Social
Science, Humanities, and Laboratory Science
• Guarantees admission to ASU, NAU, U of A
AGEC-A liberal arts & undecided majors
AGEC-B business-related majors
AGEC-S science,engineering,math,technology
Schedule Building - Choosing Classes
• Identify your time commitments to work
and life
• Choose an English and Math class
• Choose a College Success class
AAA115 (1 unit) or CPD 150 (3 units)
• Choose additional introductory classes,
using the “Pink Sheet”
Full-time student - 12 to 18 units
Part-time student - 11 units or less
ENG 101
MAT 092
SOC 101
HIS 101
3 units
3 units
3 units
3 units
1 unit
13 units
Class Registration
Go to your on-line Student Center:
•Blaming / Complaining
•Repeats behavior
Seldom achieves goal(s)
Victim language
•There’s nothing I can do.
I have always been that way.
•I can’t…..
•I have to….
•I should….
•I’ll try…
•I quit.
•Seeking Solutions
•Takes action
•Does something new
Often achieves goal(s)
Creator language
•There’s always something I can do.
•I can choose to be different.
•I can…
•I choose to…
•I will…
•I’ll keep going.
Goal Owner: AAA 115 Student Fall 2007
Goal Name - Bachelor's Degree
Type - Academic
Due Date - 05-10-2013
Created On - 09-20-2007
Goal Statement: I will graduate with a Bachelor's Degree from OSU by May 10, 2013.
Talk to an advisor about transferring to a university; Seek out a tutor when necessary; Use my
Student Planner everyday for assignments throughout the college experience; Spend at least
three to four hours of studying per week; Always be persistent even when procrastination
seems optional.
I want to earn a Bachelor's Degree so I have more knowledge to better strive for my career
prospects. (Career prospects unknown at this point.)
After I graduate with a Bachelor's Degree, I'm going on a one to two week vacation; either
alone or with a couple close friends.
Procrastination. Stress management.
Stay persistent. Start my assignments the day/night I receive them. Finish my work promptly
and complete on time or, if possible, a few days before the due date.
Self confidence, family support, help from friends, discover my professional prospects (what I
want to learn and what I want to do), and constructive criticism.
iStartSmart Students Fall 2007
• Before the start of the fall 2007 semester, 959
students completed PVCC’s on-ground or
online orientation AND the related group
advising session
• Of these students, 875 (91%) enrolled in PVCC
fall 2007 credit courses
• The iStartSmart students represented 10% of all
PVCC credit students in fall 2007
Demographics of iStartSmart
Students in Fall 2007
• 51% Female, 47% Male
• 76% White, 11% Hispanic, 4% Asian, 2%
Black, 1% Native American
• Average Age is 19.4 years
Demographics of iStartSmart
Students in Fall 2007
• 74% graduated from high school in 2007
• 79% have no prior college experience
• 93% are new to PVCC
Demographics of iStartSmart
Students in Fall 2007
• 85% are attending in the day
• 70% are full-time students
• 39% intend to transfer to a university
• 22% want to prepare for employment
Demographics of iStartSmart
Students in Fall 2007
• 31% took developmental math courses
in fall 2007
• 22% took developmental English courses in
fall 2007
• 6% took developmental reading courses in
fall 2007
College Success Course
• 679 of the iStartSmart students (79%) enrolled in a
college success course
• At the end of the course:
– 86% feel the course has better prepared them for success in
college and in life
– 88% feel the course has helped them to improve their selfmanagement skills
– 86% feel the course has helped them to learn how to take
charge of their lives
– 84% feel the course has increased their self-motivation
– 83% feel the course has increased their self-awareness
Completion of Fall 2007 Semester
• 809 of the iStartSmart students (92%)
completed the fall 2007 semester
• 73% of the course attempts were
successfully passed (A, B, C grades)
Continuation of Studies
Fall 2007 to Spring 2008
• 74% of the fall 2007 iStartSmart students
enrolled in PVCC spring 2008 credit
• (compared to 57% for all PVCC students
from fall 2007 to spring 2008)
Student Story