Transcript Slide 1

A Call from CODEX to Create a
National CODEX
• National Codex Organization was Created
through a Joint DA-DOH Administrative Order
(DA-AO No. 01 S2008 / DOH-AO No. 2008-0030)
dated October 22, 2008
• Recommends to the Technical Committee the
improvements in current operational systems in
order to improve cost-effectiveness of the NCO
Organizational Structure
Functions and Responsibilities
Ensure that the development of country positions are in
compliance with the policies and procedures of the MOP,
including the following general requirements:
The position is based on prepared discussion papers
The position responds to the Codex documents circulated
The position is supported by scientific data and/or has
scientific basis
The position is consistent with national policies and
national interests
The position is clear, accurate, precise and in the prescribed
Inputs of stakeholders are solicited and considered in the
develoment of country positions subject to the policies of
DA and DOH.
Functions and Responsibilities Cont’d
 Select the delegates to Codex meetings according to
prescribed guidelines of the Manual of Operating
Procedures (MOP).
 Participation at Codex meetings is the only way to ensure
that country positions are considered at Codex. However as
participation entails high costs, doing so at government
expense, the delegate must comply with the requirements in
the MOP.
 Members of Sub-Committees or Task Forces who are not
from a government agency but come from academe or the
private sector, can attend as members of the official country
delegation provided that the requirements stated in the
MOP are met.
 Coordinates, monitors and evaluates activities of NCO bodies and
make recommendations to the Technical Committee particularly on
the following:
development of country positions
results of participation at Codex meetings
conduct of meetings and progress of Sub-Committee or Task
Force activities
compliance of NCO bodies with the NCO Manual of Operations
 Stakeholders participation in the Philippine NCO
Membership to the Sub-Committees and Task Forces are open to
The types of membership are as follows:
1. Regular members are from: government,
professional association, representatives from civil
society (such as farmers, fisherfolk, NGOs),
institutions/industry, academe and research
2. Non-regular members are the following: invited
experts, resource persons
and other stakeholders interest groups
Progress of National CODEX
As early as 1998, attempts were made to create a National Codex Office.
A National Codex Organization (NCO) was officially established jointly
by the DA and DOH and became functional in 2005. The NCO has a
defined structure and national positions are developed through a
consultative process among experts and stakeholders. The NCO also
developed its Manual of Operations (MOP) in 2010 to set in place
criteria and requirements on the following:
 Establishment of Sub-Committees (SCs) and Task Forces (TFs) as
national equivalent to relevant Codex Subsidiary Bodies and the lead
agencies to head the group. The Chair comes from the mandated agency
and covers cost of operations of the SC/TF.
 Membership and Responsibilities of SCs, TFs, Technical Committee,
Executive Committee.
 Development of Country Positions.
 Selection of country delegates i.e. national positions are required to
attend a Codex meeting
NCO Accomplishments
1. National Codex Organization Manual of Operations (MOP)
 The MOP was approved by both DA and DOH Secretaries on
March 31, 2010.
 The Manual describes the processes to be used by the
members of the various NCO bodies to help them in the
of their duties and responsibilities in Codex work in the
 It was prepared to enable governments, competent authorities,
food industries, private organizations, farmers, consumers and
others concerned, to understand the NCO as an organization.
Attendance to CODEX
Measure of Effective Participation:
Philippine participation in Codex meetings used to be irregular with varied delegates
and not in a sustainable basis. There is also no single repository of national
positions and there is a general lack of information on researches on food safety.
But now, the MOP has a provision to source funds for its activities- Attendance to
Codex meetings. Delegates could be supported by agency/Department or private
No. of country positions
No. of country
 While country participation in Codex meetings is important, the NCO also
gives emphasis on how Codex decisions would be treated at the national
level. The Manual of Operations requires a report form to be submitted and
presented by country delegates that includes the following information to
measure effective participation in Codex:
 For adopted Codex standards, it would be translated into national
policies or modified or used as reference. Provide copies of national food
safety issuances or regulations. Related activities may include public
consultations with stakeholders.
 To generate data for scientific basis of national positions, the NCO has a
Technical Working Group that evaluates research proposals to be
endorsed for funding.
 The NCO through its Technical Committee, comprised of Chairs of SCs
and TFs and representatives from identified sectors, are informed of
cross cutting issues from various relevant Codex committees. Decisions
are made on activities needed i.e. risk assessment trainings, capacity
building on Codex process to include attendance to Codex Commission
How is the Philippines making progress?
 Before, national positions could come from any agency. Now national
positions could only be transmitted to Codex after it has undergone
the NCO consultative process and endorsement. The official
Philippine position is also consistent for other international Codex-related
With the NCO structure, concerned SC/TF could directly respond to
specific Codex issues. Procedures are also provided in the MOP that
ensures proper coordination/information.This would imply that awareness
on NCO work has increased over time.
NCO TC and SC members are invited as resource speakers in industry
meetings on Codex issues and national positions.
There is improved membership composition in SCs/TFs. More active NCO
Sub-Committees/Task Forces
Coordination with food industry sector on their compliance with these
national food regulations. Monitoring.
How is the Philippines making progress
 Trainings to develop team of risk assessors.
 Inclusion in the national budget for Codex
activities of DA and DOH agencies and the NCO.
 The NCO creates Technical Working Groups to
deal on its specific needs: Research, Budget, and
Review of MOP for amendment. The MOP guides
the NCO to stay focused on its goals. The NCO is a
fairly young organization and seeks to improve its
work as it gains experience on Codex.
 Active participation from food industry/academe.
How is the Philippines Making
Progress Cont’d
 Provision or sharing of information/data has improved as
food industry representatives participate not just as regular
members but also as guest members on specific Codex
issues; as members of country delegation.
 Food industry/professional associations/chambers have
organized internal groups similar to the NCO structure and
with identified official representatives to the NCO.
 On-going research studies to generate data on specific
Codex issues to be used as basis of national positions.
Review of research proposals is also on-going.
 Issuances of national policies/regulations based on
adopted Codex standards
How is the Philippines Making
Progress Cont’d
 Currently, the NCO has a Management Support Office
(MSO) that provides technical and administrative support.
 The MSO, among its functions, is tasked to make
recommendations to improve work of the NCO. However
its current limited manpower support is constrained from
fully providing this.
 The NCO while already operational for several years is not
a permanent Office. There is a proposed Food Safety Bill in
Congress that aims to institutionalize the NCO by
providing it with a permanent Office, technical staff and
budget. In the meantime, the NCO continuous to seek
ways to be more effective and responsive to Codex
RECOMMENDATIONS: The Philippines , as a member of
the CODEX, through the National CODEX Organization
2012 Codex Meetings
No. of Philippine Delegates
6th TFAF
February 20-24
Berne, Switzerland
(2 govt.
1 attaché)
33rd CCMAS
March 5-9, 2012
Budapest, Hungary
(2 govt.)
44th CCFA
March 12-16
Hangzhou, China
(2 govt.)
6th CCCF
March 26-30
Maastricht, Netherlands
(2 govt.)
2012 Codex Meetings
27th CCGP
April 2-6
Paris, France
44th CCPR
April 23-28
Shanghai, China
May 7-11
San Juan, Puerto Rico
40th CCFL
May 15-18
Ottawa, Canada
No. of Philippine Delegates
(2 govt.)
(2 govt.)
(3 govt.)
November 5-9
Tokyo, Japan
(2 govt.
1 academe)
44th CCFH
November 12-16
New Orleans, U.S.A
(2 govt.)
December 3-7
(1 govt.)
CODEX has been very useful in our standards setting . It
is foreseen in the near future that:
 More support for building capacity especially on
microbial risk assessment
 Assist CODEX members to source out research funds
concerning national CODEX issues
 Continue funding the participation of developing
countries to CODEX meetings through CODEX Trust
 Facilitate members in attendance to CODEX meetings