Partnering with the Department of Education in Hawaii

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Partnering with the Department of Education in Hawaii

Practice Strategies

Interagency Communication and Collaboration 1. Engage in Collaborative Decisionmaking 2. Share Resources and Expertise 3. Target Services To Meet the Needs of Children, Youth, Parents, and Caregivers

DOE Hawaii

Interagency Communication and Collaboration 1. Legislation for interagency collaboration: “cluster law” 1. Interagency MOU signed by Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, the Judiciary, and Hawaii Families as Allies

DOE Hawaii

Interagency Communication and Collaboration 3. Communities of Practice (CoP) – “ tool for promoting sustainable system change” - Etienne Wenger a growing strategy in the world of educational reform is the use of Communities of Practice as a – SBBH Summit 2012: Adopting a Unified and Comprehensive Interagency Framework for Behavioral and Mental Health and Well-Being for Children and Youth in Hawaii.

• Use of participant data as a collaborative approach to system improvements Learn more at /wiki/Main/Hawaii+School+Based+Behavioral+Health+Summit

Practice Strategies

Individually Tailored Academic and Behavioral Supports

1. Collect and Use Data To Identify Student Needs and Develop Plans 2. Implement Procedures To Ensure Smooth Transitions 3. Address Gaps in Academic Skills and Accelerate Learning 4. Instruct Students in Ways That Engage Them in Learning 5. Address Behavioral and Social Needs To Promote Educational Success

CSSS Framework: Individually Tailored Academic and Behavioral Supports 2012 CSSS framework ensures that all students will achieve their greatest potential. School administrators, teachers, staff, families, and students must work together in compassionate, nurturing, and efficient partnerships.

Comprehensive Student Support Systems (CSSS)

• • • • • • Personalized Classroom Climate & Instruction Prevention & Early Intervention Family-School-Community Partnerships Supports for Transition Community Outreach & Involvement Crisis Assistance & Prevention

Hawaii Schools: CSSS Student Focus Teams

• • • • • • Early Warning System Student Focus Concern 6-Step Problem Solving Process Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Response to Intervention (RtI) Peaceful School Initiative