ytb - ettc-cs

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Team G.E.T
5353 N. Union Blvd, Suite 10-G
Colorado Springs CO 80918
CENTER (719) 217-5090
Directors Rick & Brenda Reese
Thanks for taking the time and making the commitment to
build a solid home-based e-commerce business with
The fact that you have chosen to spend your time learning
how to be successful in ZamZuu is a strong testimony of your
“YTB International Convention 2012 –
Operation Freedom: Agents of Change”
Details at
These four days mark a life-changing event
that will set your business on fire!
Online registration is available!
Can’t make it to St. Louis to attend the 2012 Convention? Log in now to your Rep Back Office
to purchase your online ticket to watch General Sessions 1 & 2 on Friday, September 28th
and General Sessions 3 & 4 on Saturday, September 29th LIVE! and online from the comfort
of your own home.
Attend in person!
A very limited number of tickets still remain…Log in to your Rep Back Office now to purchase
these tickets!
Already registered to attend the Convention in St. Louis?
Book your hotel accommodations at the Renaissance Grand Hotel for special rates,
complimentary parking, & GREAT NETWORKING!
Agents of Change Sales Contest
Any Rep that makes a minimum of six new Travel
Program Sales in their PowerTeam between
June 26 and August 31 at 11:59 PM Central will
receive a prestigious award, special recognition and
premium seating at this years convention!
The Top 3 producers in total PowerTeam Sales during the contest period will also win one
of the following amazing getaways!
Third Place: 3 days, 4 nights at the Grand Paradise Bavaro Resort & Spa in Punta Cana
Second Place: 3 days, 4 nights at the British Colonial Hilton in Nassau-Bahamas
First Place: 3 days, 4 nights at the Westin Dawn Beach Resort & Spa in St. Maarten
Awesome Nicaragua Get Away!
Director Rick Reese
What Do You Want?
 Freedom from financial worry and tool to WIN
 Convenience - more desirable use of my time
 Retirement security for my family & lifestyle
 Admiration from friends - social status
 Self-improvement and life long friends
 A vehicle to create wealth for my kids to inherit
 How about a tax break
 Max perks and upgrades for my travel dollars
 Save & make money when you shop and travel
•The Right To Be Rich
•3 & Free
•Home Party & Test Drive
•See The Director…Be the Director
First Things First
Handle Life & Business With Order
The Right
To Be Rich
“The Science of Getting Rich” provides
an unusual method for gaining wealth.
This book was written in 1910
by Wallace D. Wattles..
** A Must Read **
The Right To Be Rich
 The desire for riches is really the desire for a
richer, fuller, and more abundant life.
 A person’s right to life means his right to have the
free and unrestricted use of all the things.
 Success in life is becoming what you want to be.
 You can render to God and humanity no greater
service than to make the most of yourself.
The Right to Be Rich Begins With…
Visualizing Your Business
Form a clear mental picture of your successful
ZamZuu business, and hold this picture in
your thoughts with fixed PURPOSE to get
what you want, and unwavering FAITH that
YOU DO get what you want…
Whatever the mind can conceive and
believe—it can achieve!
Creatively Building Your Mega Team
Goal: 100,000 Broker Organizations giving away 1 million free internet businesses.
Pastor Cho in his book "The 4th Dimension," talks about the creative method he used
to build a million member church (one of the largest congregations in
the world). The Holy Spirit shared four distinct steps:
STEP 1: Set a faith goal. A clear-cut objective - write it down and see it clearly. Your heart should
skip a beat when you read it.
STEP 2: Passionately pursue the desire. See it, live it, sleep it, walk it... Know that the Lord
will satisfy the desires of your heart.
STEP 3: Pray and believe for the Assurance. Pray until your receive the assurance. With the
assurance, your faith will reach out and grab hold of your objective.
STEP 4: Command and speak it. Claim it and give the Word. When you speak it the Word goes
out to create it. Signs and wonders shall follow.
Never look solely to man...the answers will come to your spirit and it is through your spirit, the
answers are applied to your circumstances. Enjoy and build a HUGH ZamZuu business.
What Does Your Successful ZamZuu
Business Look Like?
Write It Down And Make It Plain…
Read “The Science of Getting Rich”
Download for FREE at
First Things First
Handle Life & Business With Order
Possibility Seeking Expression
The Starting Point of All Achievement
Not Just HOPE
Not Just a WISH
It must be a keen, pulsating desire,
which transcends everything else.
It must be definite to translate into REALITY!
6 Ways to Turn Desires into Gold
Think And Grow Rich-Napoleon Hill
1st Fix in your mind the exact amount of money
you desire.
2nd Determine exactly what you desire to give in
return for the money you desire.
3rd Establish a definite date when you intend to
possess the money you desire.
4th Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire.
Begin at once.
5th Write out a clear, concise statement.
6th Read your written statement aloud twice daily.
Read: Think And Grow Rich-Napoleon Hill
1. How much money?
2. What will you give?
3. When do you want it?
4. What’s your plan?
Start Date…NOW!
5. Write it down.
6. Review it daily.
First Things First
Handle Life & Business With Order
5 Beliefs to Make You
 Develop a belief in our PRODUCT…YOUR Passion.
 Promote from your heart, NOT your head
 Develop a belief in our COMPANY.
 Get around the people who are the company. Is ZamZuu in YOU?
 Develop a belief in Online Travel & Shopping.
 Learn about the current trend and opportunities in E-commerce, the Social
Media Revolution and the amazing advantages of Relationship Marketing
 Develop a belief in OTHERS.
 Value people, NOT money
 Develop a belief in YOURSELF.
 Believe you deserve it and you are worthy of it…and you will get it!
First Things First
Handle Life & Business With Order
3 & FREE
 The new RTA Referral Program is going to help you
build a bigger and stronger organization!
 Refer 3 Travel Sites = NO Monthly Fee for YOU!
NO FEE – Debt Free
 Sign up at special web URL located in your back office.
 YTB has provided sample email and social media/text
message copy to help spread the word!
3 & No Monthly Fee
 Chasing 3 & to get Debt Free
 Refer 3 and launch into PowerTeam + debt-Free Biz
 Simply duplicate
 3 = PT & Free
 6 = $500 bonus (every 6 sales)
 9 = More $500 Bonuses
 81 = More $500 Bonuses
 100+ = $10,000 Bonus
 IT DOES NOT END! Your entire Team -- 3 & FREE!
First Things First
Handle Life & Business With Order
Home Party &
Test Drive
• Test Drive (site walk-through)
• Info Websites & videos (many more)
• Tools
• Travel: //
• Private Business Reception (PBR)
What is a Private Business Reception?
Private Business Reception:
A gathering, hosted by
you (at your home),
where quality people
will view a quality
business presentation.
The formula:
Quality People
+ Quality Presentation
Business Growth ($$$)
How to Book a Test Drive Appointment
(Posture is important, do not beg or convince, “NO” means next.)
 What to say to get someone to give you 20 minutes in
front of their computer to see the site?
 It is very important that you set the appointment for
them to SEE the site, not hear!
 Hi, (Person’s name) how are you? I just opened an online e-commerce business. I
would love to have 20 minutes of your time while you’re in front of a computer to
show it to you. How’s your schedule looking around 8:30 pm (EST)?
 If prospect tries to get you to tell them a little about it or asks for the website
address, your response should be:
 This Business is 100% VISUAL. Please give me the courtesy of SHOWING it to you!
 Then direct prospect to the nightly Test Drive Conference Call or learn to do it
First Things First
Handle Life & Business With Order
Time to go to
Share Your New Business
4-Step ZamZuu Success Process
Write List & 3-Way Calls
Expose the Business
Close (3 Party Validation, if required)
Sign-up (Give Everyone A Free Site…Broker, Rep?)
Don’t JUST go out to work your business…
Work your business While You’re Out!
Who Are you Looking For?
7-10 Key Leaders (Hot/Warm Market)
•Key Characteristics
•Someone who thinks like you
•Keen Intellect
•High Energy
•Track Record of Leadership Accomplishment
•An Ability to Think Conceptually
•An Ability to Work in a Team Environment
•A Bent Toward Idealism (Envision, Aspiration)
•Entrepreneurial Thinkers
“The Permission Givers”
Talk to EVERYONE, but there are 3 special types
Three Qualification Types of People
1. Connectors -- people with a special gift for bringing the
world together. They have the ability to span many different
worlds and groups.
2. Mavens – information specialists. Accumulate
knowledge. Influence others with data.
3. Sales people -- exercise the power of persuasion to
influence and control others.
Seed-Time-and Harvest
Plant The Seed
 Plant Seed – Create Interest
 Personal – Meet and greet
 Email - Welcome and Inform
 Test Drive, 3-ways with Upline,
 ZamZuu Marketing Site
 Broker Opportunity
 Exciting Referral Opportunity
 Private Business Reception / Opportunity Presentation
Seed-Time-and Harvest
Plant The Seed
 Time – Allow the prospect time to review information
 1-3 days (or sooner)
 If prospect contacts you. Good News. Answer all questions.
Sign-up. 40-70% Confident Rule.
 Harvest – Follow-up (use upline)
 Yes – Sign member up as Free Agent, Broker, Rep
 No – Seek to understand. Keep prospect as customer
 Maybe so – seek to understand. Schedule meeting.
IMPORTANT: Keep It Moving!
Example: Third Party Invitation To
Expose Your Business
 _____, I got started in a new exciting online business,
and you might be able to help me.
 Would you happen to KNOW ANYONE that would be
interested in earning some extra income? (or,
“interested in getting into a second business?”)
 Your Homework:
 Do an experiment on this. The next ten people you run into, ask
them if they KNOW ANYBODY who’d like to earn some extra
income, just to get their reaction.
 When they ask, what is it?…set a 20-min test drive appointment.
Classic four-part formula:
1. Make every call a selling call.
ABC - Always Be Closing
 Your are not just a goodwill ambassador, a missionary.
You are a REP who specializes in closing the deal
2. Try early in every sale for a close
3. Close on every resistance
4. Keep trying to close time after time. Practice!
A Close
 Tell me based on going into an internet business for
only $49.95 a month…
 Where do you see yourself losing with this scenario?
 What would stop you from partnering with me today?
 Let’s get started! Go to #
(Register as a Rep and purchase a Broker License)
 I am going to walk you through the process…
Follow Up
Follow Up! Follow Up! Follow Up!
Call on good prospects as many times as it takes to persuade them.
About 80 percent of sales are made on the fifth call or later.
It takes at least three follow up contacts to enroll most successful
network marketers.
Fully 50 percent of network marketers call on a prospect one time and quit.
About 18 percent call on a prospect twice and give up.
Some 7 percent call three times and call it quits.
About 5 percent call on a prospect four times before quitting.
Only 20 percent call on a prospect five or more times before they quit.
It's that 20 percent who enroll the majority of future partners and generate
80 percent of the sales through their persistent efforts.
First Things First
Handle Life & Business With Order
See The Director…
Be The Director
Basic Principle of Power, Influence, and Leadership
“When you assume the appearance of
power, people soon give it to you.”
Think Like A Director
Corporate/Tomer Family Representative
See the Director…Be the Director
Speak and Affirm
Visualize the Accomplishment & Reward
Act the part…to get the part
ZamZuu is looking for the next generation of leaders
Leaders Are Readers and Readers Are Leaders
If it ain’t right don’t do it, if it ain’t true don’t say it!
Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
Science of Getting Rich –
Discipline your Mind and Will to focus
on what you want
Work Like A Director
Learn to articulate the ZamZuu Corporate
Coach’s Values, Vision, Goals = Our Solid Foundation
to RUN!
Director/Leader work ethic—
If I’m looking for a leader to follow….would I follow me?
My Daily Habits: I will –
Plug-in to know my business
Expose my business at every opportunity
Study the E-Commerce/Broker/Rep presentations
Know my ZamZuu websites
Follow up -- be a closer…and NEVER quit!
The Secret to Your Success
 Set Business Goals
 Think Like a Millionaire
 Have a program for continuous self improvement
 Attend the Events – show up to go up!
 Events, Private Business Receptions, training, listen to the calls
 Become the Local ZamZuu Corporate Expert &
Learn Your Products & Tools – click on everything!
Understand “How You Get Paid!” Get Thee to PowerTeam
Study and Learn to Present the Opportunity – Be a Closer!
Ask Lots of Questions– Never ever, ever, quit!
I have Decided, Committed,
& Resolved to…
Take Immediate,
Intelligent, Consistent,
& Massive Action
And You WILL Accept it…
See the YTB Director
Be the YTB