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Open Media Archives
Using Media Archives for Teaching, Learning, and Developing Curriculum
Open Educational Resources
“Information technology can help to equalise the distribution of high quality
educational opportunities throughout the world. In particular, having
learning materials freely available for adaptation and re-purposing can
expand access to learning of better quality at lower cost.
Unesco 2012
World Map D Rumsey Map Collection
Open Media Archives
Millions (.... Millions!) of resources
Cultural and heritage organisations,
Individual Galleries, Libraries and Museums
Open content repositories and archives
Repositories and archives that include Open Content
Curation tools and services
Public bodies and governmental organisations
Scientific organisations and archives
OER (Open Educational Resources) specific
Non profit and crowd-sourced repositories
Individual Curators and Collectors of Content
What We Know.....
Research Question
How can we help schools exploit
the wealth of digital content
Open Media
Online Resources
available in media archives, and
Archives Toolkit
how will that engagement benefit
Curriculum Activities and
students learning?
Pedagogical Frameworks
Learning Designs
Open Content Toolkit
To develop strategies and frameworks that will identify
or kickstart potential learning activities that can help
schools, teachers & students engage with, and take
advantage of the growing wealth of open media
archives available online.
British Library (Public Domain)
Benefits of using Open Archives
1. Discovery of resources to be used freely and safely across all curriculum areas
2. Improves research skills
3. Introduces curation, metadata and tagging skills
4. Generates creative ideas for using digital content
5. Encourages critical thinking
6. Develops digital literacy
7. Enables the world today to be viewed through a historical and cultural lens
8. Develops computational thinking
9. Offers a context for applying ICT and computing capability, coding and web skills
10. Remixing, repurposing and sharing digital media
11. Helps teachers and learners gain a practical and usable understanding of Copyright and IP
Open media archives contain resources that provide :
Primary evidence for study and research in
different fields, subjects and disciplines
Assets to use in multi-modal projects and
Assets you can reshare and publish
Gather, evaluate, assemble
and share using online
curation tools including
Pinterest, Scoop-it, Flickr ,
Pearltrees,. Storify
Crowdsourced Curation
The value will come from the curation
collections, and process, not the tools
Crowdsourced tagging and expert
tagging are involved here
Critical Thinking
Headlines, images, maps.
What questions can be
What conclusions can we
British Library
Old Bailey Online - http://www.oldbaileyonline.org/
Research skills
Text extracted from a PDF of a digitised book from the Gutenberg Project using projectnaptha.com and then cross
referenced using several sources
Learning Design
“It’s incredibly important to use software
tools to enable students to develop
problem-solving skills, to get them trying
things out, manipulating, doing things
Professor Diana Laurillard, The Institute
of Education, London.
Developing Web Literacies
Web Literacy Map: https://webmaker.org/en-US/resources
Belshaw, D; 2014. Mozzilla https://wiki.mozilla.org/Webmaker/WebLiteracyMap
Examples of Pedagogical Activities
image Credit: ESA, CC BY, http://www.eso.org/public/images/yb_vlt_moon_cnn_cc/
Digital Narratives
Using still images in conjunction with audio and motion (Ken Burns effect) has a very powerful impact on audiences, and is easily
achievable in school these days. Here are two interpretations of the song Pretty Saro, one by filmmaker Jennifer Lebeau with Bob
Dylan’s version, the other by Tim Riordan uses an openly licenced version of the song by Piers Cawley. Both use examples use the
1930s - 40s images from the US Library of Congress on Flickr Commons.
Use open media to illustrate books for
example - childrens stories
Credit, Ideas and Images; Zoe Toft: http://www.playingbythebook.net/2014/03/18/barbapapas-new-house-a-book-sogood-im-featuring-it-for-a-second-time/
Online Quizzes, MC etc
Google Doc (Forms) make it easy to create quizzes and surveys using images, video
Hand Colouring old photographs
Many of the B&W photographs and illustrations
from the BL digital collection on Flickr can be
considered suitable for hand colouring
The example here used a free online browser
based photo-editing software to try and recreate
the ‘traditional’ hand coloured look. However one
could take a much more radical approach with
some of the
Then & Now - Film Archives
Combining today’s simple digital cameras, mobile
devices with the availability of historic images and
easy to use editing software (including online tools)
we have a great opportunity to bring past and
present together in video formats.
Here is a remarkable example of a Then and Now
video mixing contemporary footage with the work of
the 1920s, cinematographer Claude Friese-Greene.
See also: HistoryPin,
by; Simon Smith http://youtu.be/5kml92pPjx0
Note Simon has made this available with a CC BY SA
license, on Vimeo http://vimeo.com/81368735
Digital Effects
Building on the previous use of the Ken
Burns effect)
This sophisticated example by Joe Bell. a
New Media student at the University of
Leeds, uses advanced tools and
techniques including Adobe Photoshop...
and to quote Joe ”Blood Sweat and
Credit: Joe Bell http://youtu.be/uiS1cx38rKk
Analysis and Visualisation
Using a collaborative online mind map to analyse an image, please help edit here:
The British Library collection is a goldmine for maps,
and cartography related content. Here a BL map of
Rome has been overlaid on Google Earth layer,
See also http://www.bl.uk/maps/
Annotated Images
There are a number of online tools that let
you add interactive (hypertext) notes and
comments to online images you discover or
upload. You can add extra information from
Wikipedia, YouTube and share on social
media. Perhaps, hyperlink images to each
other to create a digital story or ask visitors to
add notes, fill in missing information, for
example faces, signs or objects.
One needs to recognise that these kind of
open tools could lend themselves to ‘mischief
Interactive Video Remixes
Augmented Remixes
There are a number of excellent online timeline creation
tools available. TimeLine JS (top) requires some
spreadsheet data skills and computational knowledge is
Hitstropedia links to articles in Wikipedia to create events on
a timeline on the ‘fly’
Both are free and open collaborative projects.
Credit: Advertising Timeline Sara lomax & Sara Wingate
Using a historical image as an inspiration for computer
modelling with Minecraft.
Minecraft Image credit: Delta 139 https://www.flickr.com/photos/delta_139/
Model of Comet 67P
(Rosetta Mission) on
Sketchfab by Steren
downloaded under a CC
Licence and overlaid on to
a Public Domain view of
Comet Model Credit:: Steren Giannini, CC BY, https://skfb.ly/BMRK
Computing <Coding> ICT & Digital Literacy
Computing at School: http://community.computingatschool.org.uk/resources/2078
Credit Miles Berry and Peter Kemp
Games Metadata
Screencast tools
wide range of tools
easy to use
many free
browser based
some can be as sophisticated as video
editing software
lots of creative potential
Most uses are probably still centred around ‘how to’
use software
screencasts are ideally suited format for
explanatory videos such as the Khan Academy
SmartHistory series:
More teachers are joining.....
use code: MXTM9TX. to join It will expire on Nov 23rd
Other Initiatives - Leicester LEA
Leicester LEA (local Education
Authority) has:
Allowed all its 84 schools to
create and share Open
Educational Resources (OER)
Published guidance & legal
frameworks for schools
Provided excellent
downloadable resources to help
schools get started with this
Thanks: Josie Fraser @josiefraser
Other Initiatives - HandsOn ICT
International Open MOOC
Using ICT
Learning Designs
3005 Participants in third pilot, now live
Open Badges
Thank You
Using Media Archives for Teaching, Learning, and developing Curriculum
Twitter: @Theokl, Contact info: http://about.me/theo.kuechel