Zone 1 Session 1 2010

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Transcript Zone 1 Session 1 2010

Zone 1
Session 1 2010
The Role of a Numeracy PLT
Session 1: The Role of a Numeracy PLT
Session 2: A Process for Studying Lessons
Session 3: Trialing a Common Framework
Learning with understanding
327 + 431 =
• Tell me about the answer
How many digits will it have?
Will it be an even/odd number?
Will it be divisible by 5?
Will it be divisible by 2?
Will it be closer to 500 or 1000?
9 -9.15
Warm Up
9 .15 – 9.45
Recap/Movement since S1-4 2009
9.45 – 11.00
PLTs – What are they?
Issues to clarify
Some PLT models to consider
11.00 – 11.30 MT
11.30 -1.00
A PLT model
Jack and Blake
The purpose of this session is for
participants to:
• brief recap/feedback on 2009 AiZ outputs
• consider the role and purpose of a Numeracy PLT
• discuss how a Numeracy PLT might function
• examine some issues that may impact on a
Numeracy PLT’s effectiveness
• experience a Numeracy PLT conversation
Recap 2009
The Whole School Numeracy Plan
The documents behind the plan
•Annual Assessment plan
•PLT Learning logs
•Numeracy timetable for each year
•Common weekly planning document
•Common numeracy lesson template
•PD plan semester/annual
•PLT documents
•Peer obs., coaching/mentoring docs
What does a Numeracy PLT do?
Prioritize – top 5
Results from Group Bundling activity
Analyse data & evidence of st lrng to moderate & coll decide what st needs to lrn next
Use data to plan nxt stage of developmnt for ind & cohorts of st.
Evidence based practice – use data to inform practice
Discuss challeng/devlop ped beliefs/underst to improve tch practice to enhance st
Meet to identify lrng needs of lw, mid & high cohort gps
Identify/analyse data to measure, scaffold & review st lrng
Discuss/interpret st data
Targetting ideas that scaff st lrng & challenging evidence
Analyse data to target, track & set goals for st lrng
Share/discuss ideas & challenge current practices
Feedback to discuss set goals
Identify/ share PD for the group
Aligning PD with the sch direction
Review & develop resources for classroom tchs
Develop collective response for all st
Consider how a Numeracy PLT
differs from these other team
• Whole staff meeting
• Area/Level meeting
• Maths Curriculum Committee meeting
• Grounds/Integration/Gifted/Welfare…team
Issues for Numeracy PLT meetings
Literacy or Numeracy
Frequency of meetings
Length of meetings
Team size
Team leader
Peer accountability
Choice of Assessment tools
Agenda/structure for the meeting
Role of PLT Team Leader
Keep the PLT focus
PD the team
Ensure challenge not ‘share’
Link data to classroom practice
Team build
Morning tea
Some models
• Form groups of about 4 people who
represent at least 3 different schools
• Take turns to describe the Numeracy PLT
model that operates at your school and
how effective you feel it is in moving
students along the continuum
The developmental model
This model seeks to identify the place of
every student along a continuous
developmental pathway …..
And then design ‘personalised’ learning to
target each student’s needs
A Numeracy PLT model
1. Review the data
Seek evidence (make, say, do, write)
Challenge inference
Is the student where you expected?
What makes you say that?
Standardized Testing
Adaptive On Line
Torch etc
Teacher Assessment
of Data
Student Work
Assessment for Learning
Teacher Observations
Teacher Tests
Below Expected Level
Above Expected Level
Expected Level
Developmental Learning Continuum
Using the Triangulation of Data place all students on the Learning Continuum
A Numeracy PLT model
2. Plan the next step
Where does the student need to go next?
3. Identify the strategies and resources
How will the student get there?
4. Stipulate the evidence required
How will we know when the student is there?
• A Numeracy PLT is NOT about ‘sharing’ what I
did in class today or describing an engaging
activity that I came across
• A Numeracy PLT is a collaborative, professional
discussion focused on identifying a starting point
for student learning and designing effective
learning opportunities to move students along
the learning continuum
Jack’s work sample
Role play in groups of 5 (15 minutes)
1. Jack’s teacher
2. Team Leader
3. Team member
4. Team member
5. Observer/recorder of questions
being asked/challenges posed
For next session
• Please bring samples of some of the
planning docs your school has developed
as part of your Numeracy Annual Plan
• Please bring an example of the evidence
presented by one teacher and the
documentation that arose from one
Numeracy PLT meeting. Be ready to
describe the PLT discussion