Transcript Document

DCM 5.1
How do I Minimize my Investment in Time
Searching for a New Colo/Cloud Provider?
Jake Sherrill, CEO, Tier 4 Advisors
Agenda – let out early, your time is important!
Talk about steps for efficient RFQ
Discuss added details
Do we get overwhelmed?
We Are All Very Busy
Often we are so busy in the trenches we put off the
important time sensitive tasks that are not the
current fire of the day.
We Don’t Have The Time:
Time Is Money?
Time is truly money if we look at our time as an
investment we will protect it, and spend it on takes
that our valuable.
The FOUR EASY STEPS listed below will help you
minimize your time spent searching for a colo or
cloud provider
Remember Competition is Good!
You learn more about what is available and
what you need.
1. Identify what you want to accomplish
Meet with your team.
* both internal and consultants
Write down your needs and goals.
Identify providers who can help you.
Send your goals to those providers and ask for “1st
pass quotes”.
2. Get 1st Pass Quotes
In the beginning use the phone to minimize
investment in time.
Face to face meetings come later.
Evaluate all pros and cons from each provider.
Remember to write them out
Sift through proposals and see if they're apples
to apples.
Refine requirements.
3. Get 2nd Pass Quotes
Hold a “Bidders Call” with all providers.
Ask for best and final figures MRC/NRC.
Pick your “Top 3” out of the group.
Invite the Top 3 to do an onsite presentation in front
of your top 5-10 stake holders.
4. Negotiate
There is more to negotiate than price.
Ask for what you need.
You never know unless you ask.
Ideas include - waived NRC, 20% off MRR, 1st rights, SLA.
Ask about free or credited migration services.
Find out who “wants to play ball” out of those 3.
Final Thoughts
Don’t get struck with analysis paralysis.
Execute the plan.
Move through the steps
Remember you are looking for a long term partner so
you better like them!
“A good plan violently executed now is better
than a perfect plan executed next week.”
- George S. Patton
Jake Sherrill, CEO, Tier 4 Advisors
[email protected]