Transcript Slide 1

While marijuana legalization has been a forefront
issue ever since the sixties, lowering the drinking age
has always been in the hindsight of the American
The human brain, at least in males reaches its highest
point of maturity at the age of eighteen. I understand
that those extra three years of life experiences at to
the maturity but the brain will no longer be
developing after this age. [The author appears to be
a human male.]
In addition, the first year of college is most
teenagers' first experience of unchaperoned,
hedonistic situations.
War is an act of humanity and should remain an act
of humanity.
The alliteration of the “harm to humans” is also
reminiscent of a snake’s hiss, as well as the hard
sound of “devoted to devising” contributes to
another coldness towards which readers may not feel
so fond.
Upon opening this document, I had a general idea of
my own thoughts and opinions. However, upon truly
thinking, focusing, and pondering originality- this
document seemed to have wrote itself.
When I was a sophomore my English class read the Odyssey, a book which I
hated, the language confused me and the stories were to complex for my Facebook
addled mind to handle. When I told my teacher this she appealed to me, a
voracious reader of novels, "How can you not like the Odyssey?" she asked. Well I
thought, I just hate it. "You do know that every story stems from it right?". This
both fascinated and horrified me at the same time. One book had created all of the
novels I enjoyed?
Looking closely at the Odyssey you can see a lot of parallels between today's
generic story lines and Odysseus's journey, but it doesn't by any means cover
every other story ever told. Even so, culture is constantly repeating itself. A Marx
Brothers gag shows up on the Disney channel, or Marc Jacobs brings back grunge.
Originality is no longer brought in the brand new, it would be naiive to think so as
there is no more brand new, but is instead brought in the reinvention.
Although some people might argue that a lack of originality is a negative thing, I
believe that it will bring on even more creativity. It is far harder to recreate
something beautiful than make something horrible that no one has ever seen
before. [This was produced in ten minutes and nine seconds by a student with an
SATV in the 600s.]
Sufjan Stevens, the leader of the this movement, has
taken a genre that already existed and made it his
own by means of composition and strap on fairy
The robot takeover of hundreds of comic books
begins at choices like these.
-lower drinking age? pro
.will decrease the number of people drinking because the lust
of illegal actions is lessening
[From the resulting essay…]
There are many people that do drink, but there should not be
complete disapproval of such actions. Rather then those
actions being frowned-upon, there should be more classes
within schools to raise awareness of how to be safe. Yes, the
age of being able to consume alcohol is twenty-one, but
adults cannot be nieve about such actions.
Drinking? one of the leading causes of death among people, yet
teens to be specific. Drinking age? What is a drinking age? when
you attend a high school party and see alcohol, is a drinking age
rule been followed? To the best of my knowledge I believe every
high school student is obviously under the so called "drinking age."
But why do they do it? teen mind is an amazing piece of work, and
it works in magnificient ways. More rules and obstacles will
always lead into more destrustion within teens and the society.
Because the teen mind is not built to follow rules due to the
constant and unfortunate peer pressure that blinds the current teen.
So, would lowering the drinking age save more lives? Stats do not
mean anything when it comes to saving even a single life.
[ . . . ] You might claim that when you lower the drinking age,
people will consume less. But I ask, what proof do you have? Just
because they lowered the price of fish-o-fillet sandwich at
Mcdonald's did not make people not consume it anymore, but bulk
up on fish sandwiches for a $1 each.
As teens, some think that they run the world, they just
graduated high school so they think they know everything,
and that they are never at fault for anything but that
sometimes that is not true.
[ . . . ] Although this maybe true I do not agree on this
thought process because, being an elementary education
major, I feel that your at college not only to enjoy yourself but
to learn more about your future career. For one the education
field it is very tough to get into but they also have strict rules
about breaking laws or getting under ages. I feel like this is
good because it makes them see what students are really is
passionate about the field and who is not, this also shows the
person who maybe your boss someday you can be mature and
fallow rules.
Morality is something that all humans are plagued
with. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to make choices
without the potential emotions or backfiring that
Technology is sneaking its way into every part of our
lives. From brushing our teeth with new electric
toothbrushes, to laptop computers which many
people can not love without, technology is slowly
beginning to govern our lives.
It has been said, though by who I cannot say, that as
artists we "stand on the soldiers of giants" in the
sense that all creative works build upon those efforts
of the past.