Transcript MLP OASYS









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• OASYS is a component of My Learning Plan that districts can purchase to help manage the Educator Evaluation Process in a secure, efficient manner.

• The Tri-Town administrative team has been piloting this program since September to evaluate it’s effectiveness and ease of use.

• Given the positive experience we have had, we have decided to implement OASYS beginning in September of 2014 for all educators being evaluated under the new educator evaluation model.


• Why choose OASYS rather than staying with our current paper system or choosing another program that can accomplish the same thing?

• We currently use MLP and are familiar with it. OASYS uses the same log in as MLP so you won’t need a new user name and password.

• OASYS has the ability to pull all your professional development activities into your formative and summative reports since it is all one integrated system. • It is completely customizable allowing us to create and adapt forms, rubrics, and settings.

• It has the capacity to schedule meetings (announced observations, formative and summative meetings) and sync the dates to your Outlook and Google calendars.

What Can OASYS Do?

• • • • OASYS houses all the forms you need to fill out throughout an evaluation cycle. They are pre-set in your profile based on the evaluation cycle you are in. OASYS allows you to submit your self-assessment, goals, educator plan and artifacts to your evaluator in an easy, efficient, secure manner.

Your evaluator will be able to complete your observation on line and submit it to you electronically for your acknowledgement and comments.

OASYS allows you to upload all artifacts and easily link them to the goal and/or the standard they align with.

You can access your evaluation portfolio by clicking on the “My Evaluations” link in the navigation bar on your main “Learning Tab” page.

The “Action Required” Section serves as a dashboard providing you with alerts notifying you about what you need to do next.

The blue text is a hyperlink which will bring you right to the form you need to complete.

Form Tools

At the top of forms you will find a tool bar to help you. At the bottom of most forms you will find the buttons seen below. OASYS allows you to save your work as you go without actually submitting it. This is helpful if you are interrupted while working on a form. It allows you to save your work and notify an administrator. It also allows you to clear the page by clicking on the reset button if you want to start over. Once you are confident that the form is complete, you click the submit button and it will be routed to your evaluator. The evaluator will acknowledge that it was received, possibly make a comment, and then approve the submission. You can also send a comment to the evaluator if you wish.

The Educator’s Role in OASYS

• The Educator has 4 (or 5) tasks to complete throughout the process: 1. Complete the Self-Assessment form 2. Complete the Goal Setting Form 3. Complete the Educator Plan 4. Complete a Pre-Observation form (for Announced Observation Only) 5. Upload Artifacts to OASYS The next series of slides will show you the forms in detail and explain how to upload artifacts.


Part 1: Analysis of Student Learning, Growth and Achievement Part 2: Assessment of Practice Against Performance Standards

Goal Setting

Stud ent Learning SMART Goal Professional Practice SMART Goal

Educator Plan

The first section of the Educator Plan asks you to identify if this is an initial plan (year 1 of a 2 year cycle) or a revised plan (year 2 of a 2 year cycle) This section of the plan asks you to describe the activities in your plan related to the student learning goal. This section of the plan asks you to describe the activities in your plan related to the Professional Practice goal.

What’s Next?

• Once you complete your 3 forms, begin paying close attention to the quality teaching you are doing (and have always done)!

• Identify artifacts that can be used as evidence of meeting the 4 standards in your rubric as well as evidence that you are working towards your Student Learning and Professional Practice Goals.

• Upload artifacts throughout the evaluation cycle. It is recommended that you upload as you go, rather than waiting and doing it all at once.

Uploading Artifacts

• • • • Artifacts can be uploaded by the educator at any time during the evaluation cycle prior to the formative and summative meetings. Artifacts no longer need to be delivered all at once to the evaluator.

The artifact upload tool eliminates the need for the educator to complete the “Educator Evidence Collection Form”. Each time an artifact is uploaded, the educator describes the artifact and aligns it to the standards and/or goals.

Directions have been provided explaining the artifact upload process step-by-step in a hand out for reference as needed.

You can also view the Artifact Upload tutorial at:

Uploading Artifacts Video Tutorial

Pre-Conference Form

• The only other form you may be responsible for filling out is the Pre-Conference form. This form is only required for announced observations.

The Evaluator’s Role in OASYS

The Evaluator is responsible for completing the remaining forms in the evaluation process: 1. Announced and/or Unannounced Observation form(s) 2. Evaluator Collection of Evidence form 3. Formative Evaluation form (Formative Assessment form for non-PTS) 4. Summative Evaluation form The Educator has an opportunity to provide comments on each of these forms but is not required to fill them out.

• • • •

Observation Form

The plan you are on dictates the number of observations you have during your cycle and whether or not they are announced or unannounced observations. The form is the same for both with the exception of the title (Announced or Unannounced).

Once your evaluator observes you, they will complete the observation form on OASYS and submit it electronically for your review. It will appear on your main “Learning Plan Tab” page under “Action Required”. The observation form includes a spot for the evaluator to comment on your goals and all four standards on the rubric. However, most observations only address a few standards and may not be related at all to your goals, particularly if it is unannounced, so the evaluator will only comment on what is observed.

When you receive the form, you must acknowledge that you received it. This does not signify agreement with the comments made, just acknowledgement that it was received. You can also submit a comment back to the evaluator.

Rubric- Heat Map

Each time the evaluator clicks on a box in the educator’s rubric during an observation it is saved. As the evaluator continues to use the rubric throughout the cycle, a heat map is created. The darkest color indicates the frequency in which a rating was selected. This will help evaluators make decisions about proficiency levels when completing the formative and summative evaluation reports.

Formative Evaluation Report

• The Formative Evaluation Report (for PTS Educators at the end of year 1 of a 2 year cycle) requires the evaluator to rate the educator’s progress on their goals and their performance against the standards.

There are three sections to this report:

1. Progress Toward Goals: Student Learning and Professional Practice • The Evaluator indicates the level of progress made-(Exceeded, Met, Significant Progress, Some Progress, or Did Not Meet) and provides feedback 2. Progress in Relation to the Standards- Rubric is included • The Evaluator indicates the level of progress made-(Exceeded, Met, Significant Progress, Some Progress, or Did Not Meet) and provides feedback. The rubric is highlighted from observations as well as the analysis of artifacts submitted.

3. Overall Performance Rating- The Evaluator provides a rating of Exemplary, Proficient, Unsatisfactory or Needs Improvement and provides feedback.

Recap of Educator’s Role in OASYS

1. Complete the Self-Assessment Form 2. Complete the Goal Setting Form 3. Complete the Educator Plan 4. Upload Artifacts to OASYS 5. Complete the Pre-Conference Form (for Announced Observation only)

And most importantly…….

Continue to TEACH instruction you have always shown! with the quality of Use this process to highlight the strengths you already have and to identify areas where you want to improve.