Transcript Slide 1

•Evaluation Plan and all reports are public on the SF webpage or on
the webpage of relevant ministry. We are aiming at publishing all
evaluation reports centrally on the structural fund website.
•In most cases summaries or whole report
is also available in
•Presently in the evaluation plan listed 21 evaluations covering the
period 2010 - 2015, half of them finalized, some in progress and
some to be carried out next year.
• MoSA has carried out most of the recent evaluations – the latest
was: Evaluation of the measure 1.3.4 – “Health awareness”.
•Evaluation of the measure 1.3.5. “Gender mainstreaming” will be
procured in the beginning of 2013, finished by June/July 2013
Follow-up system
•Presently state of implementation of the follow-up activities is
asked at least twice a year, always presented also during
evaluation working group meetings.
• At the moment the last update was asked in September for
compiling the strategic report for EC.
•Other tools under consideration for follow up as well as for
finding relevant suggestions with regard to problematic issues.
•The follow-up activities are in focus, since most of the
recommendations have been addressed to the new programming
period and we look through all earlier relevant
Challenges for the 2014-2020 period
•Evaluation results and recommendations should be even more taken
into account during decision making on different policy options.
Therefore as the strategic planning concept is revised we take
evaluation as part of the programming cycle very much into account.
•From the last meeting of the MA of the Baltic States - we have a
common interest to boost evaluation quality and bring dissemination
of results to a new stage. Possibility for joint evaluations and cooperation of evaluators is under discussion.
•To develop evaluation capacity and raise evaluation quality and
usefulness in Estonia Evaluation Good Practice Guidelines are
developed by ESTES in co-operation with Evaluation Working Group.
Will be ready by the end of the year. Covers also distribution and
utilization of evaluation results.
Institutional Set-up for Evaluations during
Ministry of Finance
• State Budget Department in the MoF is responsible for the evaluation
function of MA.
•Co-ordination of Evaluations is more strongly concentrated to the MA,
member of evaluation steering groups.
•Prepares multi-annual evaluation plan for approval to the MC.
•Chairs the Evaluation Working Group meetings.
•Contracts ex-ante evaluation, SEA, mid-term evaluation, horizontal
evaluations and as implementation of SF will be more result oriented –
possibly more short ad-hoc evaluations for immediate remedial action.
• Reports to the MC on the implementation of the evaluation results.
Institutional Set-up for Evaluations during
Evaluation Working Group
•Will be functioning as advisory committee and support group.
•During the meetings evaluation needs are discussed for preparing the
multi-annual evaluation plan.
•Meetings will be used for dissemination of evaluation results and best
practices, for open and systematic dialogue between different
institutions on evaluation subject.
•Approves the multi-annual evaluation plan. Evaluation plan will be
made public on the SF website.
•Controls the implementation of the evaluation plan and monitoring of
evaluation results
Institutional Set-up for Evaluations during
Intermediate Bodies
•Intermediate Bodies in close co-operation with MA will commission
evaluations assessing how support from the CSF has contributed to the
objectives of specific priority axes and measures.
•Close co-operation means – we intend to advise during compiling the
ToR and be part of the evaluation supervising commissions during
selection of the evaluator and commenting process of evaluation
•Will commission and implement any other evaluations agreed on and
fixed in the evaluation plan
Ex-ante evaluation
• Evaluation will be carried out by Praxis in cooperation with Centre
for Pure Development.
•Evaluation team – leading expert on methodology and evaluation
content, process leader, evaluation working groups for each field
and working group leaders.
• Kick-off meeting was on 22.08.2012
• Inception Report has been presented, includes specific timeline
and process description, agreed methodology and the list of
•Evaluators prepare 3 Interim Reports (Excel table supplemented
with text) and Final Evaluation Report.
• Final Evaluation Report is due 28.06.2013
•Public presentation of evaluation results in July or August 2013
Ex-ante evaluation (2)
• Subject to evaluation are the selected objectives and their
solutions for EU financing (I report), formed priority axis
and initial financing plan (II report), first draft of the
partnership agreement and OP (III report) and final
version of the partnership agreement and OP.
•Basis for the evaluation are the documents approved by
the cabinet, latest additional information as bases for
evaluation are sent to evaluators as prepared (position
paper, guidance doc. etc).
•In addition recommendations and problem areas are
presented to MoF if necessary as they arise to enable
prompt reaction and taking them into account as soon as
Ex-ante evaluation (3)
• Evaluators attend 27 meetings where proposed priority
axis and indicators are discussed.
• 3 open seminars for 200 participants in November and
February where initial findings are introduced.
• Before each interim report and final evaluation report
validation seminars will be organized with representatives
of the ministries and 2014+ planning team, where the
initial findings and recommendations are discussed.
•4 meetings on discussing findings and recommendations
presented in evaluation reports with MA and 2014+
planning team.
Main tasks of the ex-ante evaluation
•To evaluate the validity of selected national objectives and
their solutions for EU financing.
• Give recommendations for setting the specific objectives
and priority axis as well as defining the intervention logic
and developing measures.
•Evaluate internal coherence of the OP and its relation with
other national and EU instruments.
•Assess the relevance of set indicators and verify baselines
for result indicators, evaluate monitoring and control
systems, identify future evaluation needs and collection of
data needed.
•Give recommendations for forming the implementation
Ex-ante evaluation
•Ex-ante evaluation covering Partnership Agreement and
OP of CP funds and separate contract for SEA co-ordinated
by MoF as well as ex-ante evaluation on RDP co-ordinated
by Ministry of Agriculture are running in parallel.
•Ex-ante evaluation for EMFF OP will be commissioned
Additional questions
with regard to
evaluation issues
[email protected]