Writing Lesson Plans

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Writing Lesson Plans
ECED 3400
General Information
School/Mentor Teacher
Grade Level
Subject Area(s)
Date Taught
Total Duration of Lesson
Signature of Mentor
Date of Mentor Approval
Total Duration
Make sure the total length of the lesson is
appropriate for the age and developmental
level of the children.
State the duration in hours and minutes
rather than periods.
Title of lesson
Primary Learning Outcomes
Primary learning outcomes (PLO) are
statements of what a student is expected
to be able to DO as a result of a learning
Write each primary learning outcome (PLO)
as a statement.
Do not include additional learning
Primary Learning Outcomes
Primary learning outcomes:
Focus on specific behavior that is to be
Serve as guidelines for content,
instruction, and assessment.
Convey to learners exactly what is to be
Three Characteristics of Good
Learning Outcomes
The specified action by the learners must
be observable.
The specified action by the learners must
be measurable.
The specified action must be done by the
How do you determine if an
outcome is unclear?
Ask a simple question:
Can it be measured?
Which of the following outcomes are
written clearly?
1. Students will understand nine reasons
for conducting a needs assessment.
2. Students will list nine reasons for
conducting a needs assessment.
Choosing the Correct Verbs for
Learning Outcomes
Primary learning outcomes should include
action verbs which result in overt behavior
that can be observed and measured.
Certain verbs are unclear and subject to
different interpretations in terms of what
action they are specifying. Such verbs call
for covert behavior which cannot be
observed or measured.
Choosing the Correct Verbs for
Learning Outcomes
Examples of good action verbs:
compile, create, plan, revise, analyze, design,
select, arrange, recognize, list, name, label,
classify, describe, discuss, identify,
contrast,demonstrate, construct, write, predict,
compare, assemble, choose
Examples of verbs to avoid:
know, become aware of, appreciate, learn,
understand, become familiar with
Assessed QCCs/GPS
Assessed GPS / QCCs must be aligned to the
primary learning outcome(s).
Identify one or two GPS or QCC standard(s)
closely aligned to each primary learning
Include the strand, number, topic and standard
as stated in the GPS / QCC.
Do not include every GPS / QCC that is aligned
to the PLO.
The assessment is actually planned when
the lesson outcome is written.
As learning outcomes and assessments
are planned, teachers should remember
that assessment is not necessarily a paper
and pencil test. It can take many forms.
Make sure the assessment is directly
related to the learning outcome.
The assessment is a clear description of the
method that will be used to accurately determine
whether or not the students have mastered the
learning outcome.
The purpose of the assessment is to inform the
teacher and the students of how well the
students are progressing.
It also helps the teacher determine whether it is
appropriate to build on the current lesson or
whether he/she needs to reteach or change the
lesson model, methods, or materials.
Assessment needs to be of each individual
student’s independent performance. Do
not confuse assessment and teaching.
Monitor the students during the body of
the lesson and during guided practice to
give you an idea of when to formally
What are some different ways outcomes
can be assessed?
If the assessment will take place at a time
other than during the lesson, specify when
the assessment will occur.
Use letters for each assessment that correspond
to the letters used to identify PLO(s).
Describe the evidence the student will provide to
document achievement of each PLO.
Explain how you will assess and record this
evidence for each PLO for each student.
Identify the step(s) in the procedures in which
the assessment will be done.
Attach a copy of any written assessment
technique(s) used by the teacher or students
(e.g. graphic organizer, data chart, test, quiz, or
other print resource).
Students will identify and name at least 2 types of
During centers, students will be called up
individually to place their hands in a Feelie Box,
pull out miniature models of transportation, and
name the type of transportation. Students will
receive satisfactory for identifying at least 2
types of transportation correctly.
1. In a given role play, students will correctly think
aloud and demonstrate each step in standing up
for someone.
1. The following day, the teacher will pull a small
group of students at a time. Using a new
scenario provided by the teacher, each group
will think aloud and demonstrate each step in
standing up for someone.
A. When shown a blank diagram of a
volcano, students will label all five parts
A. During independent practice, an
unlabeled diagram of a volcano will be
passed out, and students will label the five
The assessment must match the primary
learning outcomes. Write the letter of each
primary learning outcome and how each
will be assessed.
All outcomes must be assessed.
Do not align assessments with GPS / QCC
Materials and Equipment
Provide a list of all materials and
equipment that you will need as you teach,
practice, and assess each PLO.
Write all references using the correct APA
Materials and Equipment
If modifying a lesson from the Internet or
another source, provide a copy of the
original lesson.
Include copies of anything you give to
students, sketches of materials you
prepare, examples/models you show to
students, and copies of transparencies
Technology Connection
Note: Optional unless required by the
course instructor.
Include a component for technology
enhancement by describing an appropriate
computer-based activity or including the
use of an Internet resource(s).
Describe the computer-based activity.
Provide the information below for the
Internet resource(s):
Title: (List the title of the web site.)
URL: (Copy and paste the URL here.)
Procedures Overview
Step One: Introduction
Step Two: Teaching the PLO’s
-Develop content relevant to the PLO’s
-Check for understanding
-Provide practice and feedback related to
the PLO’s.
Step Three: Closure
An introduction prepares students' minds for
learning. A good introduction contains four
 Getting the students’ attention and getting
them excited about the lesson.
 Sharing the lesson's outcome(s), in general
 Relating the new learning to the students’
past knowledge and experience.
 Telling students why the knowledge or skill
they are learning is important to them.
Example of a Good Introduction
Holding up a very large tomato (getting attention), the
teacher says, "Class,think for a second about what
we learned in our last science unit. What conditions
are needed to grow healthy plants, like this tomato?
(relating to past experience/knowledge)." The teacher
then lists student's responses on the board. "This
week, each of you will each be acting like a scientist
to design and then conduct your own experiments to
produce big and healthy vegetables (sharing
outcome in general terms). Not only will this be a lot
of fun, but what you learn this week will help you
design a science fair project, which we'll be doing
later this year (creating a need to know).
Introduction Strategies to
Motivate or Focus Students
Tell or show students the lesson outcome.
Use an anticipatory set that relates directly to the lesson
to capture student interest.
Tell the purpose, rationale, importance, or application of
the lesson outcome.
Provide a key idea or ask a thought-provoking question
as an advance organizer.
Preview lesson content through a graphic organizer.
Provide initial examples that are humorous or
Introduction Strategies to Help
Students Make Connections
Connect the learning to personal experience and
prior knowledge.
Review earlier lessons or activities.
Preview upcoming lessons or activities.
Show students an outline of the whole unit.
State the relationship of the outcome to a more
long-term goal.
Connect to other subject areas.
Presentation of Information
The teacher presents the information
students need to know to meet the lesson
Before, during, or after the presentation
of information, teachers need to
demonstrate-show or model-the new
knowledge or skill.
Examples of demonstrations:
Show a product
Model a process
Use visual supports
Perform a skit or role play
During the presentation of information
portion of the lesson, teachers will
probably show examples or demonstrate
specific steps, but it is essential that they
model the whole product or process as
The presentation of information and
demonstration must match the learning
Guided Practice
Guided practice provides opportunities for
students to practice under the guidance or
supervision of the teacher.
It is very important that the teacher controls and
monitors this practice, so students are not
practicing errors.
Guided practice activities must match what was
taught during the teaching portion of the lesson.
All parts of the lesson must match the learning
Independent Practice
Independent practice is often provided through
activities, seatwork, and homework that help
students master, transfer, and retain the
information or skill.
Independent practice must match what was taught
during the teaching portion of the lesson and the
learning outcome(s).
Monitoring this practice will provide students with
important performance feedback and help you
determine when students need more instruction.
The lesson closure helps students tie the
material together.
It may follow the guided practice or
independent practice.
Lesson closure may be elaborate or
simple, but there always needs to be one.
The lesson closure may include one or more of
the following:
review of key of the lesson
opportunities for students to draw conclusions
preview of future learning
description of where or when students should
use their new skills or knowledge
a time for students to show their work
a reference to the lesson opening
Plan for Early Finishers
Provide a meaningful activity for students
who finish early
The activity should be related to the
Plan an activity even if the design of the
lesson is that all students will finish at the
same time
This is not an extension or remediation
Accommodations are required for Lesson
Plan # 2 and #3 in Professional Semester
– Plan for how the lesson can be taught
differently for diverse students and/or students
with exceptional needs.
– The same PLO(s) will be used.
Extension and Remediation are not
required for Professional Semester 1
lesson plans