Disrupting the Disruptor

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Transcript Disrupting the Disruptor


D R . G I B B I N N I N G T O N A D A P T E D B Y P R O F E S S O R A N D R E A N I E L S E N M . E D .


• The classroom is an Energy System. Why?

• It is a place that gathers together sources of energy…students.

• Is energy always in a classroom? Why or Why not?

• No, it depends on what the teacher does with it or what the students come in with.

• There can be positive and negative energy in a classroom.

• Give two examples of positive energy and negative energy in a classroom.


• Teacher – Friends – Learn • Teacher stands at the door and greets students with a hi five or a nicety (called a WOOF).

• • The students then can interact with one another.

When the bell rings they are then ready to learn.


• • • With a WOOF both gain energy.

Energy is lost as with each confrontation.

• What are some examples that cause a lose of energy?

If one looses the energy, who then gains it?