STATE OF ARKANSAS - Pulaski Technical College

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Full-Time Faculty Benefits Overview

January 2014


Employee Benefits

 Health Insurance Plan  Prescription Drug Plan  Delta Dental & Vision  Life Insurance  Long Term Disability  Cafeteria Plan  Retirement Plans  Personal & Sick Leave  Holiday Pay  Tuition Waivers  Workers’ Compensation  Voluntary Benefits Please note: If there are any discrepancies between this overview and state policy or the Board Policy Manual, state policy and the Board Policy Manual will take precedence. Insurance rates may be subject to change.


Filing of Credentials

• • It is the responsibility of each full-time faculty to have current credentials on file in the Office of Human Resources.

We must have an official transcript for your highest degree obtained. Please send to: Office of Human Resources Pulaski Technical College 3000 West Scenic Drive North Little Rock, Arkansas 72118 3

Open Enrollment

• • Each year during the month of November, Pulaski Technical College conducts an Open Enrollment period for all benefits. During this time, employees may elect to make changes to their existing benefits coverage. For example, if someone has “employee only” coverage and wishes to change to “family coverage”, they may make this change during the month of November.

During the course of the year, employees may make changes to their benefits due to "qualifying events". Qualifying events may occur due to change in marital status, the birth or adoption of a child, a change in the spouse’s job, etc. If you feel you have a qualifying event and would like to make a change, please contact the Human Resources Office.

To make Changes in Benefits Coverage

Contact Human Resources by calling 501-812-2784 or e-mailing Tricia Stapler at:

[email protected]


(Board Policy 2.70)

Health Insurance Plan QualChoice

 PPO Preferred Provider Organizations Find up-to-date directory:


New employees are eligible to enroll the first day of the month following their date of employment, or during annual open enrollment in November. Upon retirement, health insurance and some other benefits are eligible for continuation.


July 01, 2013 – June 30,2014 Employee Contributions PPO Participants Employee Only


80/20 coverage

PPO Participant Family Coverage


80/20 coverage 6


 Deductible: $500.00 Individual $1,000.00 Family X 2 family members  Maximum Out-of-Pocket Per Calendar Year PPO Plan PPO Plan Out-of-Network $2,000 per covered person $4,000 per covered person 7

Prescription Drug Plan

Provided by Express Scripts


 30-day supply of prescriptions can be purchased at most local pharmacies  Per covered person, per calendar year $10 Co-Pay: Generic $25 Co-Pay: Preferred $55 Co-Pay: Non-Preferred 8

Prescription Drug Plan

Optional Mail Service Benefit Provided by Express Scripts  90-day supply of long-term prescriptions can be purchased through optional mail order program  Per covered person, per calendar year Generic Preferred Non-Preferred 2 x $10 Co-pay = $20 2 x $25 Co-pay = $50 2 x $55 Co-pay = $110 9

Delta Dental

1-800-462-5410  Employee Only  Employee + One  Family  $50 Deductible Per Person $16.30



 Maximum Benefit Per Year $1500  No Deductible on Diagnostic & Preventive  No Waiting Period for New Employees  Benefits become effective the month following original hire date for New Employees 10

VSP Signature Plan

1-800-877-7195 Employee Only…………………$4.95   Employee + One………………$7.92

  Employee + Children………..$8.08

Employee +Family……………$13.03


Exam $10.00

Prescription Glasses $25.00

Contacts – No Co pay Applies


Single vision, lined bifocal, and lined trifocal lenses.

Polycarbonate lenses for dependent children .

Every-Other Calendar Year

Frame of your choice covered up to $130.00.

Plus, 20% off any out-of-pocket costs.


(Board Policy 2.70)

Life Insurance

$20,000 Basic Term Life Insurance benefit provided to all state employees at no cost to the employee -Provided by Lincoln Financial Optional Life Basic Dependent Spouse/ Child(ren) $.12 per $1,000 ($2.40 for $20,000)


< 34 years 35 – 39 years


$.08 per $1,000 $.11 per $1,000 Retiree Life $.19 per $1,000 (i.e. $3.80 for $20,000) Eligible active employees enrolled in basic life insurance $5,000 increments to a maximum of 5 times annual salary to a maximum amount of $300,000 40 – 44 years 45 – 49 years 50 – 54 years 55 – 59 years 60 – 64 years 65 – 69 years 70 – 74 years 75 – 99 years $.17 per $1,000 $.29 per $1,000 $.51 per $1,000 $.83 per $1,000 $1.08 per $1,000 $1.81 per $1,000 $3.30 per $1,000 $4.98 per $1,000 12

Long Term Disability

     60% of monthly earnings $6,000 monthly benefit max 120 Day Benefit Waiting Period (at least 80% loss in earnings) 36 Month Own Occupation Definition of Disability 100% Employer Paid Benefits Include:  $25,000 Reasonable Accommodation Expense Benefit  Partial Disability always covered  Lump Sum, Non-Integrated Survivors Benefit 13

Cafeteria Plan WageWorks – FLEX ONE IRS Section 125 Allows the use of pre-tax dollars for: Flexible Spending Accounts

 Child or Elder Day-Care expenses  Medical FSA plan

New employees are eligible to enroll in childcare and medical reimbursement on the first day of the month following their date of employment.


Reimbursement Accounts

Medical Expense

Maximum annual contribution: $2,500 

Dependent Care

Maximum Annual Contribution: $5,000

Plan Carefully. Money not used will be forfeited and used towards plan expenses.


AFLAC Supplemental Policies

• • Accident Cancer • • Disability Dreaded Disease • • Hospital Intensive Care • • Life Personal Recovery *please contact Atkins Insurance for more information. 501-228-0300 16

Pre-Paid Legal Services

• • Family Legal Service Plans Identity Theft Shield Jan Whitney – (501) 951-2417 [email protected]


(Board Policy 2.60)

Retirement Plans

Five (5) retirement plans are available to employees.

Participation in one of the systems is mandatory.

Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System (APERS)

 New faculty and staff may elect to be in APERS.

  All new employees are contributory. This plan vests in five years. The employee contributes 5 percent. The College contributes 14.88 percent.

Arkansas Teacher Retirement System (ATRS)

 New faculty and staff may elect to be in ATRS if they are already a fully vested ATRS member.

  All new employees are contributory. This plan vests in five years. The employee contributes 6 percent. The College contributes 14 percent.


Alternate Retirement Plans

Employees electing the ARP must contribute 6 percent of their gross salary, with the College contributing 10 percent. The following plans vest in one year.

Alternate Plans

 TIAA-CREF   Valic Met-Life

Supplemental (Voluntary) Annuity

All employees may exercise the option of carrying a supplemental annuity. This option will be unmatched and may not exceed the federally established limitation.

401(k) Plan Limits

Maximum elective deferral Defined contribution maximum deferral (employee/employer combined) Maximum catch-up contribution for those age 50 and older


$17,000 $49,000 $5,500 19

529 College Savings Plan

• Arkansas now offers a 529 college savings program. • Employees may set up contributions directly with Payroll.

• Arkansas taxpayers can deduct up to $5,000 (up to $10,000 for married couples) of your GIFT Plan contributions from your Arkansas adjusted gross income.


Workers’ Compensation

 For work related injury or illness  Pays about 2/3 of usual pay  $425 per week maximum  May be supplemented with sick leave and annual leave  College continues to pay health plan premiums while employee is on Worker’s Compensation 21

(Board Policy 2.52)

Sick Leave

 Sick leave accrues at the rate of one (1) day (8 hours) for each completed month of service  Sick leave must be accrued before it can be used  Full-Time (Nine Month) Faculty will accrue sick leave for the months of September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, and May 22

Professional Day Leave

• • • Full-time faculty members may request one professional leave day (8 hours) each fall and spring semester.

Request for the professional leave day will be made at least one week in advance.

A plan for class instruction will also be submitted to the Division Chair.

Faculty members receive all scheduled academic recesses in lieu of vacation leave


Children’s Educational Leave

• • • • • All state employees shall be entitled to eight (8) total hours of leave, regardless of the number of children, during any one (1) calendar year for the purpose of attending or assisting with the educational activities of a child (enrolled in pre-kindergarten through grade 12). The child may be a natural child, adopted child, stepchild, foster child, grandchild, ward of the state employee, or any other legal capacity where the state employee is acting as a parent for the child.

Child with disabilities: The definition of a child has been amended to include a child with a developmental disability that is over the age of 18 years old. The disability has to originate prior to the child reaching 22 years of age. “Educational Activity” means any school-sponsored activity. Prekindergarten: means an educational and child development program that is designed to prepare children who are at least three (3) years of age for an academic kindergarten program.


Family Medical Leave Act

Eligibility Requirements:  Must have worked for one year and a minimum of 1250 hours  Accrued/unused annual/sick leave is used concurrently with FMLA leave  Requires physician certification  Son or daughter must be under 18 years of age, or any age if incapable of self-care 25

Family Medical Leave Act

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 entitles “eligible” employees to a total of twelve (12) workweeks of unpaid leave during a 12-month period  For the serious illness of the employee  For the serious illness of family member  For the birth or adoption of a child 26

Family Medical Leave Act

• As of January 28, 2008, FMLA provides two important new leave rights related to military services: – New Qualifying Reason for Leave – Eligible employees are entitled up to 12 weeks of leave because of “any qualifying exigency” arising out of the fact that the spouse, son, daughter, or parent of the employee is on active duty, or has been notified of an impending call to active duty status, in support of a contingency operation. By the terms of the statute, this provision requires the Secretary of Labor to issue regulations defining “any qualifying exigency.” In the interim, employers are encouraged to provide this type of leave to qualifying employees.

New Leave Entitlement – An eligible employee who is the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of a covered service-member who is recovering from a serious illness or injury sustained in the line of duty on active duty is entitled to up to 26 weeks of leave in a single 12 month period to care for the service-member. This provision became effective immediately upon enactment. This military caregiver leave is available during “a single 12-month period” during which an eligible employee is entitled to a combined total of 26 weeks of all types of FMLA leave.

– Additional information on the amendments and a version of Title I of the FMLA with the new statutory language incorporated is available on the FMLA Amendments Website at



Maternity Leave

(Board Policy 2.53)  An employee may elect to take maternity leave without pay without exhausting accumulated sick and annual leave  Maternity leave runs concurrently with FMLA 28

Military Leave

(Board Policy 2.54) Full-time employees who are members of the National Guard or any of the reserve branches of the US Armed Forces are granted paid leave at the rate of fifteen (15) working days per calendar year, plus necessary travel time for annual training purposes 29

Court and Jury Leave

(Board Policy 2.54) An employee who serves as a juror or is subpoenaed as a witness to give a deposition in a court or hearing is entitled to receive normal and full compensation in addition to any fees paid for such service. Act 1845 of 2005 prohibits State employees from retaining witness or mileage fees when subpoenaed as a witness for a matter within the scope of their employment. 30

Leave Without Pay

Employees exhausting paid leave benefits may be eligible to receive leave without pay at the College’s discretion upon approval by the President 31

Catastrophic Leave Bank

    Employees may voluntarily donate accrued annual and sick leave to the Catastrophic Leave Bank as long as they have at least 80 hours of leave remaining after the donation.

The eligible employee must be a regular, benefits-eligible, full-time, employee of the college for at least two years Eligible employees who exhaust their annual and sick leave due to catastrophic illness of themselves or family members may apply for paid catastrophic leave for up to 6 months Employees must have at least 80 hours of accrued, unused combined annual and sick leave at the onset of the catastrophic illness to be eligible. This requirement may be waived based on extraordinary circumstances if approved by the President 32

8 Paid State Holidays

January 1 – New Year’s Day 

3 rd

Monday in January – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s and Robert E. Lee’s Birthday  Last Monday in May – Memorial Day  July 4 – Independence Day 

1 st

Monday in September – Labor Day 

4 th

Thursday in November – Thanksgiving Day  December 24 – Christmas Eve  December 25 – Christmas Day 33

2013-2014 Campus Closures

        May 27, 2013: Memorial Day July 4, 2013: Independence Day September 2, 2013: Labor Day November 27– 29, 2013: Thanksgiving December 23, 2013 – December 31, 2013: Christmas January 1, 2014: New Year’s Holiday January 20, 2014: Martin Luther King Jr. Day May 26, 2014: Memorial Day 34

Tuition Waivers

 Full-time employees, their spouses and dependent children meeting guidelines for the Tuition Waiver will be exempt from paying PTC tuition (except specialty fees). Employee enrollment in PTC courses will be subject to approval of his or her supervisor and will not interfere with College operations. An employee who attends class during his or her normal workday will be expected to make up the time  The dependent child must be under the age of 24 or any age if the child is permanently and totally disabled and must have met other tests as determined by the Internal Revenue Service.


• •

Employee Safety

Pulaski Technical College provides primary law enforcement service and community policing through the Campus Police/Public Safety department. Certified law enforcement personnel enforce federal, state and local laws, including criminal laws and vehicle code violations, as well as investigate all criminal and traffic cases that occur on the campus. The Campus Police/Public Safety department also provides policing for a variety of events held on campuses and off-site locations. For identification purposes, all employees are required to wear a picture i.d. badge at all times while present on any PTC Campus.

Employees are expected to observe all parking regulations.

• • • • Main Campus Duty Officer - 580-1831 West Campus Duty Officer - 580-1662 South Campus Duty Officer - 626-1752 Main Campus - 812-2711 36

Use of College Property

• All college owned equipment issued to employees in the performance of job duties and responsibilities including i.d. badges and building keys - must be returned immediately upon termination of employment with the college. • Proper clearance for return of all equipment is required before final pay check is released. 37

Technet (College Intranet)

• All employees will need to register for Technet, the College Intranet.

Log on to the Pulaski Tech Intranet site using your e mail log-in and password: 38

Technet – HR Forms

– – Common Forms are available online and accessible by employees on our Intranet, Technet: To Access Click on Employee Info tab Click on PTC Intranet Portal • • • •

Forms in Faculty/Staff drop down menu:

Leave request forms Payroll direct deposit change form Insurance reimbursement forms Tuition waiver request forms 39

Emergency Cell Message Alert

• To sign up for emergency alert system messages: – Log on to the Pulaski Tech Intranet site using your e mail log-in and password: – Click on Emergency Notification Setup (located on “Home” tab) – Follow directions for registration 40

Other Benefits

Social Security & Medicare  Normal retirement at age 65 By 2027, Age 67 Reduced Benefits at Age 62  Find our about your estimated benefits

1-800-772-1213 41

Computer Use

• • All Pulaski Technical College employees are required to read the following documents and to adhere to the standards within: – Bulk Electronic Mail Distribution List Policy – Internet and E-mail Use Policy These policies are available on the Pulaski Technical College website:

– – Click on Faculty and Staff Click on Human Resources The policies are located in the section titled “Other” 42

Faculty and Staff Handbook

• • • • • The Faculty and Staff Handbook is available on Pulaski Technical College’s website: resources/fac_staff_handbook.pdf

or Go to Click on Faculty and Staff Click on Faculty & Staff Handbook (PDF) 43

Who to ask?

For questions regarding employee benefits information, contact

Tricia Stapler

in Human Resources

(501) 812-2784 [email protected]

[email protected]