Transcript Slide 1

Brent Boe
Vasanthanag Vasili
Rootkits: What is a Rootkit?
A rootkit is a set of tools used for (covertly)
maintaining root access to a system
Rootkits allow attackers the ability to
circumvent protection mechanisms limiting
root access
Provide a much higher layer of stealth than
normal “Trojan programs” by hiding
processes and files
Rootkits: What is NOT a
A rootkit is not an exploit used to gain root
Rootkits can only work if the attacker can gain
administrative access
(Typical) Attacker sequence of events
Locate vulnerability on target host
Run exploit to gain root access
Install Rootkit
Remove Evidence
Locate next vulnerable host
Rootkit Functionality
Maintain Access
Destroy evidence
Disable shell history (e.g. Linux - unset HISTFILE; export
Kill syslog daemon and freeze the system log
Modify log files
Attack other systems
SSH (is for script kiddies)
Reverse shell (a bit unusual if servers initiate connections)
Covert channel backdoor – a signal system buried in an arbitrary field of a
completely innocuous protocol.
Local attack tools - Password Cracking, Capture root and access and obtain
access to machines
Remote attack tools - Scanners and Autorooters
DOS tools –Conduct DOS attack on remote server
Clean the host system of previous infections
More than one rootkit can cause system instability and compromise the rootkit
What does a Rootkit hide?
The attacker’s files
The attacker’s processes (eg: sniffers, PW
The attacker’s user account
Unusual environment variables (network
cards in promiscuous mode)
Specific network connections to and from
compromised machines
Necessary Background
The Kernel Space is more privileged than the User
The lower a rootkit can go, the more likely it is to
avoid detection and defeat Host Intrusion Prevention
User Space
Kernel Space
Necessary Background
The Intel x86 based chips use “rings” for access
control with Ring 0 being the most permissive and
Ring 3 being the most restrictive
User programs run in
Ring 3
Kernel programs run in
Ring 0
Ring 0
Rings 1 and 2 are
Types of Rootkits
Binary Rootkits
Kernel Rootkits
System call Rootkits
Library Rootkits
Virtual Machine
Database Rootkits
Runtime Kernel
User Space
Kernel Space
Kernel Space
User Space
Kernel Space and User
User Space
Kernel Space
Binary Rootkits
These rootkits are collections of subverted popular
system binaries (or executables).
Trojaned to perform action conducive to attacker (eg:
hide malicious process)
Binary files usually precompiled for particular platform for
user to choose & utilize correct one
Attacker deploys kit after breaking In via installation
script which places binaries over original ones & saves
old copies
On Linux, the attacker may choose to directly modify the
source code on the target machine and recompile the
Some trojaned binaries:
inetd, rlogin, rshd, sendmail, sshd, telnetd
may contain magic password that provide
access to attacker for remote access.
ps to hide processes from causal viewing by
system admin.
netstat provides connection hiding
ls, dir provide file hiding
login,su,ping provide local access
Binary Rootkit Detection
Before the system is infected, compute the
checksums of the binaries
CRC checksums
Cryptographic checksums
Better to store the checksums on separate media (i.e. CDROM) so an advanced attacker cannot modify the files
In practice, if a file (legitimately) changes frequently, this
may lead to frequent checksum recomputations and false
Checksum computation is used by the program
Kernel Rootkits
First reported in 1997
Loadable Kernel Modules hook into system
kernel and modifies selected sys_call
addresses stored in the system call table
Replaces the addresses of the legitimate
sys_calls with the addresses of the sys_calls
that are to be installed by the hacker’s LKM
Eg: KNARK ( targeting Linux2.2 Kernel)
Kernel Rootkits
Use Loadable Kernel Modules (LKMs) for
Linux or Device Drivers for Windows
Full kernel access
User Space
Kernel Space
Kernel rootkit redirecting the system call
Redirects the references to system call table
to new location.
New system call table is installed in new loc.
New system call table contains the address
of malicious sys_call functons
Redirecting can be done by overwriting the
pointer to the original system call table with
the address of a new system call table that is
created by the hacker
Kernel Rootkit Detection
Look for strange/inappropriate modules/device
Prevent LKMs altogether by disallowing module
Keep in mind the binaries that would help examine this
information may be compromised too.
Sometimes a compile time option
Monitors various portions of the kernel for modifications.
When “rootkit activity” is detected, attempts to restore to a
previous good state
Necessary Background
When a process wants to communicate with
the kernel it uses the system call table
The process throws a specific interrupt to
pass control to the kernel
Windows – push the index of the system call in
eax. Throw interrupt x2e
Linux – push the index of the system call into eax.
Throw interrupt x80
System Call and Library
Replaces the standard system library for
relaying kernel information to a user process
The user library (libc) provides an interface to
the system call table.
The advantage – no binaries need to change
Duplicate LKM functionality without entering
the kernel space
Very easy to hide processes and files
T0rn8 kit most prominent one
System Call and Library
Rootkit Detection
System calls like truss, strace, and ltrace can
be used to trace the execution path of the
system calls
Some integrity tools generate checksums
against the system call tables.
Virtual Machine Based
Rootkits (VMBR)
A VMBR moves the targeted system into virtual machine.
Instead of moving the attack code lower into the kernel
space, it pushes the user higher into the user space
The previous (unhooked) OS runs over a virtual machine
(as the guest software)
The guest is not allowed to interact with states outside of
its Virtual Machine
The attacker has the liberty to run anything on the machine
Any anti-rootkit software run inside of the virtual machine will not
detect any modifications to it’s state
Steps of VMBR installation
Modify the Boot Sequence to load the Virtual Machine
Monitor (VMM) first
Modify it after shutdown after all monitoring processes have
Interfere with the disk controller’s write – so that only the
rootkit can store disk blocks
Working at this low level to avoid interference with monitoring
Overwrite the master boot record so the VMBR loads
Reboot and …
The target system is now running as a guest, you
can interfere with them, but they can’t interfere with
VM Rootkit Detection
Detecting a VM rootkit can be quite difficult (from the
inside of the guest software)
Possible to detect a rootkit using instructions that
reveal information about the kernel state (or the
emulated kernel state)
redpill – uses the sidt instruction to store the interrupt
descriptor table register. Since the VMM needs to move
the emulated interrupt descriptor table, the ITDR will begin
at a much higher address then it normally would.
Easiest way to detect a VM rootkit; boot from an
alternate media.
Database Rootkits
A database can be considered a type of
operating system
Symbolic Links
Database Rootkits
1st Generation Rootkits
 Change the data dictionary (modify a view, procedure, and
change synonyms)
For example, change ALL_USERS to be select * from
sys.user$ u where != ‘HACKER’;
2nd Generation Rootkits
 Change the binary of the database so that all sys.user$
variables become sys.aser$
 Remove the ‘Hacker’ entry from sys.user$
 The system is now using sys.aser$ internally, but all integrity
checks use sys.user$
3rd Generation Rootkits
 For Oracle, Direct SGA (System Global Area) Manipulation –
directly modify the contents of the database through modifying
the memory the database is stored in
Database Rootkit Detection
Examine the internal views for obvious
Examine the internal system variables for any
changes or new, unrecognized variables
Runtime Kernel Patching
Modifying the memory of the kernel while it resides
in memory.
Simply modify a few bytes here, a FAR JMP there to
execute the rootkit code, and you’re done.
A technique called detour patching totally that can
totally circumvent executing code by modifying the
control flow at runtime
Very difficult to detect
Very difficult to pull off successfully
Need extremely specific details about the target machine
General Rootkit Detection
Behavioral Detection
Signature Detection –search for unique byte
Can be defeated through code obfuscation techniques
System Integrity Scans
Look for suspect behaviors, such as writes to the memory
containing important system call tables
Look for a change in the number, order, and frequency of
Scan the kernel for inappropriate FAR JMP instructions
Detect unauthorized changes to loaded OS components in
Offline analysis of drives
Sony BMG Rootkit Scandal
Sony BMG Music Entertainment was sued in 2005 for
surreptitious distribution of rootkit software on audio compact
It used a software called Extended Copy Protection (XCP)
designed to help prevent unlimited copying and unauthorized
redistribution of the music on the disc.
XCP interferes with the normal way in which the Microsoft
windows OS plays CDs
This causes the system vulnerable to malicious code
CD ROMS were inoperable due to the change in the registry
settings caused by the software
Many rootkits practice “offense in depth,” and are by
no means limited to only one of the techniques listed
Control of a system is determined by who can
operate closer to hardware, or in the case of equal
activity levels, who can best predict the actions of
the other
The best way to fight rootkits is to prevent them from
getting on your system in the first place – Intrusion
Detection Systems, Host Intrusion Prevention
Beck, M et al. Linux Kernel Programming. 3rd ed. London: Addison Wesley,
Cesare, Silvio. “Runtime Kernel Patching.” 03 Mar 2007.
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Chuvakin, Anton. An Overview of Unix Rootkits. iDefense Labs: Feb 2003.
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Hoglund, Greg, Jamie Butler. Rootkits: Subverting the Windows Kernel. Addison
Wesley Professional: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 22 July 2005.
King, Samuel T. et al. SubVirt: Implementing malware with virtual machines.
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Kornbrust, Alexander. “Oracle Rootkits 2.0”. Black Hat 2006 USA, Las Vegas,
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Levine, John G. et al. “A Methodology to Characterize Kernel Level Rootkits
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Zaytsev, Oleg. Rootkits, Spyware/Adware, Keyloggers and Backdoors:
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