Renewable Energy Sources - opportunities for jobs in

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Energy-Efficiency-Watch (EEW)
- Basics on the project –
Dr. Jan Geiss
Secretary General
Coordinator of the EEW
In cooperation with IDAE
23rd February 2010
Supported by
Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Communities. The European
Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources
“European Parliamentarians for a sustainable energy future”
European Network of Members of Parliament for the promotion of
renewable energy and energy efficiency (MEPs + MPs EU27)
Forum for information and discussion among political decision
makers and interface for exchange among MPs and related
European Inter-Parliamentary Meetings
Monthly meetings of the EUFORES MEP-Group in the European Parliament
National parliamentary workshops
Briefings of the EU Council Presidency
Projects (REPAP2020, Energy-Efficiency-Watch etc.)
Board of Presidents:
Claude Turmes, MEP, EUFORES President
Fiona Hall, MEP, Vice-President
Anni Podimata, MEP, Vice-President
Active Members in many national parliaments
Project Summary
Accompany EU-efficiency policy and inform about it
Create a parliamentary network on energy efficiency and a
communication platform for Parliamentarians, Civil Servants and energy
efficiency related industry and organisations
Evaluate National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAPs) and show
good practice policy examples
Spread information and raise awareness
 Target Groups:
Parliamentarians, Civil Servants, energy efficiency related associations,
industry, companies, Civil Society in EU27
 The EEW:
Initiated and supported by more than 30 MEPs/MPs
Co-financed by European Commission (IEE/ EACI) and industry
In cooperation with the energy efficiency related industry and NGOs
Duration: 1 September 2007 – 28 February 2010
Project Partners
 EUFORES – European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources
 Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
 ESV - Upper-Austria Energy Agency
 ECOFYS - Research and Consultancy on Renewable Energy,
Energy Savings and Climate Policies
 ECEEE – European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
Political Background
Member States (MS) are called to develop programmes to promote
energy efficiency. The “Energy Service Directive” (ESD) asked MS to
come up with NEEAPs until mid-2007 and develop them in 2007-2017.
Second round of NEEAPs in June 2011
Recast of Energy Service Directive in discussion
The EEW evaluation of the NEEAPs is understood as a complementary
contribution and additional dissemination channel for the evaluations
done by the European Commission.
 Project goals:
 Improvement of the NEEAPs and other related policies and measures
 Increase information exchange, awareness and knowledge about
technologies, potentials and market needs in EE among political decision
makers & the public
Objectives and main steps
Build up a network of major players in the field of EE
Establish a communication platform for EE
Evaluate NEEAPs and develop an opinion about their ripeness, about
good practice and about missing pieces:
1. evaluate all available NEEAPs
2. evaluate 10-12 NEEAPs in depth
Close integration of industry and NGO stakeholders as input and content
provider, dissemination supporter
Dissemination and Communication through EEW-website; produced
reports and brochures; newsletters, briefings, press releases, media
campaigns, expert articles; 6 national EEW-Parliamentary Evenings; first
EEW-conference in Wels/Austria within the sustainable energy days in
2009; 5 “EEW-EU-Presidency-Briefings”
Expected Results of the project
Stronger network of Parliamentarians in the field of energy efficiency
Communication and information platform (through website)
Greater awareness and knowledge about technologies, potentials and
market needs among political decision makers and the public
A long report on the NEEAPs plus a best policy practice brochure
Improvement of the national energy efficiency action plans and other
related policies and measures
Increased market opportunities for efficiency industry (home equipment,
lighting, windows, insulation, cogeneration, efficient transport…)
Documents prepared by the
project consortium
EEW Brochure – Promoting Energy Efficiency in Europe
Available in Czech, English, French, Polish and Spanish
EEW Final Report on the Evaluation of National Energy
Efficiency Action Plans
Appendix to the Evaluation Report
Downloads at:
Energy Efficiency Watch 2
The ESD process will be of high relevance up to 2016 with two more
rounds of NEEAPs being published (2011, 2014).
Therefore follow-up project important – the Energy-Efficiency-Watch 2
(EEW2) to make use of the results of the EEW1, and at the same time
further accompany the ESD implementation process.
The follow-up project proposal followed the IEE call 2009, was accepted
and is currently in negotiations. Start appr. June 2010, duration of 36
 Activation, consultation and strengthening of key actors and core
networks in the field of energy efficiency
 Survey and analysis on the implementation of ESD, NEEAPs and
related policies
 Advice, exchange of experience and best practice on political and
legislative measures, instruments and activities and information
dissemination to key political decision makers (MEPs, MPs, Civil
Servants, Mayors) and the public in order to facilitate the
implementation of ESD, the NEEAPs and related policies
EEW – Contact
Renewable Energy House, Rue d’Arlon 63-65
B-1040 Brussels
T: +32 2 546 1948 - F: +32 2 546 1934
[email protected]