Transcript Slide 1

The Network of Institutes and
Schools of Public Administration
in Central and Eastern Europe
Elena Žáková, NISPAcee Project Manager
DEPOCEI kick-off meeting, January 18-22, 2013
The NISPAcee
- established in 1994 as an independent, non-profit, nongovernmental organisation focused on the public administration
challenges facing Central and Eastern European countries
- a professional Network of more than 130 institutions from
almost 40 countries (23 from the NISPAcee region) and hundreds
of individuals sharing the organisation´s mission
The NISPAcee Region
1. New EU member countries
2. Non EU member countries in CEE
3. Western Balkans
4. Central Asia
5. Caucasus
The Nature and Objectives of NISPAcee
to facilitate joint research, educational and training programmes in post-Communist
 to promote both human capacity building and institutional development
 to increase the professionalism of the civil service
 to foster East- East as well as East-West co-operation
 to bridge EU, NMS and countries outside the EU
 to promote and strengthen the emergence of effective and democratic governance and
the modernisation of public administration systems throughout the NISPAcee region
Legal Status:
Non-profit, non governmental, membership organization
Governing bodies:
General Assembly, Steering Committee
Executive body:
Executive Secretariat located in Bratislava, Slovakia
Institutional Members – Fees 300 / 350 EUR
 Associate Members – Fees 350 EUR
 Governmental Members – Fees 1 000 EUR
 Individual Members – Fees 75 / 100 EUR
Principal Representative
Benefits for members
NISPAcee International
NISPAcee established close cooperation with other
European PA organizations and institutes
NASPAA and ASPA in the US,
and other worldwide organizations like IASIA, IIAS, UNDP, UNDESA,
and link these with organizations/institutions in the
NISPAcee region
 NISPAcee
Annual Conferences and other specialized
 International Research Projects
 Publications
 High Level Meetings and Civil Service Forums
 Training Programmes
 Summer Schools and Workshops
 Exchange Programmes and Development of PA Programmes
 Information Services, Website and Databases /Institutions,
Persons, Experts
 Awards
 New Innovative Activities – Trans European Dialog
EAPAA Acreditation of PA Programmes
NISPAcee Annual Conference 2013
The 21th Annual Conference
Regionalisation and Inter-regional Cooperation
May 16-18, 2013 / Belgrade, Serbia
Organised in co-operation with the Faculty of
Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
Online registration: till March 31, 2013
Research Programmes
I. Working Group on Local Government
II. Working Group on e-Government
III. Working Group on Civil Service
IV. Working Group on PA Reform
V. Working Group on Internationalization and Networking of Public Administration Studies
and Civil Servant’s Training Systems
VI. Working Group on Public Finance and Public Financial Management
VII. Working Group on Public Policy Analysis Development Issues
VIII. Working Group on Public Administration Education
IX. Working group on Administration and Management of Internal Security Agencies
X. Working Group on Good Governance, Human Rights and Development in Weak, Crisis
and Post-conflict States
Colloqium for Practitioners
NISPAcee Press established in 2008.
The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, published twice a year Ed.: Juraj Nemec
Public Integrity: Theories and Practical Instruments, Eds: Patrycja J. Suwaj, Hans J. Rieger
The Story behind Western Advice to Central Europe during its Transition Period, Iwona Sobis,
Michiel de Vries
Public Policy and Administration: Challenges and Synergies, Eds. Katarina Staronova, Laszlo Vass,
Corruption and Anti-corruption Measures in Central and Eastern Europe, Eds.: Katarína Staroňová,
Emília Sičáková-Beblavá
Municipal asset management in transition countries: Selected case studies, Ed.: Lucie
Property tax in economies in transition: Selected case studies, Ed.: Lucie Sedmihradská
Increasing the Effectiveness of Cooperation between Civil Society Organizations and State
Governance Bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Law-making Process (English, Russian, Kyrgyz
version), joint publication by NISPAcee and Social Research Center, Team of experts
The Metropolitan CEE; Big Cities, Capitals and City-regions in Central and Eastern Europe,Eds.:
Gabor Soos, Marrku Temmes
State and Administration in a Changing World, Eds: Juraj Nemec, B.Guy Peters
Training Programmes / Summer Schools
/ Workshops (Tailor-made)
Public Policy
Leadership in Public Administration
Management and Strategic Planning
Civil Service and Human Resource Management
Civil Service Training Systems
Public Administration Reform
Decentralization and Local Governance
Approximation of Legislation
Public Finances, Financial Management and Control
Presentation skills, ...
in Public Administration Reforms - training of young professionals"
Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 2006
Partner: Faculty of Political Sciences
Donor: SlovakAid
Aim: to provide policy advice for the successful PA reform in Serbia and Montenegro
Training of trainers – 2 parts:
1,HOW to train (training skills, methods,..)
2, WHAT to train (NISPAcee training “How to be a better policy advisor”)
NISPAcee trainers: Lesya Il'chenko-Syuyva (Ukraine), Alfredas Chmieliauskas
(Lithuania), Georgi Shopov (Bulgaria)
Series of trainings for future advisors led by new Serbian trainers trained within the 1st
phase (English / Serbian), supervised by NISPAcee trainers
Translation of the manuals for trainers and trainees into Serbian language
Information Services, Web-site, Databases
NISPAcee e-Newsletter
Database of member and partner institutions (about 2000)
Database of individuals (about 6000)
Database of experts (about 250)
Distribution of available teaching, training, and research materials and relevant
announcements and circulars
Internet communication means
Catalogue of NISPAcee publications
Comprehensive NISPAcee info-brochure
Cooperation with national and international networks and professional institutions ( EIPA,
Cooperation with supranational governance bodies (EU, Council of Europe, UN, etc.)
Alena Brunovska Award for Teaching Excellence in Public Administration –
for academics and teachers for their achievements in the field of public
administration education and research
Mzia Mikeladze PhD Thesis Award – aims to promote research by young
scholars on public administration and public policy in the NISPAcee region
NISPAcee Merit Award - for the substantial support and contribution to
NISPAcee's development and / or active participation in NISPAcee's activities
NISPAcee Best Graduate Student Paper Award
Award for the Best Comparative Paper
Elena Žáková
NISPAcee Project Manager
Polianky 5/b
840 02 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
[email protected]
Thank you for your attention!