AP Psychology - Coshocton High School

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AP Psychology Stress and Coping

Health Psychology

• Looks at the relationship between psychological behavior (thoughts, feelings, actions) and physical health


• Psychological and physiologic reactions to stressors, situations, events or stimuli that produce uncomfortable feelings or anxiety • A stressor is a trigger that prompts a stressful reaction • Stress is a process


• Stimuli such as heat, cold, pain, mild shock, etc. that we perceive as endangering our well-being • • Acute Stressor - response to a terrifying or traumatic event – Examples -- relationship breaking up, starting new school, separation, divorce, death of spouse, victim of crime, natural disaster Chronic Stressor - response to emotional pressure suffered for a prolonged period over which an individual perceives he or she has no control – Examples -- unsafe neighborhood, continuing marital discord, unemployment, homelessness, ongoing abuse, captivity

Stressful life events include…

1. Catastrophes – unpredictable, large-scale disasters that threaten us (Ex. Sept 11, 2001) 2. Significant life events – stressful changes in lives (Ex. Death of loved one, marriage, starting college) 3. Daily Hassles – everyday annoyances that together can raise our blood pressure, cause headaches, lower immunity

Social Readjustment Rating Scale

• • • • Holmes and Rahe Rates stressful event in our lives The higher our score on the scale, the greater the probability you face a major health event within the next year (disease, illness, etc) Example… – 100 – death of spouse (highest) – 50 – getting marries – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holmes_and_Rahe_s tress_scale


• Occurs when a person is forced to choose between two or more opposing goals or desires • • • Approach-approach conflict Avoidance-avoidance conflict Approach-avoidance conflict

Approach-approach conflict

• • Occurs when you are forced to choose between two or more desirable alternatives that both lead to positive results Example… – You receive letters of acceptance from your top two colleges / both have academic and social advantages that make them equally attractive – Which college will you choose to attend?

• While stressful, this ultimately leads to a choice between two desirable options

Avoidance-avoidance conflict

• • Occurs when you are forced to choose between two undesirable alternatives that will both lead to negative results Example… – You are rejected by all of the colleges to which you applied / you must now choose between getting a job or joining the military – Which option will you choose?

• Stressful because both options are undesirable

Approach-avoidance conflict

• • Occurs when you are forced to choose an alternative that will have both desirable and undesirable results Example… – You receive a letter of acceptance from your top college / you want to attend this college, but it is very expensive – Will you choose this college or one that is less expensive?

• Stressful because we experience both good and bad results regardless of what we decide

Hans Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome

• • Hans Selye (1907-1982) Physiologist renowned for studies of stress • Identified three progressive stages of stress that collectively form what is called general adaptation syndrome (ARE a GAS) – The Alarm Stage – The Resistance Stage – The Exhaustion Stage

Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome

Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome

The Alarm Stage

• • • You confront a stress-producing event Your body responds to the stressor by mobilizing internal physical resources Sympathetic nervous systems – “Fight or Flight” – Example…during the alarm stage, your body produces adrenaline to bring about the flight-or flight response

The Alarm Stage

The Alarm Stage

The Resistance Stage

• • • • Coping stage Although intense arousal of the alarm stage diminishes, physiological arousal remains higher than normal (Examples…raised temp, heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, adrenalin) Resources are gradually depleted since the body cannot indefinitely maintain a heightened state of arousal This stage can lead to diseases of adaptation, including ulcers and high blood pressure

The Exhaustion Stage

• • Prolonged exposure to the stressor depletes the body’s resources Exhaustion leads to physical disorders (toxic stress – Ex…MPD, DID, Schiz) , vulnerability to illness (suppressed immune system) , psychophysiological illness (Ex…hypertension, headaches), depression, ulcers and even death

Personalities and Health

• • • • •

Type A

High achievers Competitive Impatient Multi-tasker Walk, talk, ear quickly • Type A more likely to have a heart attack and physical ailments due to stress! Anger, hostility, cynical • •

Type B

Relaxed Calm approach to life

Coping strategies…

• Def – active efforts to reduce or tolerate perceived levels of stress • Maladaptive (-) vs. Adaptive (+)


• Aggression; indulging ourselves by eating, drinking, smoking, using drugs, spending money or sleeping too much; or using defense mechanisms (unconscious, deceptive reactions – Examples… http://psychcentral.com/lib/2007/15 common-defense-mechanisms/ )


• • • • Aerobic exercise, problem solving, seeking support of friends, accepting the problem Relaxation, visualization, meditation and biofeedback can help lessen the effects of stress and boost our immune system http://www.helpguide.org/mental/stress_manag ement_relief_coping.htm Hardy – the characteristic of someone who reframes obstacles as challenges, and maintains an optimistic view in spite of stressors

Learned Optimism

• • • • can combat stress idea in positive psychology that a talent for joy, like any other, can be cultivated done by consciously challenging any negative self talk Opposite of learned helplessness (Martin Seligman) – condition of a human or animal that has learned to behave helplessly – that clinical depression and related mental illnesses may result from a perceived absence of control over the outcome of a situation

Stress Vocab

• http://quizlet.com/1623772/ap-psychology chapter-13-stress-coping-and-health-flash cards/