Transcript Slide 1

Give me an H-U-D!
2014 Data Dictionary
and other HUD and
Federal Partner
HUD/Federal Partner Updates
HUD and Federal Partner
MOU is still pending
HMIS Rule in Final Form by
end of 2014
Notices in Draft Pending for
end of 2014 or early 2015:
• Software and Data Quality
• Security and Privacy
• Governance
HUD/Federal Partner Updates
Program Manuals for the
Released to date:
Project Descriptor Data Elements
General Information
“Data Not Collected” =
same as “-select-” and will
count as “Missing”
“Other” field includes new
text box to specify in
several different locations
HPRP Retired
Report Updates
CoC APR – updated with
minor changes
ESG CAPER – specs for
minor changes pending
AHAR – no changes
HOPWA – specs pending
RHSP – program not
funded at this time
Service Point Reporting
Canned Reports
Updated with minor changes
ART Gallery
Majority of reports need
upgrade; first Industry then
other high usage and so on
Custom Reports
Template for picklist
changes provided to swap
out values
Recent HUD Publications
System Performance
Prioritizing Persons
Experiencing Chronic
Homelessness in PSH
HMIS Project Descriptor Data
Data Collection Stages
Record Creation
Project Entry
Update (via Interim Review)
Annual Assessment (via
Interim Review)
+ or – 30 days of Anniversary
Must use Annual Assessment PL
Project Exit
Project Descriptors
These are the data elements
that tell you about the
projects in the
HMIS Lead responsible for
Should be updated no less
than once annually
2.1 and 2.2 Organization and
Project Identifiers
System assigns
Organization Id and Project
Organization is the higher
level Provider
Projects are associated with
an organization
2.3 Continuum of Care Code
The HUD CoC Code(s) must
be identified per project
More than one code is
Format should be XX-###
Start Date/End Date in SP
allow for pulling codes into
reports (retains history)
2.4 Project Type
Only one Project Type is
Continuum Y/N = Select Y if
provides services/housing
SSVF must be set as RRH
and HP separately
Services Only – with or
without residential affiliation
Street Outreach = Street
Homeless vs Services Only
2.5 Method for Tracking ES Utilization
Must identify as Night By
Night (nbn) or Entry Exit
Entry/Exit = requires
continuous stay with formal
intake and exit
Nbn = tracks nights of
shelter, still requires
Difference = Performance
2.6 Federal Partner Funding Source
List each applicable funding
These are identified by
name of source and project
type = ie HUD CoC TH
Include Grant Identifier and
Grant Start Date and Grant
End Date
2.7 Bed and Unit Inventory
Required for all residential
Do not have to track day to
day fluctuations
New = number of dedicated
CH, Vet and Youth (by age)
Will update 0629 HIC to new
standards later this winter
2.8 Site Information (Optional)
IF generating HIC from HMIS
then fill in this field
Principal Site = location of
largest inventory beds/units
Geocode comes from the
HUD distributed list
Address for the site
2.9 Target Population (Optional)
IF generating HIC from HMIS
then fill in this field
Target Population is set if
75% of the clients served fit
the target group description
Picklists = DV, HIV and NA
Universal Data Elements
All HMIS participating
agencies are required to
This is any project using
software as HMIS
Funding is not a factor
These elements are the
foundation for AHAR
Universal Data Elements: Changes
New Elements
Relationship to HoH
Client Location Code
Length of Time on Street, ES
or SH
Removed Elements
Zip code of last perm address
Housing Status
3.1 Name
Record Creation/All Clients
Adds Name Data Quality
Full Name
Partial, Street Name or Code
Client Doesn’t Know
Client Refused
Data Not Collected
3.2 Social Security Number
Record Creation/All Clients
Adds DQ picklist for
Approximate or Partial SSN
Enter DQ picklist of Client
Doesn’t Know if the client
does not have an SSN
3.3 Date of Birth
Record Creation/All Clients
If the client cannot provide
the full date of birth but does
give a year then approximate
with 1/1/xx using the year of
birth that corresponds with
the age
Select Client doesn’t know if
the client can’t approximate
within one year
3.4 Race
Record Creation/All Clients
Making changes to
demographic table to
improve workflow
Currently defaults to
Primary/Secondary; Races
3-5 available
Can set up additional
races on “Race”
3.5 Ethnicity
Record Creation/All Clients
Making changes to
demographic table to
improve workflow
Self identified
Hispanic/Latino = Cuban,
Mexican, Puerto Rican,
South or Central American or
other Spanish culture of
origin regardless of race.
3.6 Gender
Record Creation/All Clients
Making changes to
demographic table to
improve workflow
Self reported
If “Other” is selected, a new
text box is provided to
3.7 Veteran Status
Record Creation/Age 18+
Record as Yes for any client
who has been Active Duty in
the Armed Forces
Update required when client
turns 18
Now a static field on the
Client Table
This allows the Veteran
Status to “carry forward” from
Project Entry to Project Entry
3.8 Disabling Condition
Project Entry/All Adults
Record as Yes if client
meets description in Data
Now answered independent
of Disability Type, but if a
Type is identified (and the
client is Adult) then Yes
should be selected
3.9 Residence Prior to
Project Entry
Project Entry/Adults and HoH
Update required when client
turns 18
Residence Prior = contains
new PL values
Length of Stay in Previous
Place = One week or less
divided into “One day or less”
and “Two days to one week”
3.10 - 3.11 Project Entry
and Project Exit Date
Project Entry
Residential Start date = first
date of occupancy
PH-RRH = date became
project participant (could be
just services at first)
Street Outreach = date of 1st
Project Exit
Exit date = last service, last
day of occupancy
3.12 Destination
Project Exit/Adults and HoH
Now a UDE
New PL values including
“No Exit Interview
If non-housing = use same
location as where client was
living during project
3.13 and 3.14 Personal ID
and Household ID
Generated by the system
Used to assist with deduplication clients and
In ServicePoint, do not have
to create a Household for
No changes to these
3.15 Relationship to Head
of Household
Project Entry/All Clients
Household = group of people
who apply together for
HoH = Primary client, Eligible
Individual – not necessarily
Leader of Household
Only one client can be labeled
If HoH exits project, new HoH
must be identified and other
relationships updated
3.16 Client Location
Project Entry & Update/HoH
Location of client for
services/residential stay
Uses values from PL for
CoC Code [2.3]
Data used to report on
clients served outside the
3.17 Length of Time on
Streets, ES or SH
Project Entry/Adults and HoH
Chronic Homelessness will
be measured using this Q,
Disability Status and history
of homelessness
1 day of homelessness in a
month = 1 month of
Status Documented =
record on paper in file or in
HMIS of clients LOH
Program Specific Elements
Characteristics of Clients,
Services and Outcomes
Applicability of questions
Must refer to 2014 Data
Manual for specifics
4.1 Housing Status
Project Entry/Adults and HoH
New categories that align
with Homeless Definition
See 2014 Data Manual for
definitions of categories
4.2 Income and Sources
Project Entry, Update, Annual
Assessment, Exit/Adults & HoH
Required for most program types
If user selects Yes for type, then must
provide amount (estimate if needed)
Must be updated for clients that turn 18
Now for current income sources
Income sources for minors should be
recorded on adult’s profile
4.3 Non Cash Benefits
Project Entry, Update, Annual
Assessment, Exit/Adults & HoH
Required for most program types
Must be updated for clients that turn
Now for current non-cash benefit
Benefits for minors should be recorded
on adult’s profile
4.4 Health Insurance
Project Entry, Update, Annual
Assessment, Exit/All Clients
Required for most program types
Must be updated for clients that turn 18
SCHIP and VA Medical Services
HOPWA required to answer “No”
dependant questions (5.11.3 fix pending)
4.5 – 4.10 Disabilities
Project Entry, Update, Exit/All
Required for all but VA (HIV/AIDS
not required by RHY)
Additional required questions about
duration, documentation, services/tmt
Additional PATH Questions for
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
4.11 Domestic Violence
Project Entry, Update/Adults and
Required for all but VA and RHY
Treat information with sensitivity but
may be helpful for providing
services/safety to client and other clients
Clients with “Yes” values may be
entered into HMIS; not the same as
VAWA funded projects (no HMIS)
4.12 Contact
Project Entry, Update,
Exit/Adults and HoH
Required for all Street Outreach,
PATH and ESG nbn projects
Record using Outreach
Subassessment with each Contact
Defined as an interaction between
worker and client
4.13 Date of Engagement
Update/Adults and HoH
Required for all Street Outreach,
PATH and ESG nbn projects
Record only one for each Entry/Exit
(May be null)
Defined as a deliberate client
assessment or beginning of case
On or before PATH Status for PATH
4.14 Services Provided
Requires: Date, Service Type,
(Service Transaction)
Types triggered from Provider
Grant Type
Services Crosswalk on C-Go
All Clients
4.15 Financial Assistance
Requires: Date, Service Type,
Amount, (Service Transaction)
Types triggered from Provider
Grant Type
Financial Assistance Crosswalk
on C-Go
All Clients
4.16 Referrals Provided
Requires: Date, Referral Type,
(Service Transaction)
Types triggered from Provider
Grant Type
Referral Crosswalk on C-Go
HoH/Adults, requires Outcome Field
HoH/18 or older youth
4.17 Residential Move in Date
Project Entry, Update/All
RRH projects only – CoC, ESG,
If the client is NOT housed at Entry
then record a No and at Update
change the No to a Yes and enter
the Move-In Date
Will be used to assist with RRH
PIT data for HIC
4.18 Housing Assessment
Project Exit/HoH
Coordinated Assessment
projects only – CoC, ESG
Records the client’s
disposition following a housing
crisis assessment
4.19 Housing Assessment at Exit
Project Exit/All Clients
Homelessness Prevention
projects only – CoC, ESG,
Determines whether clients
remain stably housed after
Homelessness Prevention
PATH Program
Projects are either Street Outreach or
Services Only
Scripting for historic PATH data
available with 5.11.4
No 2013 PATH Transition Report
PATH workflow available on C-Go
PATH grantees encouraged to use
HMIS by end of 2016
Full HMIS reporting by January 2017
PATH Program – Pending
HHS seeking approval from OMB
for changes to PATH report – at
discretion of the grantee
Income and Sources
Non-Cash Benefits
Health Insurance
Connection with Soar
4.20 PATH Status
Update/Adults and HoH
Yes if client consents to
participation in PATH Project
No and reason if not enrolled
Date of Engagement must be
before or on the date of PATH
4.21 Connection with SOAR
Exit/Adults and HoH
Yes if client has a connection to
a SOAR project
Not required until after OMB
RHY Program
Joint Communication from HHS
and HUD is expected
Grantees will be “encouraged”
to begin using HMIS as of
Reporting occurs in October of
April each year
No report is anticipated to be
required in April of 2015
RHY Data Elements
All clients on or after Entry
4.22 RHY BCP Status
Project Entry/HoH and Clients 18+
4.23 Sexual Orientation
4.24 Last Grade Completed
4.25 School Status
4.31 Formerly…Child Welfare/Foster Care
4.32 Formerly…Juvenile Justice System
4.33 Young Person’s Critical Issues
4.34 Referral Source
4.35 Commercial Sexual Exploitation
RHY Data Elements
Project Entry and Exit/HoH and
Clients 18+
4.26 Employment Status
4.27 General Health Status
4.28 Dental Health Status
4.29 Mental Health Status
RHY Data Elements
Project Entry and Update/All
4.30 Pregnancy Status
Project Exit/HoH and 18+
4.36 Transitional, Exit Care, or
After Care Plans and Actions
RHY Data Elements
Project Exit/HoH and Youth
4.37 Project Completion Status
4.38 Family Reunification
HOPWA Program
APR and CAPER report
specifications and workflow
documents pending
4.39 Medical Assistance is
recorded at Project Entry,
Update and Project Exit for all
household members with
No further updates from HUD at
this time as to requirement for
HMIS participation and reporting
RHSP Program
Program not funded by HUD at
this time
RHSP rule released in draft
form, final pending
4.40 Worst Housing Situation is
for All Clients at Project Entry
SSVF Program
Funds Rapid Re-Housing and
Homelessness Prevention
These MUST be set up as two
separate projects in HMIS
New grant year started 10/1/14
November export (of October
data) will be required in csv
Awaiting further information from
the VA
4.41 Veterans Information
Record Creation or first Project
Entry/All Veterans
Previously 4.15E (optional)
Per HUD, mapping of old values
is neither required nor
If client has served in more than
one branch, select the one with
the most time served
4.42 Percent of AMI
Project Entry/HoH
Field used to help determine
SSVF eligibility
Should not be calculated from
Income and sources, must be
manually entered by user
4.43 Last Permanent Address
Project Entry/Adults and HoH
Address of client’s last
residence of 90 days or longer
(not ES address)
Street address, city, state and
Address Data Quality
Changes to Sub-Assessment
label coming in 5.11.3
Meta Data Elements
Data About Data
Date Created
Date Updated
Data Collection Stage
Information Date
Project Identifier
Project Entry Id
User Id
Available Resources
Available on Collaborango:
 2014 HMIS Data Dictionary Changes 7_14_14
 2014 DD Master Assessment Document v3
 2014 Project Descriptor Data Elements v1
 5.11.0 Release Preview Webinar FAQ
 2014 DD Summary and Picklist Value Changes v1
 Link to 5.11.0 Release Preview Webinar
 Training Video on “HUD Verification”
 Service/Referral/Financial Assistance Crosswalks
 FAQ 2