Transcript Slide 1

Fatigue in Highway Construction


Why Is This Important for Highways?

Photo: © (19495272)

Agenda  Fatigue Overview  Effects of Fatigue  Health and Fatigue  Preventing Fatigue at Work  Managing Fatigue at Work  Strategies That Don’t Help  Review

Learning Objectives Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:  Identify the symptoms of fatigue  Understand the ways fatigue can affect your work  Understand how health and fatigue affect each other  List ways to prevent and manage fatigue at work  Understand things that don’t help when you’re fatigued



Fatigue: What Is It?

“A biological drive for sleep.”

Symptoms of fatigue can be experienced in many ways:  Physically  Mentally  Emotionally

Fatigue: Physical Symptoms  Yawning  Blinking  Rubbing eyes  Falling asleep by accident (“microsleeps”) Photo: © (13758140)

Fatigue: Mental Symptoms You may have difficulty with:  Concentrating and paying attention  Making decisions  Remembering things  Making calculations or problem solving Photo: © (6496196)

Fatigue: Emotional Symptoms You may feel:  Quieter or more withdrawn than usual  Irritable  Unmotivated Photo: © (11151112)

Fatigue: Level of Fatigue The amount of fatigue you feel depends on:  Wakefulness Total time you have been awake  Circadian cycle Your internal “body clock” that helps you sleep at night and stay awake during the day

Fatigue: Wakefulness  Most people require 7 to 9 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period  Every hour of sleep “buys” 2 hours of wakefulness  If you get less sleep than you need, you create a

sleep debt

 Sleep debt builds up over time  Once you have a sleep debt, you need additional sleep to catch up

Fatigue: The Circadian Cycle   24-hour rhythm produced by the brain It tells the body when to sleep and when to be awake Every person has it

9:30 – 11:30 a.m.


6 – 10 p.m.

Photo: © (2636363)

Post-lunch “dip” 12 – 5 a.m.

Fatigue: Hours at Work Work-related fatigue is caused by:  The amount of sleep your work schedule allows  Your off-duty time is the time not spent working or commuting  The demands of your daily life will affect how much off-duty time you actually spend sleeping.

 The time of day you are working

Fatigue: Work Shifts  Night shifts are more fatiguing than day shifts   Most people get less sleep during daylight hours (adding to sleep debt) Circadian cycle makes you less alert at work  Early morning starts (7:00 a.m. or earlier) can be fatiguing because your night’s sleep may be cut short  You may get up at 5:00 a.m. or earlier, but you may not adjust for it by going to bed earlier

Fatigue: Questions  What are some symptoms of fatigue?

 What times of day are you most alert? Least alert?

 How many off-duty hours do you have: …on most days?


Effects of Fatigue

Effects: Mental Performance Fatigue affects your ability to perform work.

 Lack of sleep causes slow reaction times and impairs judgment  You may not always admit how tired you are  If you have a sleep disorder or other medical problem, sleep loss can affect you more

Effects: Errors and Accidents Working long hours is related to increased accidents:  Doctors are more likely to make medical errors  People are more likely to have car accidents  Many railway and airplane accidents are blamed on fatigue

Effects: Errors and Accidents In factories and on construction sites, your chance of an injury goes up when you:  Work shifts longer than 8 – 10 hours  Work 10 or more overtime hours per week  Work a night shift Construction workers are three times more likely than average to have an injury that requires time away from work

Effects: Errors and Accidents Project Construction Schedule Your Work Schedule • Shift Type (day vs. night)Shift LengthSwitching ShiftsWeekend Closures Your Hours Off Duty The Sleep You Get Fatigue-Related Mistakes Accidents Injuries Lost Work Days Fatalities

Effects: Fatigue and Construction Schedules Highway projects frequently have schedules that can contribute to fatigue:  Shifts longer than 8 hours  Frequent night work and switching day/night shifts  Working more than 5 days in a row, especially if weekend closures are involved Photo: © (1080297)

Effects: Fatigue in Hazardous Environments Fatigue during highway construction can be more serious due to the more hazardous environment  Close proximity to car traffic  On-site heavy traffic (trucks, for example)  Operation of heavy equipment close to workers on the ground

Effects: Questions  What incidents at work have you seen that might have been caused by fatigue?

 What kinds of schedules have you worked where you might be more likely to make a fatigue-related mistake?

Health and Fatigue

Health and Fatigue: Exercise Regular exercise can help you sleep better because it:  Reduces stress  Improves mood

Avoid vigorous exercise before bedtime… it can keep you awake

Health and Fatigue: Diet  An unusual work schedule can disrupt healthy eating habits  You may not be participating in regular mealtimes  Hunger patterns are linked with your Circadian Cycle  Night shifts can affect how the food you eat makes you feel  Make an effort to eat healthy foods, even when your schedule makes this difficult   Try to plan your meals at work ahead of time to avoid eating “junk foods” Night shift makes some people crave junk foods

Health and Fatigue: Sleep Disorders   Sleep disorders affect most shift workers Know the main types, and see a doctor if you think you have one:  Insomnia–difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep  Sleep apnea–main symptoms are snoring, daytime sleepiness  Restless leg syndrome–the irresistible urge to move the legs, especially at night

Health and Fatigue: Sleep Disorders See a doctor if:

You often feel tired at work or during the day, even when you try to get enough sleep.

You may have a sleep disorder.

For more information, visit the

National Sleep Foundation:

Health and Fatigue: Questions  Why is it important to be aware of my diet when working night shifts?

 What are some common signs of sleep disorders?

Preventing Fatigue at Work


Preventing Fatigue at Work These strategies are your first line of defense against fatigue at work:    Get enough sleep each night Take naps at home on your days off Create a good sleep environment at home


nothing can replace getting enough sleep

Preventing Fatigue: Get Enough Sleep Sleep loss is the primary reason for fatigue.

Getting sufficient sleep is the best strategy for avoiding fatigue.

Photo: © (3228685)

Preventing Fatigue: Get Enough Sleep Best ways to minimize sleep loss:  Get a sufficient sleep each day As often as possible, sleep 7 to 9 hours in a single block  Have a regular routine Go to bed and wake up at the same times every day  If switching to night shift, try to get two full nights of sleep before starting nights  If you lose sleep for a night or two, get more sleep as soon as possible

Preventing Fatigue: Nap at Home Naps at home are:  Most effective when taken about 8 hours after you wake up.

Least effective when taken about 12 hours after you wake up.

Preventing Fatigue: Nap at Home When switching from day shift to night shift:  Take a 2-hour nap in the early afternoon of the day you begin a night shift.

Don’t take a nap in the evening before your night shift starts.

Preventing Fatigue: Sleep Environment Good sleeping conditions prevent fatigue.

Things to do:  Keep your bedroom dark and quiet   Use blackout shades or earplugs as necessary Remove interruptions (children, pets, phones, etc.)  Keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature  Go to bed and get up at the same times every day  Face your clock away from the bed  Practice a relaxing bedtime ritual

Preventing Fatigue: Sleep Environment Things to avoid:  Don’t use your bedroom for things other than sleeping No working, watching TV, playing video games, etc.

 No strenuous exercise within 6 hours of bedtime  Don’t eat heavy meals within 3 hours of bedtime  No caffeine within 5 hours of bedtime (or after 4 p.m.)  Don’t use alcohol to get to sleep

Preventing Fatigue: Questions  What can replace getting enough sleep?

 When could you fit a nap in at home?

 What are some things you could change about your: …sleep routine?

…bedroom environment?

Managing Fatigue at Work


Managing Fatigue at Work These strategies can help you deal with fatigue at


 Use caffeine wisely   Take a nap during your break Use anchor sleep when necessary   Take rest breaks Pay attention to yourself and others

Managing Fatigue: Caffeine It is always best to reduce fatigue through obtaining sufficient sleep.

However, the use of caffeine is an option when you need to boost alertness for several hours.

Photo: © (18391964)

Managing Fatigue: Caffeine Caffeine can improve alertness for short periods:  Caffeine needs 15 – 2o minutes to start working, and the effects may last 4 – 5 hours  You get the biggest benefit when you don’t use caffeine all the time  Coffee and tea are good sources  Some medications contain large amounts of caffeine (Excedrin, Dristan, NoDoz, Vivarin, etc.)

Managing Fatigue: Caffeine Times when it can be beneficial to use caffeine:  Mid-afternoon on a day shift Counteracts the “post-lunch dip”  In the middle of a night shift  Right before a nap at work   Caffeine will “kick in” as the nap is ending, which reduces grogginess This caffeine/nap combination can be useful during a meal break, especially on night shift

Managing Fatigue: Caffeine Things to watch out for:  Caffeine, if used too close to bedtime, can cause insomnia  Using too much caffeine over time can reduce its effectiveness

Managing Fatigue: Napping at Work  Taking a 20 – 30 minute nap can significantly improve alertness  Even a short (10-minute) “power nap” can help for a short period  If you are so tired that you are falling asleep on the job, take an “emergency nap” as soon as possible  Remember the caffeine/nap combination Photo: © (6913896)

Managing Fatigue: Napping at Work Things to watch out for:  Make sure your napping environment is safe: Never nap inside a hot vehicle or within the active work zone  Do not use naps to extend your work shift Photo: © (6913896)

Managing Fatigue: Anchor Sleep

ANCHOR SLEEP (or “split sleep”): A regular sleep period of at least four hours, obtained at the same time each day.

 Use anchor sleep only when you cannot get 8 hours of sleep in a single block    Main sleep period should be at least 4 hours long This sleep period should happen at the same time each day You must supplement the main sleep period with additional sleep at other times  Avoid trying to sleep during times of high alertness (mid- to late morning, or evening)

Managing Fatigue: Anchor Sleep Example 1: Short Sleep Period 12:00 - 4:30 AM 6:00 AM - 4:30 PM Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Anchor Sleep Anchor Sleep Anchor Sleep Anchor Sleep Anchor Sleep Work Work Work Work Work 5:30 - 6:15 PM Nap Nap Nap Nap Nap 10:00 PM - 12:00 AM Hours' Work Hours' Sleep Anchor Sleep → Anchor Sleep → Anchor Sleep → 10.5






Anchor Sleep → Full Night Sleep → 10.5




Managing Fatigue: Anchor Sleep Example 2: 55-Hour Closure Friday 12 AM Full Night Sleep 6 AM Work 12 PM Saturday Work Anchor Sleep Work Sunday Work Anchor Sleep Work Monday Work Nap Work Nap Nap Nap 6 PM Work → 12 AM Hours' Work Hours' Sleep 10 7 Work → 12 7 Work → 12 Full Night Sleep → 11 7 6

Managing Fatigue: Rest Breaks Rest breaks can temporarily reduce mental fatigue and help you work better.

 Breaks can be as short as 7 minutes and can relieve fatigue for up to 25 minutes  Your break should allow you to walk around, stretch, talk with friends and coworkers, etc.

Photo: © (10783352)

Managing Fatigue: Rest Breaks  Take a break whenever you find yourself losing focus during a critical task, especially if safety could be affected  Try taking a break before a task that requires concentration  Breaks may be more useful toward the end of the shift Photo: © (10783352)

Managing Fatigue: Pay Attention to Yourself and Others Your fatigue can affect your coworkers’ safety, and vice versa.

 Pay attention to whether you or your coworkers are showing signs of fatigue  Symptoms of fatigue can be physical, mental, or emotional  You or your coworker may be working more slowly or less accurately than usual  Not everyone will show obvious signs of fatigue  Be mindful of your and your coworkers’ sleep and work schedules

Managing Fatigue: Pay Attention to Yourself and Others  Take action if you or a coworker is showing signs of fatigue:   Suggest taking a short break Suggest trading tasks  Suggest drinking some coffee, followed by a short nap

Managing Fatigue: Questions  When could a cup of coffee help you stay alert without affecting your sleep?

 Where and when could you take a nap at work?

 How could you use an “anchor sleep” schedule to get more sleep during the week?

 Do you take enough breaks at work?

…when working a long shift?

…when working nights?

Strategies That Don’t Help


Ineffective: Temperature & Ventilation Fresh, cold air by itself will only make you feel more alert for a few moments.

 Getting fresh air while you are taking a break is better than just opening the window  However, if the air quality is bad where you are working, take action immediately:  Improve ventilation in the area or move away  Poor air quality can lead to fatigue, confusion, and other serious health problems

Ineffective: Food & Exercise A healthy diet and regular exercise are good for long term management of fatigue and for improving overall health.

However, eating specific foods or getting exercise at work will not relieve fatigue for more than a few moments.

Ineffective: Drugs Drugs can cause problems if used incorrectly, and many require a doctor’s guidance.

 Sedatives (used as sleep aids)  Can be habit forming   “Hangover” effect the next day Herbal remedies may not work as promised  Stimulants (used for staying awake)  Rarely appropriate in a highway environment  Caffeine is the only recommended stimulant

Ineffective: Melatonin & Bright Light  Melatonin (dietary supplement)  Can be effective to help get to sleep at your usual time  Not useful for adapting to a new work/sleep schedule  Bright light   Can boost alertness temporarily Still being researched, so cannot be recommended

Ineffective: Questions  Are you on medications that could affect your sleep or alertness at work? Should you consult your doctor?

 Are you relying on strategies that might be ineffective or harmful?


Review: Fatigue and Schedules  Highway projects frequently have schedules that can contribute to fatigue:   Shifts longer than 8 hours Frequent night work and switching day/night shifts  Working more than 5 days in a row, especially if weekend closures are involved  On-the-job injuries are more common with these work schedules:  Less off-duty time (long shifts, OT)  Work/sleep schedule may be “opposite” your circadian cycle (night shift)

Review: Recovering from Fatigue  There is no substitute for getting enough sleep Things like caffeine and rest breaks give only temporary relief  Fatigue cannot be overcome by motivation or willpower  There is no “one size fits all” solution But this basic course offers some effective strategies you can try  Make sure you use these strategies correctly For example, more caffeine isn’t the answer if you already use too much

The only way to recover from fatigue is to get more sleep.

For More Information Visit the National Sleep Foundation’s website:

[OPTIONAL:] If you are feeling unusually fatigued at work, or if you are concerned about your work schedule, see: [SPECIFY CONTACT INFORMATION FOR SAFETY MANAGER, ETC.]