Lecture 3 summary

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Transcript Lecture 3 summary

Lecture 11 Summary
Detecting and correcting spelling errors is an important issue in spoken language processing systems.
It can be broken down into three problems:
Non-word error detection - detecting errors resulting in non-words.
Isolated-word error detection - detecting errors resulting in non-words in isolation.
Context dependent error detection - Using the neighboring context to detect and correct errors
even if they result in words from the lexicon.
Much of the research in correcting spelling errors (typographic and cognitive) is focused on singleerror misspellings.
Probabilistic models for detecting pronunciation and spelling variation comprise of using concepts
from Bayesian classification – attempting to find the correct word from the lexicon, given the ‘noisy’
word (with spelling/pronunciation variations).
Estimate of the correct word
wˆ  arg max P( w / O)
Observed word
Every word in the lexicon
Using Bayes’ rule:
wˆ  arg max
P(O / w) P( w)
 arg max P(O / w) P( w)
ECE 7000 Natural Language Processing
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