Legal Update - Society of Local Council Clerks

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Nicholas Hancox Solicitors

Power, Freedom and Grass: Local Council Law in 2014

Debbie Ashton and Nicholas Hancox SLCC National Conference 2014

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The General Power of Competence, including the issue of generating electricity for sale: what a council can do and what it can’t under the Localism Act 2011

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The Freedom of Information Act 2000: getting it right. Recent FOI Act Court judgments and Tribunal decisions affecting local councils

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Village Green cases including the Barkas case in the Supreme Court

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Power (1)

Power to install solar panels, wind turbines etc

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Power (2)

Power to sell surplus electricity generated?

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Power (3)

Statutory provisions:

LGA 1972, section 111

Localism Act 2011, section 1 Court decisions

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Power (4)

Other solutions

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Freedom (1)

The Freedom of Information Act 2000: getting it right. Recent FOI Act Court judgments and Tribunal decisions affecting local councils

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Freedom (2)

Vexatious or repeated requests (section 14)

Paul Campbell v (1)The Information Commissioner and (2) Steyning Parish

Council [FTT Decision EA/2013/0225]

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Freedom (3)

Appeals against the Upper Tribunal decisions in (1) Information Commissioner v Devon CC v Dransfield and (2) Craven v Information

Commissioner and DECC

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Freedom (4)

Law enforcement (s 31), health and safety (s 38), personal data (s 40)

Stephen Hepple v (1) Information Commissioner and (2) Durham

County Council [FTT Decision EA/2013/0168]

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Freedom (5)

Personal data (section 40)

Edem v Information Commissioner

and another [2014] EWCA Civ 92

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Freedom (6)

Personal data of children or young persons

Surrey Heath Borough Council v Information Commissioner and

another [2014] UKUT 339 (AAC) (the Morley case)

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Freedom (7)

Information provided in confidence (section 41)

Telford & Wrekin Council v Information Commissioner and

Honarmond [FTT Decision EA/2013/0035]

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Freedom (8)

Inquiries etc - exemption lasting beyond the inquiry (section 32(2))

Kennedy v Charity Commission

[2014] UKSC 20

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Freedom (9)

What are requesters entitled to?

IPSA v Information Commissioner

and Leapman [2014] UKUT 33: copies of original receipts and invoices relating to expenses claimed by MPs

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Freedom (10)

What are requesters entitled to?

Innes v Information Commissioner

[2014] EWCA Civ 1086: information in the requested format if reasonably practicable

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Freedom (11)

The Freedom of Information Act 2000: getting it right ICO guidance at

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Grass (1)

Village Green cases:

R (on the application of Barkas (Appellant) v North Yorkshire County Council and another (Respondents)

[2014] UKSC 31

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Grass (2)


use of council-owned recreation ground was ‘by right’ rather than ‘as of right’

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Grass (3)

R (Beresford ) v Sunderland City

Council [2003] UKHL 60 wrongly decided

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Grass (4)

Adamson v Paddico and Taylor v Betterment cases [2014] UKSC 7: applications for rectification of the register – lapse of time not immaterial

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Grass (5)

R (Church Commissioners for England)

v Hampshire County Council [2014] Civ 364: an applicant could be given a reasonable opportunity to correct errors in a defective application and the application, if corrected, would take effect from the filing date

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R (Wood and Turley) v Leeds City Council

[2014] EWHC 2598 (Admin) A decision to increase allotment rents was flawed – Allotments Act 1950, section 10 and the importance of a valuation exercise

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Any Questions?