Transcript Chapter 28

Chapter 29
Urban Environment
The City as a System
• A city influences and is
influenced by its
• A city must:
– Maintain a flow of energy
– Provide necessary material
resources (jobs)
– Have ways of removing
• Accomplished though
transportation and
communication with
outlying areas
– This is one of the reasons
why having a good public
transportation system is so
The city as a system with flows of energy and materials.
Importance of Site and Situation
• The location of a city is influenced by:
– Site: the summation of all environmental
features of that location
– Situation: the placement of a city in respect to
other areas
• Ex) fall line…influenced by waterways
Why have a city on or near a fall line?
The History of a City
4 Stages:
The rise of towns
The era of classic urban centers
The period of industrial metropolises
The age of mass telecommunication, computers and
new forms of travel
Sort-of reminds me of the demographic transition
City Planning for Defense and
• City Planning
– Formal, conscious planning for new cities
– 2 themes of city planning: defense and beauty
• Give me some reasons as to why city planning is so
The City as an Environment
• Energy budget: solar, water, wind, transport of
• Urban atmosphere and climate: affects climate
• Solar energy: usually gets less sunlight
• Water: sewage, drinking water, rainfall
• Soils (made lands): made lands are created from
“fill”…sometimes garbage
• Pollution: individuals in the city are exposed to
many more pollutants
A typical urban heat profile. The graph shows temperature changes
correlated with the density of development and trees.
One way to
maximize water
usage in a city.
Bringing Nature to the City
• Cities favor certain animals and plants
– Like what?
• Trees are important to urban environments
– Why?
• Cities help conserve biological diversity
– How?
What does this picture remind
you of?
What is IPM
and can it be
used in a city?
Any Questions?