Transcript Document

Cream – Reception (30-50 months)
Pink – (40-60 months)
• I can find the title with help
• I know that the left page comes before
• I can hold the book the right way up
• I can turn the pages at the right time
• I can talk about the pictures with help
• I can predict (guess) what might happen
• I can spot some phonemes that I have
the right
• I know we read sentences from left to
• I can point to the words as I hear or read
• I can find words that I know and use them
to check my reading makes sense
• I can think about what the text (words)
say to help me with my reading
• I can sound out 2 and 3 letter words that
I didn’t know, with help
Red – Early Learning Goals (pre-Level 1)
Yellow – Level 1c
• I can find and remember the title
• I can follow the print with my eyes, only pointing to
tricky words
• I can point to the words as I hear or read them
• I can use phonemes to read some small words
• I use words that I know to check my reading makes
• I am starting to read a little more quickly and I
remember what I’m reading
• I can repeat some words and sentences to make sure
my reading makes sense
• I can predict what a word might be by thinking about
what would fit or make sense in the sentence
• I can use the tricky words and phonemes more
confidently to help me read words I don’t know eg;
look - took
• I notice punctuation (full stops, commas, capital
letters) to help me make sense of my reading
• I can use lots of clues to help me as I read more
• I can look for clues in the text to guess, check or try
new words when I’m reading
• I can try to sound out 2 and 3 letter words I don’t
know by myself
• I can see differences or similarities between books
and texts and I can predict what might happen next in
Blue – Level 1b
Green – Level 1b+
• I can read fluently whilst using all
I can read through the text and think about
whether it makes sense
•I can correct mistakes that I make as I continue to
•I can repeat words and sentences to check that my
reading makes sense
• I can attempt to use the new phonemes (sounds) I
have been learning to work out words
• I can read new tricky words as I check for clues in
the text
• I can read different kinds of books or texts eg:
stories, information books and poetry
• I can talk about my reading to show that I
understand it well
punctuation correctly
• I can solve new words whilst I check to
make sure they make sense in the sentence
and in the text
• I can use the new phonemes (sounds) I
have been learning to work out words
• I can manage many different types of
• I can talk about characters and storyline
in detail and begin to find information from
what I read
Orange – Level 1a
Turquoise – Level 1a+
• I can read without relying on illustrations
• I can grasp the meaning of a text whilst
reading it
• I can read longer phrases and more
complex sentences
• I recognise and use a wider variety of
• I can cross-check for meaning and syntax
(sentence structure) as I read
• I can use familiar syllables within words to
help read longer words
• I can grasp the meaning of a text
• I can adapt my reading skills to read a
variety of genres (types of text)
• I can use punctuation and text layout to
read with a greater range of expression
• I can sustain reading through longer
sentence structures and paragraphs
• I can tackle an increasing amount of more
complex words
Purple – Level 2c
Gold – Level 2b
• I can read silently or quietly at a more
rapid pace, taking note of punctuation &
using it to keep track of longer sentences.
• I can look through a variety of texts with
growing independence, to predict content, layout
and story development
• I can read common alternative graphemes
(groups of letters eg; ie/igh)
• I can read silently or quietly at a more rapid
pace, taking note of punctuation and using it to
keep track of longer sentences
• I can read all Key Words independently
and automatically.
• I can solve most unfamiliar words as you read
• I can use appropriate strategies for
reading most tricky words.
• I can read aloud with increasing intonation
and expression, taking account of the
• I can adapt to fiction, non-fiction and poetry
with growing flexibility
• I am more aware of literary effects used by
• I can use reading to build up a bank of
vocabulary for writing and speaking
White – Level 2a
Lime– Level 3
• I can read silently most of the time,
I read silently most of the time
• I am interested in longer texts and can return
to it easily after a break
• I can use text more fully as a reference for
ideas and information
• I can search for and find information in texts
adjusting speed of reading to suit material
and monitoring the precise meaning.
• I can re-read dialogue, complex sentences
and unfamiliar language to find different
• I notice the spelling of unfamiliar words and
relate to known words
• I can use a range of strategies to tackle
unfamiliar words
• I show an increasing awareness of vocabulary
and precise meaning
• I express reasoned opinions about what is read
• I recognise the functions of punctuation
including apostrophe for omission and use
appropriate intonation and expression
• I offer and discuss interpretations of the text
• I understand the purpose of paragraphs.
Dark Pink – Level 3C-3B
I can search longer texts to locate
relevant sections and retrieve
detailed information
I can find evidence in the text to
support answers
I can read across a whole text to
identify relevant details/pieces of
information (scan)
I can use context to work out the
meanings of unfamiliar words
I can develop understanding of
motivation and cause and effect
I can follow timelines in a narrative
and discuss significance of events
as a whole
I can read texts on different pages
to identify relevant pieces of
information (skim)
I can identify and discuss
descriptive details of settings and
track changes of setting
I can infer characters’ feelings and
motives in a story form from what
they say and do (eg What does ‘his
trembling fingers’ tell you about how
the character is feeling?.
I can comment briefly on impact of
specific figurative language eg
simile – ‘like a hovering rainbow’
metaphor – ‘he wolfed his food’
personification – ‘the stars danced
in their spangly dresses’.
I can identify the underlying
ideas/themes in a text eg good and
evil, pollution is damaging the earth.
Light Blue – Level 3A-4B
I can search text precisely to
locate evidence (scan)
I can select and use textual detail
to answer specific questions
I can rely on textual information
rather than personal experience or
knowledge extrinsic to text
I can draw evidence from specific
parts of information texts,
recognising links between points in
different sentences/sections
I can recognise when specific
words/phrases carry more than
their literal meaning
I can trace developments through
texts to deduce reasons, motive,
cause and effect
I can infer meaning from a
paragraph or section of text
I can read text closely for
accurate interpretation of implicit
I can explain the use of common
typographical conventions, eg bold
and brackets
I can identify words used by the
author to achieve a given effect eg
‘scheming’ would imply an unpleasant
character and ‘compassionate’ would
imply the author likes the
I can identify key ideas/events in
texts and explain them clearly
Comments on some limited
connections to other similar texts
Black – Level 4B-5C
I can recognise the gist of a
I can follow the development of
events and actions in order to infer
feelings, motives and viewpoints of
characters and author
I can follow the stages in a process
or argument to group the main
I can understand the relationship
between sections of information in
I can understand the function of
layout and graphics eg the author
used a subheading to separate two
sections of text.
I can explain the effect of words
and phrases precisely
I can explore different layers of
meaning in figurative language eg
literal and metaphorical meanings –
‘on dangerous ground’
I can evaluate events in the light of
a whole narrative, not just the
surrounding text
I can focus on the main theme of
text/s as evidence to justify
personal opinion
I can draw on several aspects of a
text to justify personal opinion
I can identify similarities and
differences between texts eg I
noticed that C S Lewis uses a
particular type of animal to depict
character .
Black – Level 5C-5A
I can recognise when it is appropriate to bring
personal experience to shed light upon
inferential understanding
I can explain explicitly how they made
inferences and deductions
I can become familiar with less common
presentational features and explain the precise
function of typographical features in conveying
meaning eg use of italics, inverted commas and
I can explore how the structural choices
support the writer’s purpose eg bullet points,
subheadings, chapter length, sentence length,
poetry layout and language.
I can recognise when a word or phrase has
more than one layer of meaning and explain this
precisely eg ‘Night and the little stars travel
the black pond’ implies that night is passing.
I can interpret figurative language in the light
of the whole passage/poem not just the
surrounding text
I can make explicit statements about an
author’s technique and intention in choosing
particular words, phrases, constructions and
describe their effect
I can reflect on the implications of events,
actions and feelings in order to explain them
I can understand how different parts of a text
can be linked by a common underlying theme or
idea eg humour, childhood, war, achievement.
I can recognise the underlying and surface
purpose/aim of specific texts eg the purpose of
an advert is to inform and the underlying aim is
to persuade.
I can compare texts in terms of their impact
upon the reader and justify opinion through a
range of points
Draw on more than one text to explore themes,
ideas, information eg several texts by the same
author, or several texts that deal with the
same theme eg wartime.