Rules of Procedure

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United Nations
The United Nations is an international organisation of countries.
Aims of United Nations
It was created for the following reasons:
• There should be peace and security in
the world after the Second World War
• Countries should be friendly with each
• Countries should help each other solve
• Human rights should be respected
everywhere in the world.
After the Second World War the allied countries
got together to discuss in which ways such an
organization could be created. In 1945, 50
countries got together in San Francisco and
signed an agreement that created the United
Nations. The United States invited the new UN
to set up its headquarters in New York. The
building was finished in 1952 and has been the
permanent seat of the UN until today.
• Membership is open to all peace - loving
nations. Today there are about 200
countries in the UN - only very few have
not become members.
• Switzerland joined the UN in 2002
because the Swiss always wanted to be
The main parts of the UN
The General Assembly
The Security Council
The Economic and Social Council
The International Court of Justice
The Secretariat
The main parts of the UN
United Nations Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon
Trygve Lie
Model United Nations
Presentation by Shreyas Bindal
Guidance by : Ms Priti Sable
Source: CSIA
What is MUN?
Model United Nations is an international relations
simulation for students. At an MUN, delegates
gain insight into the workings of the United
Nations and understand the dynamics of
international relations. They assume the roles of
UN representatives and members of other
international bodies and national cabinets. They
mainly represent nations other than their own.
They are given their committees and the agenda
with the issues to be debated.
What is MUN?
• MUN is an exciting opportunity for students to
debate issues that confront world leaders and to
draft resolutions in response to these global issues.
• The students learn about the different problems
faced by the other countries and develop ways and
means to find a solution that would be acceptable to
a majority of nations.
• This helps them to understand the importance of
global unity and to work towards global peace.
Duties of Delegation
• Delegates should be prepared to
represent their nation and have specific
knowledge connectg to their committee’s
• Respect chairs and other delegates
• Obtain the floor when they have been
recognized by chair
• Yield the floor to chair when required to do
so by chair
Typical use of vocabulary in MUN
• Delegate: The representative of a nation
• The Floor: The floor is the podium where delegates
make speeches and answer questions
• The House: The committee is called the house
• To second: To agree with something
• Open debate: A debate where delegates may freely
speak for or against a resolution
• Closed debate: A debate where the chair specifically
designates time for or against a topic. This type of
debate will usually be regarding an amendment.
Committee Session
Roll Call
• All sessions start with a role call
• Delegates raise their placards and say “present and
• If they miss the role call, they send a note to the chair to
notify that they are present
Opening Speech
• On the first day of session, each delegation is required to
speak for one minute on its stance regarding one or
more of the agendas
Things to do
• Once a nation and an agenda has been
given, the delegate should research the
nation and the issue.
• He/she should draft a policy statement
which clearly puts forward the stance of
the nation and its stand on the issue being
• The next step is to draft a resolution.
Header on the Draft Resolution
FORUM: (your committee)
QUESTION OF: (the issue debated on)
SUBMITTED BY: (the main submitter)
CO-SUBMITTED BY: (the co-submitters)
• [you write all the preambulatory clauses here]
• [you write the operative clauses here]
• For a sample resolution
Tips for writing resolutions
• A resolution should consist of long clauses
and sub clauses if needed.
• It must be divided with preambulatory and
operative clauses.
• Preambulatory
background of the issues and arguments.
• Operative clauses tell the possible solutions
for the issue.
• Each resolution must have operative clauses.
What do they look like?
1. You write a big idea (operative
a) Then you divide that idea into smaller units
i) and into even smaller units (sub sub clause)
• Lobbying is trying to win as many nations as possible on
your side to help your resolution to pass. This offers
delegates an opportunity to merge, compromise and
• A few number of co-submitters are required in order for a
resolution to be debated. Co-submitting a resolution
does not necessarily mean that you agree to the content
of the resolution but that you agree to debate on it.
• After writing resolutions, submit them to the chairs and
they will fix the format and grammar of the resolution.
• The resolution will then go to the approval panel for a
final check.
Written Communication
• Delegates may communicate during the
debate through note paper.
• Chairs and admin staff have the right to
screen and confiscate any notes if
• No note passing regarding personal
matters that are irrelevant to debate.
• DO NOT use any other language than
English to communicate.
How a notepaper looks
Beginning of Debate
• The chair declares a new debate
• The main submitter then reads out his operative clauses
• The chair will entertain points of clarification and set the
debate time
• The main submitter will then make a speech
• The chair will entertain points of information
• The speaker may yield the floor to the chair or to another
delegate (yielding is only allowed once between
• Continue with open debate
Speech/Points of Information
• Only the delegates who have been recognized
by the chair have the right to take the floor and
• The chair may limit the speaking time if
• The chair may also limit the number of points of
information to be entertained if necessary.
• If the delegate is recognized by the chair to
make points of information, they should stand up
and ask in a question form.
Speech/Points of Information
• The speaker or the delegate asking the point of
information may ask the chair to ask the
delegate to rephrase his/her answer or question
if unclear.
• If the delegate wants to ask a second question,
he/she may ask the chair for a follow up. The
chair may choose to grant the follow up or not
depending on the time and necessity.
• Follow ups are allowed only once.
• During the debate, delegates may suggest points or
• For a point to be recognized, the delegate has to be
identified by the chair.
• A motion needs seconds to be entertained. If there
is even one objection, it will be ignored. However,
under all circumstances the chair can overrule any
• Motions and points cannot interrupt the speaker
except for point of personal privilege regarding
• Point of Clarification: directed at the
delegate requesting information from the
speaker regarding specific or unclear
terminology used in the resolution, NOT
regarding the content.
• Point of Information: directed to the
speaker, pertaining to the content of the
resolution. Only accepted if the speaker
allows. May not interrupt the speaker.
• Point of information to the chair:
Question referring to anything that does
not fall under the category of Point of
Parliamentary Enquiry, Point of Order or
Point of Personal Privilege. It is also a
question asking for a statement by the
Chair or clarification on an issue. May not
interrupt the speaker.
• Point of order: directed at the chair, regarding
rules of procedure. May not interrupt the
• Point of Parliamentary Inquiry: directed at the
chair, regarding rules of procedure. May not
interrupt the speaker.
• Point of Personal Privilege: Directed at the
chair, regarding personal comfort of the
delegate. May interrupt only if the speaker is not
• Motion to extend debate time: asks to extend the
debate time on a resolution
• Motion to move into previous question: asks to move
into next procedure
- When debating the resolution → Voting procedure
- When debating for an amendment → Time against the
- When debating against the amendment → Voting
procedure on the amendment
• Delegates must fill in an amendment sheet and
submit it through admin staff for the chair’s
• An amendment can only be entertained after the
approval of the chair when the submitter has
obtained the floor
• Amendments help the resolution to pass by
striking, adding or changing the operative/sub
• Each amendment should modify only one
• Delegates may submit an amendment to
the second degree which modifies the
amendment submitted to the first degree.
If the amendment to the second degree
passes, the first will automatically pass.
However, if it fails, the house will resume
debate on the amendment to the first
degree without any changes.
• Voting occurs to pass an amendment or a
• Delegates should raise their placards to
• They may vote for, against, or abstain
(remain neutral)
• Admin staff will count the number of votes.
Misc. Rules
• Please refrain from using unparliamentary
or offensive language.
• Please refrain from using personal
pronouns; refer to yourself and other
delegates as delegate
• No sleeping or eating within the
• If you need to use the bathroom, tell the
chair by passing a note.
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