Transcript Document

Achievement Plan
 All identified gifted and talented students in Aldine are
automatically placed on the Distinguished Achievement
Plan at the beginning of 9th grade.
 Students have four years to acquire these four measures.
 Additional information on the Distinguished
Achievement Plan is found in the Middle School
Planning/Course Description Book and the High School
Planning Book. The campus G/T coordinator can
provide additional assistance.
Why National History Day?
 TEKS Requirements
 Career and College Readiness Standards
 Research Skills
 Increased vocabulary and reading skills
 Critical History
 Students who participate in NHD score
higher on standardized test than their peer
who do not participate in NHD
Requirements for a Project
 Process Paper
 Annotated Bibliography
 Project:
Historical Paper
Web Site
Turning Points in History:
People, Ideas, Events
 The NHD theme provides a focused way to
increase student's historical understanding
by developing a lens to read history, an
organizational structure that helps students
place information in the correct context
and finally, the ability to see connections
over time.
Criteria for a Quality
History Project
Historical Quality (60%)
Historically Accurate
Shows analysis and interpretation
Places the topic in its historical context
Shows wide research
Uses available primary sources
Research is balanced in relation to various points of view
Relation to the Theme (20%)
 Clearly relates topic to the History Day theme
 Demonstrates significance of the topic in history and
draws conclusions
Clarity of Presentation (20%)
 Project written material is original, clear, appropriate,
 Project is organized,
 Performers show good stage presence; props, costumes are
historically accurate
 Documentary category is appropriate to topic
 Historical Paper-Text is clear, grammatical, and spelled
correctly; entry is neatly prepared
 Exhibit has visual impact, correctly uses maps, photos, etc.
Rules Compliance (Yes/No)
 Maintains size requirement, time requirement, or length requirement
(word limit)
 Includes an annotated bibliography
 Media device maintains time limit (3 mins.) (Exhibits)
 Maintains word limit (500 words) (Exhibits and Web Sites)
 Other:
Step 1: Group Dynamics
 Do you work best individually or with others?
 What are the work habits of other group
members you are considering?
If you cannot do ordinary homework
together, do not undertake major
assignments with them. Do not work with
someone just because you are best
 Consider schedules and extracurricular
activities. You must be able to schedule time
to work together.
 Consider travel arrangements. You may need
to check parents' schedules for transportation.
Step 2: Selecting A Topic
 Topic should be of interest to you.
 Topic should clearly fit the theme: “Turning
Points in History: People, Ideas, Events.”
 Topic should be in-depth and narrow in scope.
 Topic should reflect the availability of primary
and secondary resources.
 Be able to answer one of the questions…
– “This topic relates to the theme because…”
– “This is important because…”
Personal topics work well.
Do you have family members/ancestors
you could research?
Local topics work well.
Try to narrow a national/global topic
to the local point-of-view.
Local > State > National > International
Establish the historical significance of
your topic.
Avoid current events.
Avoid topics that will be researched by
Step 3: Research
 Use both primary and secondary sources and
ANALYZE the information.
 Make sure that your research is reflected in
the final project on the exhibit, in the
performance, in the documentary, or in your
historical paper.
 Gather lots of information – use only that
which helps prove your conclusion.
 Relate everything to your topic.
 Keep track of all sources.
Primary Sources
 Primary Sources – Information
created by the event or the process of
an event
Archival Documents
Manuscripts and/or Diaries
Newspaper, Magazine, Journals IF they
are written at the time of an event
Personal interview IF the person
participated or was an eyewitness
Secondary Sources
 Secondary Sources – A source that
seeks to explain or interpret an event
Interviews that explain or interpret – the
person is talking about an event and was
not a participant
Media Productions
Showing Results of
the Research
 Use Primary Research and show that
these sources have been used.
–Use Quotes, Pictures, Headlines
 Make sure materials used are part of
the “STORY” and help prove the
and PERSUASIVE project.
Don’t just “Yahoo”
 Students, teachers, staff, and parents
have access to a multitude of electronic
 Search the following electronic databases
via the Aldine ISD webpage.
 Go to “Students” -- then click on
“Internet Resources”.
Search These Databases
 AP Photo Archives--over 50 million print
images from the Associated Press, great
resource for primary source
 Discovery Ed. Streaming--provides over
40,000 full length videos, key concept
video clips, and still images to enhance the
curriculum. We have copyright
privileges to insert these clips into
 EBSCO host--combines user-friendly
interfaces with quality full text content from
magazines, journals, newspapers, newswires,
transcripts, pamphlets, reports, primary source
documents, biographies, almanacs, dictionaries,
encyclopedias, photos, maps, flags, and other
reference sources. Excellent source of
periodical primary source material as well as
background material. Check out “History
Reference Center” as well as other databases.
 ABC-CLIO--Comprehensive, current,
authoritative, accessible, and aligned, this
masterful collection of social studies resources
develops students' historical understanding,
information literacy, and critical thinking skills.
 Maps 101--provides users with a collection
of over 4,000 online resources and maps that
are optimized for printing and immediate
classroom use.
 netTrekker--provides fast and easy access to
more than 180,000 high quality,
prescreened, and educationally relevant K-12
 HIP (Horizon Information Portal)--allows
you to search for library books at your school
or any school in Aldine. You may request
books from any school in Aldine for your
project. Ask your librarian for help.
Ongoing Research
You will continue researching
throughout your entire project.
You will never finish this
aspect of your project. At
every level you are expected
to conduct more research!
Step 4: Selecting a Category
Historical Paper
Web Site
Consider the cost and your
Though papers are economical, NO category really has
to cost a lot. Be organized. Cut corners, recycling
whenever possible.
Use school equipment when you can such as
mat cutters, cameras, etc.
Performances do NOT require elaborate backdrops.
Minimal costumes and props can be very effective.
For exhibits, invest in the common
6' x 40" x 30" board and reuse
over the years--you can repaint or
Recycle mat boards and letters.
Use standard sized pictures when
you cut mats--they can be
repainted any color for reuse. Ask
construction companies for
scrap materials.
Does your topic fit
your chosen
Documentaries and exhibits
need topics that can be
presented visually.
Performances need topics with
drama or emotion.
Consider all your strengths
and weaknesses
– Are you artistic?
– Do you work well with your
– Do you write well?
– Are you organized?
– Are you a “leader”?
Consider your strengths
Do you like to work with your hands?
Consider exhibit.
Do you have dramatic ability?
Try performances.
Is writing your strength?
Write a paper.
Do you like to work with machines?
With photography? With a video camera?
Produce a media presentation.
Step 5: Process Paper
 Section 1: All process papers should explain
how you chose your topic.
 Section 2: Explain how you conducted your
 Section 3: Explain how you selected your
presentation category and created your
 Section 4: Explain how your project relates
to the NHD theme.
 Thesis statement
Process Paper
 Be sure you have a thesis statement.
 Highlight any special sources, information, or
interviews used in your project.
 The maximum length of paper is 500 words and
two pages.
 Paper should be stapled in the top left corner
and not enclosed in any cover or binder.
 Annotated bibliography should be attached to
paper. You must have at least three copies.
Step 6:
Annotated Bibliography
 All sources must be annotated.
 Have an adequate number of sources.
 List only the sources you used.
 Use a variety of sources.
 Primary and secondary sources should
be separated.
 MLA style should be used.
Coe, Michael. Email Interview. March 6, 2005.
Michael Coe, author of Breaking the Maya
Code, is a well-known archeologist who has
conducted many successful expeditions to
study Mayan Hieroglyphics. In the
interview, he commented that Diego de
Landa’s manuscript is “ the key to the
glyphs.” Therefore, once all the glyphs are
“unlocked,” they will communicate the entire
Mayan history.
“War and Conflict,” British Broadcasting Corporation.
9 Sept. 2004. <>
To get us started in researching the background to
the Northern Irish conflict, we went through the
BBC’s archive of the major events throughout
the history of the Ulster province. The site
showed us how the penal codes, beginning after
the Williamite Wars, eventually led to the hunger
strikes of the 1970s and 80s. The archive also
gave information about the current peace process
in Ireland and the impact world leaders have had
on the negotiation of the Good Friday Accords.
Halberstam, David. The Making of a Quagmire. New
York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1988.
David Halberstam observed the Vietnam during the
Kennedy era. His book described the viewpoints of
many who played a role in Vietnam’s history. The
Buddhists grew stronger as the Diem Regime grew
weaker. This book helped by describing in detail the
situation in Vietnam and also by providing different
points of view.
 Title
 Thesis
 Captions for all pictures. There is a 500 word
maximum. Quotes do not count as part of your
500 words.
 Timelines
 Your board should illustrate this year’s theme,
“Turning Points in History: People, Ideas,
 Your board should reflect your research.
 Boards should be organized and tell a story.
 Use subheadings, segmentation.
 Interpret information.
 Your board must meet the size limitations.
(6' high x 40" wide x 30" deep)
 Only students may set up the backboard.
Stress how the topic fits this year’s theme.
Performance must be creative and dramatic but
must also show signs of research and
historical content.
Performance must demonstrate your research.
Length of performance is about 10 minutes.
Students should not go over the 10 minute
time frame. Students should try to use as
much of the 10 minutes as they can.
Be prepared to answer judges questions.
Only students may carry props in and out of the
The maximum time is 10 minutes.
Material should be entertaining but focus on
the topic and this year’s theme.
Documentary must demonstrate your
Narration and music should be pre-recorded.
Students are only allowed to introduce
themselves and answer questions.
Be prepared to answer judges’ questions at
every level.
Only students may set-up and work
Historical Paper
1,500 - 2,500 words, excluding title
page and bibliography
Organization shows clear focus and
Title page, Bibliography, Citations
Papers are turned in earlier than other
Web Site
 Be sure to read updated version of rules. See the
2010-2011 Rule Book.
 No more than 1,200 visible, student-composed
 The entire site, including all multimedia, may use
up to 100MB of file space.
 Navigation- one page must serve as the “home
 All pages must be interconnected with hypertext
 Citations-footnotes, endnotes, or internal
documentation are required
 You must submit to on-line web site-through
National History Day weebly link
“Revising or reusing an
entry from a previous
year -- whether your own
or another student’s -- is
unacceptable and will
result in disqualification.”
From the NHD Contest Rule Book
Dates to Remember
 District History Day-January 25th
 Regional History Day-February
 Texas History Day-May 3rd-4th
 National History Day- June 8th-13th
Nationals 2010