Transcript Document

September 27, 2014
The Town of Weston
A small town in Fairfield County: Population 10,700 citizens, 3600 residences.
2 acre zoning; privacy is very important; hard to know our neighbors.
Rapid growth 1990’s. Newer residents are more affluent, young and mobile.
Insignificant commercial base. Tax burden primarily on the residents.
Over 80% of the annual budget is allocated for the schools.
The Weston School District
• Small: 2400 Students, stabilizing after drop of 200 from 2600 in 2006-07.
PK, 4 schools K-12 on one campus.
• Expensive: Per student cost $20,000
• Excellent: Ranked a top school in the state year after year.
U. S. News and World Report, 3rd ranked in 2014
• Our schools are the Community’s “major industry”.
Our schools are the primary attraction for new residents.
The Weston Historical Society
Recently new memberships and renewals began to decline.
Our Challenge: Being Relevant to a community that is:
Young Families
Lesson 1: Need to focus on the school district to reach this constituency.
Why Weren’t We Successful?
Our ideas
Lesson 1 cont. Transferring old programs that used to work and our
independent ideas to this constituency not the answer.
How collaboration Between the Schools and the Society Developed
Established an Education Committee.
Goal: become a resource that will enhance the learning curriculum.
Asked school district Superintendent to assign a school liaison to the WHS
Primary Contact; Curriculum Instruction Leader for Social Studies, grades
6-12. Limited effectiveness
Lesson 2: Engaging with individual teachers more effective than the Liaison
National History Day was an early opportunity.
National History Day; 2014
Our Historical Society participation in the NHD program
• Began with the Connecticut NHD Website to learn more.
• Attended the 2014 Hartford NHD kickoff, October 2013.
• Contacted the NHD District Coordinator-Tony Andrade.
Engaged with the schools
• Met with Tony.
• Contacted Peggy Jorgensen; 6-8 grade Teacher-Project Challenge.
• Worked directly with the students and Peggy.
2014 National History Day-Weston Results
District Competition-Junior Division Submissions
6 teams: Three First Place, one second, two thirds
State Competition-Junior Division
First Place, Second Place for Group Documentary
*Held a recognition event at the historical society for the NHD participants
Students for the 6 entries presented their projects-4 videos, a performance, a paper
Invited community leaders
School administration
The general community
2014: A Good Year
October-May: 6th, 7th grade: Participated in National History Day, at the middle school, WHS.
January: 11th Grade “Innovation and Industrialization” curriculum, at the high school.
Archival items from Weston’s past. 80 students.
Lesson 3: Understanding the curriculum is essential leads to collaboration
May: 3rd Grade field trips at the historical society. Explored the Barn, Home and archives.
June: Senior Award Ceremony. Presented the WHS award for top senior history student.
September through November-WW1 Remembrance; timed to support the 10th grade curriculum.
Opening of the WW1 program: Special Invitation to the Superintendent and administrators.
Special tour for Social Studies Department Curriculum Leader, teachers.
High school gives Extra Credit for attendance at lectures, movies.
Entire 10th grade docent led tours of the exhibit; 180 students over three days.
October-3rd Grade; Reading to all 3rd Graders; “Stubby the (WW1)Hero War Dog”.
To Support their Veteran’s Day Program. At the Intermediate School :100 students.
October-2nd Grade field trip to the WHS.
What Worked for The Weston Historical Society
Established a board member responsible for school engagement.
Developed a working relationship with individual teachers.
Learned the specific curriculum by grade
Developed programs to complement, extend and enhance curriculum
Communicated, engaged with parents, parent organizations.
Shared ideas, experiences with other societies.
National History Day was key to develop collaboration