Transcript PSAT_review

The works of Paraguayan artist Carlo Colombino are _______________: they include sculpture, painting, printmaking, and architecture.

The works of Paraguayan artist Carlo Colombino are _______________: they include sculpture, painting, printmaking, and architecture. a) Distorted b) Whimsical c) Prominent d) Instructive e) Varied

Some actors have complained that the director, rather than treating them as his ____________, dominated them and expected them to be ________________.

Some actors have complained that the director, rather than treating them as his ____________, dominated them and expected them to be ________________.

a) Proteges . . . . . Recalcitrant b) Equals . . . . . Subservient c) Rivals . . . . . Remorseful d) Intimates . . . . . Overweening e) Beneficiaries . . . . . callous

Writing in a straightforward as opposed to ______________ style, the author produced ______________ argument that shed new light on a controversial topic.

Writing in a straightforward as opposed to ______________ style, the author produced ______________ argument that shed new light on a controversial topic. a) An intricate . . . A trivial b) A stilted . . . A nonsensical c) A convoluted . . . A lucid d) A candid . . . A poignant


• • • • • • • • Reading Comprehension Question Types: Main Purpose Author’s Attitude Author’s Tone Purpose of examples Rhetorical/Literary Devices Vocabulary in context EXCEPT questions Comparing and contrasting purpose/strategy of two passages on the same topic

• • • • Reading Comprehension Tips: Read quickly. You are reading for comprehension, purpose, and attitude, not for information. Underline and annotate if it’s helpful, but don’t do so excessively. Focus on the topic sentence or key ideas in each paragraph. Eliminate choices if the question is difficult. There are usually two best answers, and the rest can be easily eliminated. When in doubt, the answer is in the text. Read the question and choices carefully as well as the passage. When reading two passages side by side, stop after passage 1, answer the multiple choice questions regarding that passage, and then read passage 2 and answer the remaining questions.

• • • • Research has shown that children, born with the ability to learn any human language, even several languages at the same time. The judge ruled that the magazine must not publish or in any way profiting from the illegally obtained photographs. The second-year students at this college have evolved into insightful, critical thinkers from an inexperienced and uncertain teenager just a year before. The fabled city of Timbuktu was founded by nomads, they were seeking shelter from the Sahara desert on the cool banks of the Niger River.

• • • • • Commuters in the 1990s encountered more traffic delays than the 1970s and 1980s. The computer company has increased sales for three consecutive years, both by lowering prices on its personal computers and it added new product lines. Something about the project must have energized the bureaucrats; only six months after plans are submitted, the play ground was complete. Professor Corey, a man genuinely interested in others’ ideas, told the students in his government class that they were free to voice all of their opinions, no matter how controversial it was. The three sections of my neighbor’s newly planted garden, each totally different in design and composition, harmonizes with one another in color and texture.