Transcript Document

Understanding and developing outstanding practice
as a primary classteacher:
lessons from the literature on teacher expertise
Dr Tony Eaude
Department of Education
University of Oxford
[email protected]
'The regular classroom teacher is confronted, not with a single patient, but with a classroom
filled with 25 to 35 youngsters. The teacher's goals are multiple … Even in the ubiquitous
primary reading group, the teacher must simultaneously be concerned with the learning of
decoding skills as well as comprehension, with motivation and love of reading as well as wordattack, and must monitor the performance of the six to eight students in front of her while
not losing touch with the other two dozen in the room … The only time a physician could
possibly encounter a situation of comparable complexity would be in the emergency room of a
hospital during or after a natural disaster.'
(Shulman, 2004, p 504)
This session is based on my theoretical work published in Eaude (2012, 2013) on the
expertise of the primary classteacher, building on research, mostly from the US,
summarised in Chapter 21 of the Cambridge Primary Review (Alexander, 2010).
This draws on research on:
expertise, in whatever field;
teacher expertise, in whatever subject or phase;
the expertise of the primary classteacher, taking account of the types of knowledge
needed, the nature of the role and the constraints, both external and internal.
You may not like the term expertise, perhaps because it seems too exclusive or
arrogant. But if we are to understand the complexity of the task in a more profound
way than Ofsted’s view of outstanding based on observing individuals lessons, and to
avoid teaching being seen as little more than applied common sense, we need to try
and articulate what makes teaching a class of young children so challenging- even if it
looks easy when done well.
Expertise in general
Three important lessons about expertise are that it is
prototypical, that is within broad, fluid boundaries to take account of individual difference;
situated, that is specific to the learning needs of a particular age-group or context; and
mostly tacit and so hard for either the teacher or an observer to describe, however easily
And one about expertise in different contexts:
in static situations, like a chess match or designing a building, one can reflect for a long time;
in more fluid, changing situations, like playing rugby or teaching, one has to act much more
intuitively, based far more on intuition, reflection-in-action and case knowledge.
Any one person will have different levels will have levels of expertise for different aspects of the task
(for instance can a professional pianist play all composers with the same level of skill? Or a chef prepare
starters to the same level as desserts?)
Expertise is learned and has constantly to be worked at, if one is to maintain the same level of
Expertise is built up over time, not just doing more of the same but working in subtly different ways.
How do experts (in any field) act and think?
Drawing on Glaser's work, the following propositions can be made about how experts act and think:
expertise is specific to a domain, developed over hundreds and thousands of hours, and continues to
development of expertise is not linear, with plateaus occurring, indicating shifts of understanding;
expert knowledge is structured better for use in performance;
experts represent problems in qualitatively different - deeper and richer - ways;
experts recognise meaningful patterns more quickly;
experts are more flexible and more opportunistic planners;
experts impose meaning on, and are less easily misled by, ambiguous stimuli;
experts may start to solve a problem more slowly but overall they are faster problem solvers;
experts are usually more constrained by task requirements and the social constraints of the situation
[though I suggest that experts recognise rather than are constrained by these];
experts develop automaticity to allow conscious processing of more complex information;
experts have well-developed self-regulatory processes as they engage in their activities. (Eaude,
2012, pp 8/9)
As Sternberg and Horvath (1995, p 16) suggest, an expert 'neither jumps into solution attempts
prematurely nor follows a solution path blindly ... and is able selectively to encode, combine and
compare information to arrive at insightful solutions.'
Teacher expertise 1
Alexander (2010, pp 417-8) draws on the work of Bond et al. to identify thirteen areas within which
teacher expertise can be categorised, here summarised under five headings:
Teacher knowledge
better use of knowledge;
extensive pedagogical content knowledge, including deep representations of subject matter;
Setting objectives and providing feedback
more challenging objectives;
better monitoring of learning and providing feedback to students;
better adaptation and modifications of goals for diverse learners including better skills for
Understanding and responding to events
better perception of classroom events including a better ability to read cues from students;
better problem-solving strategies;
more frequent testing of hypotheses;
better decision-making;
Climate and context
better classroom climate;
greater sensitivity to context;
Attitude and beliefs
greater respect for students;
display of more passion for teaching.
Teacher expertise 2
Alexander (2010, p 418) cites research which states that the features on the previous
page were 'correlated with measures such as students' higher levels of achievement,
deep rather than surface understanding of subject matter, higher motivation to learn
and feelings of self-efficacy', especially with younger and low-income pupils.
‘Most of the embarrassments of pedagogy that I encounter are not the inability of
teachers to teach well, for an hour or even a day. Rather they flow from an inability
to sustain episodes of teaching and learning over time that unfold, accumulate, into
meaningful understanding in students.’ (Shulman, 2004, p 396)
Cooper and McIntyre (1996, pp. 78 -82) highlight that the skilled teachers whom they
studied balanced long-term aims, over an extended time scale, with short-term
objectives. I suggest that the primary classteacher has multiple (and often conflicting)
aims over time, not just related to one subject and measurable outcomes.
Teacher knowledge
Teaching is mainly a practical activity, which depends on how it is done. So, much teacher
knowledge is procedural and largely tacit, often described as craft knowledge. Grimmett
and Mackinnon (1992, p 437) argue that 'craft knowledge is vastly different from the
packaged and glossy maxims that govern “the science of education” … Craft knowledge has
a different sort of rigour, one that places more confidence in the judgement of teachers,
their feel for the work, their love for students and learning.’ We shall come back to the
features of primary classteachers’ craft knowledge.
Domain knowledge is often confused with subject knowledge. Expertise in teaching as in
other fields depends on how knowledge is structured and used. So, rather than subject
knowledge as such, teachers should focus more on pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)
which Shulman (2004, p 203) defines as:
“a particular form of content knowledge that embodies the aspect of content most
germane to its teachability … the most useful forms of representation … the most
powerful analogies, illustrations, examples, explanations and demonstrations …the ways
of formulating the subject that make it comprehensible to others.”
I argue that personal/interpersonal knowledge –knowledge of self and others and how
these affect each other – is a central and often overlooked aspect and is especially
important with young children, for reasons to be explored.
One other sort of teacher knowledge is case knowledge, what Herb Simon called ‘old
friends’, the sense that ‘I have been here (or somewhere very like it) before and so can
draw on that to know what to do, or to avoid.’ This is gathered largely through experience.
Five key elements of craft knowledge
John (2000, pp. 98- 101) identifies five important aspects of how student teachers
demonstrate their level of expertise:
problem avoidance;
interpretation of pupil cues;
opportunity creation;
improvisation; and
mood assessment (and the ability to change the mood).
The first depends on attunement both to the class and particular individuals. The next
three emphasise that teaching young children especially is a reciprocal process which
requires ‘disciplined improvisation’ rather than ‘scripted instruction’ (Sawyer, 2004).
Assessment of mood is often overlooked but vital to avoid ‘losing’ the class which can
happen very quickly with young children.
Five more key elements of craft knowledge
Elliott et al. (2011, p 99) suggest as elements of expertise skills such as;
‘withitness’ (being aware of events taking place);
the capacity to manage multiple events concurrently;
the skilful use and regulation of voice;
the subtle deployment of non-verbal behaviour; and
sensitivity in the control of spoken communication patterns.
The first two are related to the complexity of the classroom and may tend to
encourage less expert teachers especially to oversimplify and overcontrol. The
last three are much more to do with verbal and body language and how these are
Key aspects of what is distinctive about primary
classteachers’ expertise
Primary classrooms are unpredictable and so at times messy. Making teaching too tidy and
planned in advance loses much of the spontaneity and reciprocity necessary for young children’s
Primary classteachers' expertise involves aspects such as
meeting multiple, often conflicting, aims, over time
adopting a wide repertoire of pedagogies and pedagogical content knowledge across a range of
making links across subjects and helping children to do so
having broad as well as high expectations
being attuned to take as well as to give feedback
improvising in response to unexpected events
modelling appropriate types of response
Twelve propositions about classteachers with a high level of
expertise with young children
are more concerned with a broad range of pedagogical content knowledge and ways of working and thinking within
disciplines than just with subject knowledge;
seek to match activities and experiences to children's current level of understanding, but allow scope for individuals
and groups to adapt these;
regard assessment, especially in-the-moment, and disciplined improvisation, rather than planning with
predetermined outcomes, as integral to teaching;
adopt a range of pedagogies, depending on what is to be learned, but with a strong element of apprenticeship,
enabling children to be active and take increasing control of their learning;
are attuned to the emotional and cognitive needs, both of individuals and of the whole class, to inform both planning
and methods of feedback;
create and sustain, over time, an inclusive learning environment sensitive to, and respectful of, children's culture and
background, but helping to expand their cultural horizons;
provide a broad and challenging range of activities, experiences and opportunities to sustain children's interest and to
broaden, strengthen and deepen, the skills, attributes and dispositions associated with lifelong learning;
encourage risk-taking and creativity, both independently and in groups, but protect children, especially the least
resilient, from the emotional cost of failure;
seek to understand and influence, rather than control, children's behaviour, recognising the many factors which
affect this and the importance of caring relationships;
recognise that education involves multiple, and often conflicting, aims and maintain an emphasis on children's longterm needs, helping to encourage intrinsic motivation;
believe that every child can achieve more than s/he thinks that they can, and encourage and support them in having
and meeting broad as well as high aspirations;
have the confidence to make their own professional, and informed, judgements, both long-term and in-the-moment,
in response to the group's needs, rather than simply to comply.
Inherent constraints on manifesting expertise
Given the importance of confidence and feeling ‘at-ease’, we need as teachers
to recognise for ourselves constraints which can undermine this.
Some are inherent in teaching a class of young children:
the sheer busyness of the task
the emotional aspect which can often bring out our own vulnerabilities
the close link for many primary teachers between personal and professional
the power that teachers exert over young children, so that the teacher should
not be too certain, if she is to avoid inhibiting creativity
External constraints on expertise
There are also external constraints such as being:
watched and judged by others, inspectors, heads, tutors and mentors
(however unthreatening you try to be)
expected to conform to the requirements of headteachers and inspectors and
teach according to a one-size fits-all model
asked to cover a great deal of material at considerable pace.
Combined, these can often lead us –and especially those who are new to the
role- to overcontrol, talk too much, rely too much on instruction and
underestimate what children can do.
As a result, we easily narrow the opportunities open to children and encourage
superficial learning.
Strategies, approaches and characteristics in developing
expertise (adapted from Alexander, 2010, pp. 416-7)
Context-free rules
and guidelines
Advanced Practical case
beginner knowledge
Overall approach
Relatively inflexible, limited
Use of rules qualified by
greater understanding of
Compete Discrimination of
Conscious choices, but not
what matters or not yet fast, fluid or flexible
Proficient Accumulated case
Degree of intuition based on
knowledge enabling prediction of pupil response
key points to be
Deep reserves of
tacit knowledge
Apparently effortless, fluid,
instinctive, though able to
fall back on deliberate,
analytical approach
Implications for the development of primary classteacher
Expertise in teaching a class of young children:
involves being in control, without controlling
requires confidence, based on subject knowledge, knowledge of the class,
well-planned lessons, and knowledge of one’s own strengths and weaknesses
and collaboration with others
takes years to build up and is never fully achieved
Possible implications for mentors 1: skills and craft
I suggest that mentors should work on trying with students to:
help them recognise that one does not become an outstanding teacher in every
respect quickly
develop PCK rather than subject knowledge, as such, with a particular focus on
children’s common misconceptions
build up case knowledge by watching (several) other teachers at work and trying
to identify what they do and why
plan carefully but for flexibility, and recognising how short-term planning fits into
a longer view of progression
Shulman (2004, p 564) sees case studies as valuable because 'participants are urged to
elaborate on .. what actually happened, what was said and done, how all that
occurred made them feel... to dig deep into the particularity of the context because
it is in the devilish details that practice differs dramatically from theory.'
Possible implications for mentors 2: attitudes and beliefs
Twiselton's (2006) research into primary student teachers characterises
some as 'task managers', with little emphasis on children's learning;
some as 'curriculum deliverers' where the focus is more on learning but largely
based on external demands; and
some as 'concept/skill builders' where they understand and encouraged patterns of
learning beyond the task.
So, mentors have a key role for:
influencing students’ beliefs about teaching and children so that they see the
immediate task as part of a bigger picture and understand the importance of their
own (and children’s) beliefs about ability
encouraging students to understand the emotional and relational aspects of
teaching and so of judgement rather than just to be curriculum deliverers
helping students to be attuned to children and maintain their own enthusiasm and
passion for teaching
A few last comments
Please feel free to comment, to challenge or ask questions, especially ones
which we can explore further in the afternoon workshop.
If you are interested in my book, I have a few copies with me or it can be
ordered via
Thank you for listening. I hope that you have found the ideas resonate with your
own experience- and good luck in your further work with students.
Alexander, R. (Ed). (2010). Children, their World, their Education - final report and recommendations
of the Cambridge Primary Review. Abingdon, Routledge.
Cooper, P., & McIntyre, D. (1996). Effective teaching and learning. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Eaude, T. (2012). How do expert primary classteachers really work? A critical guide for teachers,
headteachers and teacher educators. Critical Publishing
Eaude, T. (2014) What makes primary classteachers special? Exploring the features of expertise in the
primary classroom Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 20 (1), 4-18
(DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2013.848513).
Elliott, J.G., Stemler, S.E., Sternberg, R.J., Grigorenko, E.L. and Hoffman, N. (2011). The socially skilled
teacher and the development of tacit knowledge. British Educational Research Journal, 37 (1), 83103.
Grimmett, P.P. and Mackinnon, A.M. (1992). Craft knowledge and the education of teachers. Review of
Research in Education, 18, 385- 456.
John, P. (2000). Awareness and intuition: how student teachers read their own lessons. In T.
Atkinson and G. Claxton (Eds.) The Intuitive Practitioner - on the value of not always knowing
what one is doing (pp. 84 - 106). Buckingham, Open University Press.
Sawyer, R. K. (2004). Creative teaching: Collaborative discussion as disciplined improvisation.
Educational Researcher, 33, 12–20.
Shulman, L.S. (2004). The Wisdom of Practice - Essays on Teaching, Learning and Learning to Teach. San
Francisco, Jossey Bass.
Sternberg, R.J. and Horvath, J.A. (1995). A Prototype View of Expert Teaching. Educational
Researcher, 24 (6), 9-17.