Fega Marikultura P.T. “The Fega Advantage”

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Fega Marikultura P.T.
“The Fega Advantage”
Presented by
Stephen G. Newman Ph.D.
President and CEO AquaInTech Inc.
Barramundi –the fish
P.T. Fega Marikultura
Cultural Practices
Fega Advantage
• The Author
– PhD in Marine microbiology ; BSc in Ecology
– More than 30 years of international experience in
many different areas of aquaculture ranging from
vaccine and drug development to trouble shooting
productivity issues to management and investor
– An auditor for the Aquaculture Certification
Council (ACC), NSF Surefish and Global Trust
Barramundi Description
Euryhaline –can grow in fresh water to full strength
Widely distributed and well known in SE Asia
Females have a high level of fecundity, with each
producing a large number of eggs.
Grow to one kg in about one year post stocking in
growout cages
Barramundi Description
Hardy fish. Stress tolerant.
Have a sweet, mild taste and delicate texture unlike
Tilapia and Pangassius species. An excellent tasting fish
although fish grown in ponds and RAS are subject to off
flavor issues. Ocean reared are not.
An ideal candidate for aquaculture. 40000 MT produced
annually. Most in Thailand. Slow but steady growth.
Annual Production of Barramundi
over last 25 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
FAO Estimates
Different culture methods
Barramundi are reared in:
Cages in flowing water (lakes, reservoirs, rivers and
ocean, freshwater and brackish water ponds)
Pond culture
Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)
Cage culture
Small percentage of total production
Small cages often in large numbers in
close proximity
No biosecurity with a high disease
risk animals are often crowded
Environmental deterioration
Little technology behind production
Marginally sustainable
Typical cage culture in SE Asia
Cage culture in SE Asia
Traditional Ocean Cage
culture in SE Asia
Cage culture
Good water exchange.
Some risks to environment if
cages are not properly sited
Disease risks related to
densities , proximity of
neighbors and seed stock
Cage farming in Australia
Typically corporate with solid
science base
Pond culture
Can be fresh or saltwater
Size is in the 3000 to 6000 sq meter
or larger, 1-2 m deep
Water exchange 5-10% per day
Feces , uneaten feed and algae in
ponds can lead to water quality
Off flavor-muddy flavor
Pond culture is most common type of
Greater disease risk than RAS or
cage culture.
Can have high up front costs
What is off flavor
A risk of production in closed systems and minimally open systems such as
Not harmful to the consumer.
A musty medicinal or a muddy taste due to certain bacterial and algal species.
Bacteria or blue green algae die and chemicals inside them get into the water.
Varying levels of individual sensitivity. Can significantly impact perception of
Can be fixed by improving water conditions or by use of depuration.
Costly and time consuming 2 days to many weeks
This is a risk and it does happen. It however does not happen all the time and in
well managed systems is only a potential problem.
Not a problem in ocean cage culture of the type that PT Fega is practicing.
Indoor culture in closed systems
Typically called recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). Indoor
production in temperate climates. Biological degradation of wastes with
continued reuse of water (95% or higher)
If system is not properly managed can have problems with degraded
water quality and off flavor
Can negatively impact the quality of the meat-mushy.
Can be very expensive. Typically in suburban areas with high costs. High
start up costs and high maintenance costs (electrical costs due to
pumping, aeration, etc.). Very high up front costs. Product can be very
costly. If there is a disease problem it typically can spread throughout the
entire production system.
Advantages-no waste products enter water, low disease risks , very small
environmental footprint, science based though not always
PT Fega Marikultura
Location of Hatchery and Cages
Thousand Islands Area Actually 105 islands in Java Sea
West Java
Pristine Area
Indonesia is a nation of Islands. The thousand island group are located 5
degrees south of the equator 35 nautical miles off the coast of Jakarta.
Have a 23 square km concession (23,000 ha) with expansion pending.
Only 20000 inhabitants in entire island chain. No pollution. Mainstay is
An area of coral reefs, atolls.
Potential for significant development.
There are only two other cage farming operations in the islands with the
closest one 10 km away.
Growth Considerations
Fega is poised to be a leader in the future growth.
Exponential growth.
Rearing Conditions
Produced on site
Screened for various pathogens
Beginning genetic selection to domesticate
Production techniques assure high survivals
Fish are stocked in cages at 15 grams and
reared until 200 grams.
Vaccinated against common bacterial
Growout in circular cages until market
size 12 to 18 months
Jukung Island Broodstock and
Juvenile Production
Growout cages
Sustainable Aquaculture
A set of management principles and strategies that
ensure that the production or use of a resource has a
minimal impact on the environment and ensures that
the needs of the present are met without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their needs.
PT Fega Marikultura is a company committed to
these principles.
Conservative approach: Pilot scale project taking
many years to develop best practices
Vertical integration: Hatchery, farm, processing
plant and market development (feed mill in the
Traceability of aquaculture products ensures the consumer
that a high degree of control is maintained over the entire
production process. Vertical integration is a component of
this as it allows the producer to generate standard
operating procedures that guarantee quality and that the
final product is produced in a controlled manner without
the use of antibiotics and other drugs that are either not
legal or potentially harmful to the consumer.
P.T. Fega Marikultura can trace its Barramundi from spawning to the
consumers plate.
Reliable and reproducible quality
Free from antibiotics
Free from chemicals
Cage culture in shallow seas (approx. 35 m) that
guarantees a constant flushing by current. No
buildup of wastes and no negative impact on
environment. Constant water temperature with
high levels of oxygen.
The Fega Advantage
Reliable cage culture in an ideal aquatic environment for
producing Barramundi that ensures consistent quality.
Solid science based aquaculture production system.
Complete traceability of animal production from
conception to market
The Fega Advantage
Sustainable production guarantees minimal impact on the
environment and an assured supply for the foreseeable
Processing plant is close to the farm (6 hours or so) and fish
can be in the processing plant in less than 12 hours
depending on quantity being processed.
You are assured
that the product is a quality product.