Preservation Assistance Grants for Oklahoma Archives

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Transcript Preservation Assistance Grants for Oklahoma Archives

Preservation Assistance Grants
for Oklahoma
Archives, Libraries & Museums
Gina Minks
Imaging & Preservation Service Manager
Amigos Library Services
Dallas, TX
10 – 10:30am – Overview & Introductions
10:30 – 12:00 – Grant Basics
12:00 – 1:00 pm – Lunch
1:00 – 2:30 pm – Creating the Proposal
2:30 – 2:45 pm– Break
2:45 -- 3:45 pm – Important Extras
3:45 – 4:00 pm – Final Review & Evaluations
Workshop Objectives
Describe the elements of a proposal
Describe the grant review process
Differentiate between types of grants and funders
Identify sources of funding
Describe information needed for a PAG or grant
from OHRAB
Describe steps to receive DUNS number
Describe steps to register on
Federal Vs. Private Funding
Direct & Indirect Costs
Basic Questions
Are you eligible for a grant?
How much money do you need?
Do you have the time to manage a grant?
Do you have the people to work on the grant?
• Do you have management buy-in?
• Do you have authority?
• Can you handle the reporting requirements?
• Is there anyone to help with the proposal writing and grant
Federal VS. Private
Federal Funds
Highly structured
Specific Requirements
Eligibility guidelines
Many processes to
assure equality among
Private Funds
 Often less restrictive
 Often more flexible
 May not accept
unsolicited proposals
 Initiatives & focus many
change without formal
 Important to have the
latest information
Federal Funders
• Government or tax funds support a particular program
• Are subject to legislative oversight
• Rules & Regulations
• Standard guidelines
• Lots of forms
• Are the largest grantors
• Foundations
• General purpose: Ford, Mellon, Rockefeller
• Special-purpose: single purpose determined by
• Company-sponsored: within for-profit company
• Public charities: local operations
• Community: apply only in their city/region
• Family: usually admin by family attorney
Limits on Foundation Support
Type of program funded
Geographical area
Minimum/maximum funding
Type of organization that can receive grant (now
usually incorporated non-profit organizations)
Other Funding Sources
Internal grants for universities or other institutions
Professional organizations
Community organizations
Conferences or seminars
Important to Remember
• Money is getting tighter and resources are becoming
more limited
• More people are applying for funding.
• Funders are having to become more critical in the
review and assessments of proposals.
• Can you clearly articulate your need?
• 3 minute Elevator Speech
• Have you considered all aspects of your need?
• Are you including all staffing, equipment, and time
needed for your project?
• Do you have measurable goals?
• Is your plan well thought out with achievable
• What is the outcome of your project?
• What will be better, different, or new after you finish
your project?
• Are you a federal or state agency?
• Are you open to the public?
• Do you have full-time staff?
• Does your project match the project guidelines?
How much Money
 Is there a “Cost Share”?
 Cost sharing is used to describe a non-federal commitment of
any size. Even very small commitments (down to 1 percent of
project costs) are described as cost sharing.
 Do you need “Matching Funds”?
 Matching is often referred to as a dollar-for-dollar,
2-for-1, or 3-for-1 match of non-federal to sponsor funds.
 If you already have some money, is the project eligible for a
“Challenge Grant”?
 A grant awarded only if the grant seeker raises a designated
amount from other sources .
What are your Direct Costs?
• Those costs that can be identified
specifically with a particular sponsored
project relatively easily with a high degree of
• Must be:
• Allowable - as described by federal cost
• Reasonable - what a prudent person would
• Allocable - limited to that portion of expenses
directly benefiting the project;.
• Consistently treated as direct charges.
What are your Indirect Costs?
• Those that are incurred for common or joint objectives
or in other words cannot be specifically allocated to a
specific project.
• Referred to officially by the federal government as
“Facilities and Administration” (F & A).
• Also called “Overhead”
• Create an Elevator Speech
Proposal Process
Elements of a Proposal
Elements of a PAG
The Grant Proposal Process
Develop plan of work & identify partners
Obtain management support
Locate potential funders
Write the proposal
Submit draft to funders; get comments
Submit the proposal
Writing the Proposal
• Keep it simple
• Elevator speech
Request letters of support early
Follow the application instructions
Use a checklist
A good proposal doesn’t guarantee a grant
Elements of a Grant Proposal
Cover Letter
Executive Summary
About Your Institution
Statement of Need
Project Description
Preservation Assistance Grant
for Smaller Institutions
National Endowment for the Humanities
Division of Preservation and Access
$6,000 in outright funds
Guidelines usually come out in January/February
Over 3500 PAG applications submitted since 2000
Funding ratio has been 46%
Deadline has been May 1
Parts of the PAG
Project abstract
Application Package (downloaded from
Narrative Questions
A. What activity/activities would the grant
B. What are the content and size of the
humanities collections that are the focus of
the project?
C. How are these humanities collections used?
D. What is the nature and mission of your
E. Has your institutions ever had a
preservation or conservation assessment or
Narrative Questions
F. What is the importance of this project to your
G. What are the names and qualifications of the
consultant(s) and staff involved in the project?
H. What is the plan of work for the project?
Project Abstract
• One paragraph abstract
• Up to 1000 characters
• Describes
• nature of collections
• Significance to the humanities
• Specific goals & activities of project
**This paragraph will be used in the downloaded application.
Activities supported by Grant
Planning and assessments for care of collections (PAG)
Improvement to environmental controls (PAG)
Education and training (PAG)
Increase access and intellectual control, through cataloging,
arrangement, and description
Conservation treatment, reformatting, and re-housing
Digitizing collections
Developing databases, and spatial and linguistic tools
Research and development
Content & Size of Humanities
• Types of materials in your collections
• Size
Cubic feet
Room size
Number of file cabinets/storage cabinets
Number of items
How are Collections Used?
• Who do you serve?
Regional users?
International users?
Tribal members?
• What do they do with their work?
• Genealogy?
• Thesis or Dissertation?
• Books?
Nature & Mission
of Your Institution
• What is your organizations mission and vision statement?
• Does your department/group have a mission statement?
• How does your project fit into the mission statement?
Previous Preservation or
Conservation Assessment?
• If no – answering “no” is fine
• If yes
Date done
Who performed
Include if it was a PAG, CAP or MAP if appropriate
Include copy of report in appendices
Importance of this project
to your institution?
• Discuss what you want to accomplish
• Goal vs. Objective
• Goal: Outcome statements that guide the organization’s
programs, administrative, financial & governance functions
• Objective: Precise, measurable & time-phased result that
supports the goal
Standard form for an Objective
(verb noting direction of change) + (area of change) +
(target population) + (degree of change) + (time frame)
Process Objective = “to develop, to implement, to establish”
Outcome Objective = “to increase, to decrease, to improve”
Name & Qualifications of
Staff & Consultants Involved
• Who is your consultant?
• Are they qualified?
• Do they match your collections?
• Staff involved
• Project director
• Support staff
• Others
**For your appendices**
Letter of commitment that includes pricing!
Plan of Work for the Project?
• What is the timeframe of the grant award?
• Plan for the unexpected
• No Gold Star for finishing early
• Make sure you include all your activities
• Requested info usually includes:
• Expense information
• Income information
• Budget narrative – the rationale for the numbers
• The budget is often read first
• What materials best support your case?
• What materials are requested by the funder?
Organizational chart
Financial information
List of Board members
Oklahoma Collection Assessment
Plans Program (OCAP)
• Through the Oklahoma Historical Records Advisory Board
• Deadline is Friday, January 31, 2014
• Pays for conservator to help develop a preservation plan
Preservation Assistance for
Archival Collections Grant
Deadline is Friday, January 31, 2014
Must have a preservation plan in place
Support for a recommendation from preservation plan
Information Required
• Description of Organization
• Description of Archival Collections
• Staff and Volunteers
• Public Use
• Describe your first Priority
Archival Collection Grant
• Recommended activity from preservation plan to be funded
• Size and content of collection
• How collections are used
• Plan of work
• Budget
• Review example of a successful PAG
• What is a Preservation Plan
Criteria for evaluating the proposal
After you get the grant
What to do if you don’t get the grant
The Grant Review Process
• Submission to is delivered to NEH
• NEH reviews grant proposals
• NEH identifies people qualified to review the PAG
• PAG proposals sent to peer reviewers
• Peer reviews returned to NEH
• Program Officers make recommendations to fund
• NEH Chairman and National Humanities Council approve
• Organization is contacted regarding award
Standard Criteria
for Evaluating the Proposal
• Clarity
• logical and easy to follow
• Complete
• includes all required items
• Internal consistency
• parts consistent with each other
• External consistency
• recognize accepted ideas of the field
• Understanding of the problem and service methods
Standard Criteria
for Evaluating the Proposal
• Capability to carry out promised activities
• Qualifications
• Responsiveness to requirements, purposes, needs
• Efficiency and accountability
• timetable
• Realism
• in scope and budget
• Need shown
• Ability to continue project
• self-sustaining
5 Categories of Federal Rating
 Excellent
 Highest priority of support
 Very Good
 High priority of funding
 Good
 Project can go forward as presented but it is a low priority
 Merit
 Proposal may not be ready for support but project itself may be
potentially important
 Reject
 The proposal is a poor one and applicant has failed to make the
case for the project’s significance.
• Recommend “with conditions”
• Used in cases where the project can be implemented as
described except for one or two minor aspects of the plan of
• Funding a portion of a project defined in proposal
• May be appropriate in the case of a proposal requesting support
for several components that are not equally compelling
• Recommendation may be made to support only that part of a
project deemed more important or better developed
After You Get the Grant
Thank you letter
Review the budget
Report at least annually even if it isn’t required
Seek a renewal
What to do
if you don’t get the grant…
• Don’t take it personally
• Request the review comments
• Find out if you can resubmit later
Program Officers
– A Hidden Resource
Can help identify appropriate grants
Offer advice about preparing a proposal
Supply examples of projects
Review preliminary drafts
Want to help you!
Managing Your Project
Meet all requirements for reporting
Time recording
Monitor accomplishments
Mention funder in publicity and publications
Report staff changes and budget changes
Reporting Requirements
• Obtain guidelines from the funder
• Foundation requirements
• Short report and revised budget with actual expenditures
• Federal requirements
• Annual financial reports
• Interim and final financial and narrative reports
• Copies of documents generated through grant funding
If You Don’t Report…
• Funds put on hold
• Audit (can happen even if you DO report!)
• Decreased chances of future grants
The Brighter Side of
• Activity reports for management and boards
• Statistics for annual and other reports
• Opportunities for publicity
Seeking Continued Funding
• Will current funder support? (or one-time
• Start planning the day you get first grant
• Start writing 6-12 months before deadline
• Evaluations? Surveys? How did you do?
• Spin-off projects
• Pre-review subsequent grant
Dun & Bradstreet Number
What is a
Dun & Bradstreet Number?
• Needed to bid on government proposals
• A unique 9-digit identification number for each physical
location of a business
• Free
• Required to register with federal government for
contracts or grants
• Also called D-U-N-S Number
Info Needed for D-U-N-S Number
• Legal name
• Headquarters name and address for your business
• Doing Business As (DBA) or other name by which your
business is commonly recognized
• Physical address, city, state and ZIP Code
• Mailing address (if separate from headquarters and/or
physical address)
• Telephone number
• Contact name and title
• Number of employees at your physical location
• Whether you are a Home-Based Business
Required by all federal funding agencies
Institutions must register
Individuals must register
Strict guidelines for submission
Institutions must register
• Need a DUNs number
• Register with the Central Contractor Registry
• Create a User name & password with ORC, the
credential service provider
• Register with using the ORC name & password
Individuals must register
• will send an email to your designated POC (Point of
• POC responds to email to designate individual to be Authorized
Organization Representative (AOR)
• AOR receives notification of AOR status and can begin grant
submission. Registration Checklist
• Have organization’s DUNS Number.
• Are registered with SAM.
• I know my E-Business POC.
• I have registered with ORC, the
Credential Service Provider (CSP).
• I have used my Username and Password to
register with
• I have obtained authorization from my
organization’s E-Business POC.
• I have secure access to and I’m
ready to begin.
Application Process
Register on
Research grants appropriate for your project
Read grant guidelines
Clarify questions with Program Officers
Download grant application package
Write narrative
Send narrative to agency or to Amigos for review
Create budget
Review entire grant application
Submit grant on
Sit back and wait for news!!
Thank You!!!
Gina Minks
[email protected]