Transcript Document

Tomislav Skračić, MA
Undergraduate English
Course for
3nd Semester
Essential reading:
SPINČIĆ, A., PRITCHARD, B., An English Textbook For
Marine Engineers 2., Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka 2009.
LUZER, J., SPINČIĆ, A., Gramatička vježbenica engleskog
jezika za pomorce, Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka 2003.
Lesson 3 – Connecting Rods
Lesson 3
Connecting Rods
piston rod
- klipnjača, stapajica
connecting rod - ojnica: kod crosshead engine gdje su povezani
piston rod → crosshead → connecting rod → crankshaft
connecting rod - klipnjača, stapajica: kod trunk piston engine gdje je
njome direktno povezan piston → crankshaft
crosshead (n.) - križna glava
in essence
- u biti, u suštini
thrust (n.)
- potisak, poriv
channel section
- U-profil
- I-profil
"marine" type design
- ojnica s "brodskom" izvedbom donje glave, tj. ležaj
u dvodjelnom kućištu pričvršćenom za petu ojnice
fixed centre design
- ojnica s fiksnim središtem
Lesson 3
Connecting Rods
"crankpin end" - glava letećeg ležaja = big end bearing
- spojen vijcima
rod shank
- tijelo ojnice
rod foot
- peta ojnice
distant piece
- podloška, distancioni element (npr. "shim")
shim (n.)
- podložna pločica, podložak za reguliranje zračnosti
top dead centre (TDC) - gornja mrtva točka (GMT)
thickness (n.)
- debljina
compression ratio
- omjer kompresije
clearance (n.)
- zračnost, razmak
piston (n.)
- klip, stap
trunk piston
- klip (s produženim plaštem kod
motora bez križne glave)
Lesson 3
Connecting Rods
bearing metal
groove (n.)
bush (n.)
bushing (n.)
interference (n)
fit (n.)
fit (v.)
rod eye
bore (n.)
- ležajni metal
- žlijeb, utor, kanal
- klipna očica, stapna očica, bukola
- rupa, otvor za osovinicu. "Bolcen" ulazi u bushing.
- rupice koje se nalaze i na bukoli i na osovinici
moraju se poklopiti radi podmazivanja
- pristajanje, prijanjanje
- postaviti, podesiti, ugraditi
"it fits perfectly"
- oko ojnice
- izdubljen…
- provrt, otvor, kalibar
Lesson 3
Connecting Rods
The connecting rod connects the crankshaft
directly to the piston or, as in some other
designs, to the crosshead. It is a running
component connecting the crankshaft to the
piston (in trunk piston engines) or to the
crosshead (in crosshead engines). It has both
linear (reciprocating, up-and-down) and
rotational (rotary) motion.
Connecting Rods
The connecting rod does this important task
of converting reciprocating motion of the
piston into rotary motion of the crankshaft. It
consists of an upper forked section which fits
on the crosshead bearings while the lower
part fits on the crankpin bearing.
Connecting Rods
A running component connecting the crankshaft to the
piston (in trunk piston engines) or to the crosshead (in
crosshead engines).
It has both linear (reciprocating, up-and-down) and
rotational (rotary) motion.
 Primary function: to transmit the push (pressure, thrust)
of the piston to the crankshaft, either directly or
 Secondary function: (in most designs) to convey cooling
oil to the pistons which demands for a quite a large
diameter passage.
Connecting Rods
a) Marine type: The large end bearing is seperate from
the rod which has a palm end (T-shaped end)
b) Fixed centre design: The upper half of the crankpin
box makes part of of the connecting rod.
c) Fork and blade type: Vee engine connecting rods.
d) Articular type: Vee engine connecting rods.
Types of Connecting Rods – MARINE DESIGN
In the marine type design the rod large end,
called “crankpin end”, consists of a separate
bearing housing (or box) divided in two parts,
bolted to a foot on the rod shank. A distance
piece, known as compression plate or shim, is
interposed between the foot and the box to
permit the piston to be moved nearer to or
farther from the cylinder head at top dead
centre. Its thickness is chosen so as to ensure
correct compression ratio.
Types of Connecting Rods
Types of Connecting Rods
Types of Connecting Rods – FIXED CENTRE
The simpler construction of the fixed centre
rod does not have this adjustment and relies on
accuracy to ensure correct clearances. With a
few exceptions medium speed diesel engines
have trunk pistons with the result that pistons
and connecting rods have to be fitted together
before being assembled into the cylinder. The
methods of assembly and overhaul tend to
influence the design of the large end.
Connecting Rods
Exercise 1 – Complete the sentences:
The connecting rod does the important task
of ____________ .
It consists of an upper forked section which
fits on ____________ while the lower part
fits on ____________ .
Connecting Rods
Exercise 2 – Complete the sentences:
The connecting rod connects the crankshaft
directly ____________ or, as in some other
designs, to ____________ .
It connects the crankshaft to the piston (in
____________ piston engines) or to the crosshead
(in ____________ engines).
It has two motions: ____________ (reciprocating,
up-and-down) and _____________ motion.
Connecting Rods
Exercise 3 – Complete the sentences:
In the marine type design the rod large end,
called “crankpin end”, consists of a
____________ divided in two parts, bolted to a
foot on the rod shank.
A distance piece, known as ____________ or
shim, is interposed between the ____________
and the box to ____________ the piston to be
moved nearer to or farther from the cylinder
head at ____________.
Its thickness is chosen so as to ensure correct
compression ____________.
Connecting Rods
Exercise 4 – Complete the sentences:
The simpler construction of the fixed centre
rod does not have this adjustment and relies
on accuracy to ensure ____________ .
With a few exceptions medium speed diesel
engines have trunk pistons with the result that
pistons and connecting rods have to be fitted
together before ____________ .
The methods of assembly and ____________
tend to influence the design of the large end.
Connecting Rods
Exercise 5 – Complete the sentences:
The primary function of the connecting rod is to
transmit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , either
directly or indirectly.
Its secondary function is to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
which demands for a quite a large ____________