Nakkertok Learn-To-Ski

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Nakkertok Nordic
Learn To Ski (LTS)
Coach Information Session 2014
Learn to Ski (LTS)
Coaching with LTS
Coaching Tips and Tricks
Skills and Evaluation
Weather, Safety, Facilities
Nakkertok the Club
 Nakkertok is an Inuktitut word for “moving swiftly on snow”
 Club founded in 1971 by a group of families interested in cross
country ski racing
 Nakkertok has become the largest cross country ski club in
 Over 1,400 members and 80 km of trails concentrated in two
sectors, South and North
Nakkertok—Powered by Volunteers
 Adult members volunteer at least two days (sixteen hours) to
help make Nakkertok a success for everyone!
 We work together in a variety of ways
Trail clearing, facility maintenance
Coaching (leaders and assistants) in the fall and winter
Administration and organization (director, coordinators, etc.)
Races and events
Social activities
 Board of directors:
Learn to Ski (LTS)
 Develop a love of cross country skiing for life
 Strong foundation for younger cross country skiers
 Mud Monsters (fall)
 Bunnyrabbits and Jackrabbits (winter)
 Learning opportunities for all ages and levels of ability
 Adult novice
 Coach development
 Feeder to other programs
 Adventure (recreational)
 Racing Rabbits (competitive)
Nakkertok Competitive & Recreational
Train to
Learn to
Train to
Adventure (Fall/Winter)
Novice (Classic)
Mud Monsters (Fall)
LTS Programs (Fall/Winter)
 Mud Monsters (unique to Nakkertok, fall)
 Get muddy on the trails at Nakkertok!
 Bushwhacking, games, orienteering, hiking
 Bunnyrabbits (CCC)
 Introduce cross-country skiing
 Healthy lifestyle associated with it
 Organized activity and active play
 Jackrabbits (CCC)
 Learn basic cross-country ski skills (classic/skate)
 Instill a lifelong interest in the sport
 Enhancing their quality of life and health
Adventure Programs (Fall/Winter)
 Wapoos Adventurers, and Adventure II
 Backcountry touring, ski orienteering,
telemark, biathlon
 Bushcraft, backcountry safety, winter camping
 Ongoing development of classic and skate
 Twice a week, fall/winter, increased comradery
 Leadership development (Adventure II)
 Organizers of the Fall Fun Run, Webber Loppet!
 Key events
 Adventure Race, Fall Camping, Fall Fun Run,
Biathlon, Winter Camping, Ski Marathon, Loppet
Racing Programs (Fall/Winter)
 LTS+
 Similar to MM/LTS but twice a week
 Mostly for siblings of Racing Rabbits
 Racing Rabbits (Learn to Train, CCC)
 Refine basic cross-country ski skills
 Further develop fundamental movement and
fundamental sport skills
 Twice a week, fall/winter, increased comradery
 Organizers of the Cookie Race!
 Even more Racing!
 Train to Train, Learn to Compete, Train to Compete
LTS—Powered by Volunteers
 Parents
 Coaches (lead and assist)
 Coordinators
Lisa Sheehy and Megan Cumming, Mud Monsters
Lisa McMurray, Sat AM
Scott Hall, Sat PM
Andrew Batchlor, Sun PM
Benjamin Campin, North
 Director (a voice for LTS on the Board)
 Luk Arbuckle
LTS Director
 A voice for (fall/winter) LTS programs on the Board
 Recreational programs with young kids
 Monthly board meetings to discuss club strategy, goals,
 Set goals and direction for the season
 Stronger relationship with other programs
 Automate more tasks
 Support Coordinators, that support the volunteers and
coaches, that support the athletes
LTS Coordinators
 Coordinators herd parents and coaches!
 Attend a few meetings to plan for the season
 Create teams
 Make changes to teams
 Communication
 With coaches: motivation/support
 With members: events, volunteer help
 Odds and ends
 Grooming requests and class cancellations
 New equipment purchases and any facilities issues
LTS Teams
 Based on age, skill level, speed, endurance, age, gender,
friends, previous class, which class a parent wishes to coach
 Previous evaluations and parent comments used to put
classes together
 1:3 ratio between coach and kids for Bunnyrabbits
 1:4 ratio between coach and kids for Jackrabbits
 Class lists communicated to leaders and assistants
LTS Coaches
 Provide a fun, safe yet challenging environment
 Lesson plans ready, with extra games on hand!
 Know the skills, how to evaluate, and be aware of safety risks
 Communicate feedback to kids, keep parents informed
LTS Coaches
 Supporting documentation and instruction
 Lesson plans and games
 Levels and evaluation (especially the bottom of this page)
 Golden notes (tips and tricks from past coaches)
 Coach development (ICC/CC coaching instruction)
 Coach Technique Development Sessions
 Wednesdays from 7 to 9pm, Jan 7/14/21, with Geoff Tomlinson
LTS Parents
 Get involved with Nakkertok!
 Help us make this a great program and club
 Support the volunteer coaches, and the kids
 It’s all about the kids
 Kids need the right equipment, a snack, backpack for extras
 Communicate absences or issues to coaches
 Get some time on snow
 LTS is as good as we make it
 Arrive early to add some wax to skis, chat with Nakker-friends
 Offer to ski with the team
LTS Parents
 Volunteer opportunities with LTS
Barn/Chalet parent
Photo day
Birkebeiner (bon fires, hot chocolate)
End of season picnic or potluck
Ski patrol
 Volunteer opportunities with the Club
 Facilities (chalets, trail clearing in the fall)
 Events (organization, course marshal, food)
 Cookie race, Easterns, Thea’s
 Board of Directors (volunteers, governance, etc.)
LTS Parents
 Supporting documentation
 Guide to equipment and clothing
 Guide to ski equipment
 Volunteer duties
 Wax guide (really you only need Swix green/blue/red)
LTS the Program
Bunnyrabbits (4-5)
Active Start
Jackrabbits (6-12)
Canadian Sport for Life (CS4L)
 Improving the quality of sport and physical
activity in Canada
 Long Term Athlete Development Model
Physical Literacy
 The learning and practice of fundamental movement skills is
the basic building block for the development of physical
 Critical if children are to feel confident when they engage in
physical activity for
 fun and for health
 or for competition and the pursuit of excellence
LTS Birkebeiner
 Save the baby Norwegian prince!
 Annual backcountry ski and bonfire at North
 Same date as Easter Championships
 Provided by LTS
 Fire starter log, matches
 Marshmallows, chocolate-covered cookies
 Provided by parents
 Hot chocolate (warm for little ones), paper cups
 Sites to be determined
Club and LTS Policies
 Screening Policy
 Medium-level trust positions – police records check
 Privacy
 How we collect, manage, store, and destroy personal
 Photography
 LTS on Shutterfly, for personal use only
 Club “no photos list”
Coach Development
 Success through qualified and skilled coaches
 LTS, Adventure, Racing
 Nakkertok paid support
Intro to Community Coaching (ICC)
Community Coaching (CC)
Learn-To-Train (L2T)
Technique Improvement Sessions
Coach Courses
 ICC/CC Courses:
Games that teach technique
Developing successful lesson plans
Appropriate equipment
Skill improvement
 Trainer/Facilitator
 Geoff Tomlinson
 Head Coach for our Nakkertok Train-to-Train Athletes
Coach Technique Development Sessions
 Free Technique Sessions with Geoff Tomlinson
 Wednesdays from 7 to 9pm
 January 7, diagonal stride
 January 14, double pole
 January 21, skate
 Limit of 12 coaches per sesssion, plus 2 reserve
 Sign ups will be emailed to coaches
 iVolunteer website
 Games session?
Coaching Tips!
 First Day
Wear something distinctive
Arrive early
Select a site in the stadium and post your class’ sign
Name tags for kids
Speak with parents – allergies, health concerns
Evaluate class – skill level, speed, endurance
Check equipment and clothing
Check every child has water bottle and snack in a pack
Coaching Tips!
 Every Day
 Welcome child and determine if OK/not so OK
 Have one of the assistant coach play with kids while waiting to
 Start on time
 Know the trails
 One leader at front and one at back, minimum of 2 adults with
 Parent volunteer to ski with class
 Bunnyrabbit skiing ends after 90 mins, and snack and games with
coaches for 30 mins.
Coaching Tips!
 Equipment/supplies
Extra mitts, socks with holes cut to fit over boots
Emergency blanket, hand warmers, whistle
Fire starting kit you now how to use
Duct tape for repairs
First aid-kit
Wax: recommended plus 1 warmer,
2 colder, cork/scraper
 Bribes/treats: gummy bears
 Petroleum jelly for cold weather
Coaching Tips!
 Equipment Shed
Large balls
Small balls
Hula hoops
Polo kit
‘Grab-n-Go’ equipment bags
(to the left of the chalet)
Grab ‘n Go Equipment Bags
 Seven bags at South, two at North: suitable for BR, JR1, JR2
Grab ‘n Go Equipment Bags
 Lesson supplies
Cones (tip the cone, boundaries, slalom)
Balls (ready position, coordination)
Tow ropes (chariots and horses)
Short ropes (stomp, snakes)
Stuffed toys (two hands, garbage pickup,
Tony Knows, hill pickup, scavenger hunt)
 Emergency supplies
 Emergency procedure flowcharts (laminated)
 Basic first aid kit, plus hand warmers, emergency blanket, whistle
(in front zippered pocket)
 Open-toed wool socks = over booties
Coaching Tips!
 End of Class
Try to finish on time
Make sure every child has found a parent
Feedback for parents, good and bad
Pass info along for the next week (e.g. Nak North,
Coaching Tips!
 Bored, frustrated skier waiting
 Game for those who show up early, brief explanations and
demonstrations, long enough (time) loop for drills
 Games, Games, Games
 Wax not working
 Ensure wax works for the day
 Carry extra wax
 Educate parents, remind them
free wax cliniques
Skills and Evaluation
Time in Lesson
Long Ski
Games, Drills, Skills
Number of Lessons
Skills to Teach
General Description
Primary Skills Covered
Ski on easy terrain (flats and slight
hills), change direction, and getting
up from falls
Movement on skis, falling & rising, side
stepping, star turn,
- ski 2km during class
(no poles)
Can ski the trails below the
escarpment (Charron's Chute) with
some assistance
Herringbone, snowplow braking, diagonal
stride, free glide, falling and rising
- ski 3km during class
Ability to classic ski in control
almost all trails at Nakkertok South
including up, and down, bigger hills
such as Charron's Chute (1) and
Herringbone, diagonal stride, snowplow
turn, snowplow stop, double pole
- ski 5km during class
90% +
< 10%
Weight transfer and extension in all
techniques. Ability to skate ski on
easier terrain.
Diagonal stride, double pole,
Free skate, diagonal skate, one skate
- ski 6km during class
Weight transfer and extension in all
techniques. Ability to skate ski on
most terrain.
Diagonal stride, double pole,
Free skate, diagonal skate, one skate, two
skate, skate turn
- ski 7.5km during class
Very high level of proficiency in both
Uphill diagonal, one-step double pole,
offset, one skate, two skate, skate turn,
step turn,
parallel side slip,
- ski 10km during class
Evaluation of Skills
 Improvements in Active Start and FUNdamentals
 Safety (falling and rising, going down hills, etc.)
 Evaluation spreadsheet (very detailed
Falling &
1) Getting up from falling on flat trails by
themselves (Good level)
2) IMPORTANT: Intentionally falling on
downhills when getting out of control. Sit
down to one side of the skis. On moderate
to steep slopes. (Good level)
3) Getting up with assistance on downhills
(help them get into the correct position
with feet perpendicular to the hill and
below them) (Basic level)
1) On trail 1 from Junction C to Junction B
(falling on downhills)
2) Bottom of Powerline (#18)
3) Later in year on trail 10 from trail 16 to
Junction Y (Gopher Gully) with spotting by
leaders at bottom only once you are
confident they know how to fall safely.
Evaluation Rubric
Starting to learn skill
- low success rate (can repeat motion) (<50%)
- skill motion is not accurate or fluid yet
No pass
Has acquired basic motion of skill
- Success rate (can repeat motion) moderate (<75%)
- Not yet completing full motion of skill
- Coordination of skill is still unsteady
- With assistance
No pass, but getting
Has acquired basic motions of skill or general concept
- Success rate (can repeat motion) high (>80%).
- Skill motion is generally correct
- Skill motion is not fully correct yet
- Power is limited
- With limited assistance
For some skills at some
levels Basic proficiency
is adequate: L2 double
pole, L3 1 step double
Fluid and effective motion with good power
- Success rate high (>80%)
- Skill motion is fully correct using all muscles required in correct
- With no assistance
Very fluid and effective motion with good power on differing
terrain and conditions
- Success rate very high (>95%)
Evaluation How-to
 1st class, ensure the skiers are at the appropriate level
 Safety and ability to keep up - can be moved to another class
 There are variations in skills in each class and per day per child
 Keep notes on each child for each technique
 Strengths
 Areas for improvement
 Have a 100m time trial (Becky Scott Award)
 Get an estimate on the number of hours skied outside class
(Richard Weber Award)
 Pierre Harvey “Hat Trick” Award
 Be TOUGH but fair!!!
Natural Progression
 If the child starts in Bunnyrabbits (BR) or Jackrabbit (JR) early
 Bunnyrabbit at age 4 and 5
 Teamed mostly by age
 Jackrabbit Level 1 at age 6
 Intro/Experienced
Jackrabbit 2 at age 7
Jackrabbit Level 3 at age 8
Jackrabbit Level 3/4 at age 9 (or Racing Rabbits)
Jackrabbit Level 4 at age 10 (or Adventure, or Racing Rabbits)
Jackrabbit Level 4+ at age 11 (or Adventure, or Racing Rabbits)
Weather Considerations
 Class may be cancelled or delayed due to ice, snow,
extreme cold, etc.
 Decision is made by the Coordinator
 Communication with parents
 It is important your lesson plans be adapted to the
weather conditions
Please Remember What’s First
Be prepared
Know the protocols
Use your best judgement
Please Remember What’s First
 P: Protection
 From danger, against the elements (clothing, shelter, fire)
 R: Rescue
 Determine the best way out, self-rescue or SOS
 W: Water
 You can survive three days without water
 F: Food
 You can survive three weeks without food
Safety Considerations
 Injured skier
 Learning how to fall, appropriate terrain, we are here cones
 Canadian Ski Patrol – cell phones, nearest hospital
 Cold injuries – Hypothermia, frostbite
 Proper clothing, food, water, “emergency kit”, stay out of wind,
warm-up break
 Allergy – Use of Epi-pen
 Lost skier or coach
 Coach at front and back (+ parent), stop at intersections, ski in
pairs, count kids
 Know the map, carry a map, give out maps!
 Rocks on trail, fireplace, snow falling off cabins
Nakkertok South
C.H. Gatineau (10min)
 Also the Ottawa Hospital, and CHEO (25mins)
Emergency Action Plan for Injured Skier
In the event of
an injured
Ensure you don't
endanger yourself
or group members
while managing
this crisis.
Stay calm.
Call the
patroller and let
them guide
Can you call the
patroller now?
Do not move
the injured
skier. Wait for
patroller to
guide care.
Send someone to
the chalet to call
the pattroler
(number posted
on the outside
Secure group
Go to Gatineau
Hospital or
Is a patroller on duty?
Get injured skier
back to chalet to
continue aid.
Immobile or
Administer first
aid and prevent
hypothermia (use
Call 911. Send
a skier to
parking lot with
details of
injuries to
direct EMS.
Administer first
aid and prevent
hypothermia (use
Monitor airway,
circulation (ABC).
Do not move
injured skier if
there is a risk of
head or spinal
Nakkertok South 900 Gatineau Ave, Gatineau, end of the lane; Nakkertok North 139 Route du Carrefour, Val-des-Monts
Emergency Action Plan for Lost Skier
In the event of
a lost skier.
Ensure you don't
endanger yourself
or group members
when managing
this crisis.
Stay calm.
Call the
patroller and let
them guide
Secure group
Can you call the
patroller now?
Is a patroller on duty?
Quickly establish
a search
outside help.
Hypothermia is
a real risk.
Let the
patroller guide
Send someone to
the chalet to call
the pattroler
(number posted
on the outside
Share Missing
Person Report
Form with Police.
Coordinator to call
911 at the
conclusion of
Hasty Search.
Go to the back of
the chalet and find
the file holder with
Follow the
intructions on the
front of the
Locate the
envelope titled
Nakkertok Missing
Person Search.
Nakkertok South 900 Gatineau Ave, Gatineau, end of the lane; Nakkertok North 139 Route du Carrefour, Val-des-Monts
Physical Comfort
 Cold and hot prevention
Properly sized boots
Non-cotton socks and undergarments
Mitts vs gloves when cold out
Snowsuit for BR, layers for older.
Leader “emergency kit” (extra gloves, balaclava, over sock)
START ON TIME!!! (coach must be early and be prepared)
 Energy
 Food breaks, ensure they come to class fed
 Tired
 Treats
 BR, JR1, JR2
Ski length is child height to wrist above head???
Fish scales are okay (not ideal)
3 Pin binding is okay (not ideal, very heavy)
No poles needed for BR
Limited pole usage in JR1 and JR2 (length: underarm)
Pole straps must be adjusted
 JR3, JR4
Combi skis are fine – between 5cm above head
Waxable skis preferred over fish scales
No 3-pin bindings for skating
Two sets of poles (shoulder for classic, lips for skating)
Nakkertok Facilities
Nakkertok Facilities
 Nakkertok South Buildings
 Chalet (notice board and
 Equipment Shack
 Ski Patrol Hut
 Johannsenhus
 Owl Cabin
 Nakkertok North Buildings
 Holloway Chalet
 Secondary Chalet
 Nakkertok South Trails
Class signs
Bunny Bumps
Play Park
Sprint courses
Owl Pond
Johansenhus field
 Shutterfly Team Sites
 Restricted to individual groups
 Calendar and automatic reminders
 So you know what’s coming, and reminders will come
 LTS News Feed
 Give us your feedback!
Nakkertok Nordic
LTS lessons start January 3/4
9 weeks, 2 hours per lesson
See you on the snow!