Transcript Slide 1

The Lead Market Initiative and Sustainable Construction

CEEC seminar, 8 May 2009 European Commission

Enterprise and Industry

Antonio Paparella Unit I5: Construction, pressure equipment and metrology

| 08.05.2009 | ‹#›

A policy mix to achieve maximum impact - regulation - procurement - standardisation

Package = LMI The Aho-report, followed by the Communication “Putting knowledge into practice: a broad-based innovation strategy for Europe” of 2006

European Commission

Enterprise and Industry

Supply-side measures

| 08.05.2009 | ‹#›

Lead Market Initiative: coherent mix of EU policies tailored to each market

• Legislation • Public procurement • Standardisation, certification, labelling • Complementary measures (These actions are described in action plans)

Legislation Procurement Innovation Standards European Commission

Enterprise and Industry

complementary activities

| 08.05.2009 | ‹#›

Activities already started in 2008 Policy tools Standardisation Labelling Certification Legislation Public Procurement Complementary Actions e-Health Sustainable construction Protective textiles Bio-based products Recycling Renewable energies EU Recommendation for interoperability 2 nd generation of Eurocodes Inventory of all relevant standards Product performance standards Resource Efficiency + Raw Materials initiative Introduce the Electronic Health Insurance Card Screening of national building regulations Inventory of legislation affecting bio based products Waste Framework Directive Mandatory national targets for 2020 Separate call in 2009 Call for Public procurement networks to foster demand for innovation + GPP toolkit EU Patient Smart Open Services large scale pilot funded SMEs guide on collaborative working schemes in construction Training platform for buyers and users FP7 call on bio refinery pilot plants Financial support (CIP) for market replication projects Guide on funding available for RE demonstration and pilot projects European Commission

Enterprise and Industry | 08.05.2009 | ‹#›

Sustainable construction

Integration of sustainable development objectives in construction activities

→ need for a more balanced economical, ecological and social approach •

Innovative features

  in the products / processes in the supply chain

European Commission

Enterprise and Industry | 08.05.2009 | ‹#›

Legislation LMI roadmap implementation Screening of national building regulations Recasting of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Cases studies on administrative costs and simplification European Commission

Enterprise and Industry

Policy tools Standardisation Labelling Certification Public Procurement Assessment of and benchmarks for sustainability performances Promotion of Life Cycle Costing in PP projects Widening the scope of design standards (Eurocodes) Construction Product Regulation Status Completed PP network(s) to foster demand for innovation Ongoing Systemic instruments SMEs guide on collaborative working schemes in construction Strategies for upgrading qualifications and skills Insurance schemes to support innovative and sustainable construction Monitoring and impact assessment of financial and fiscal measures Preliminary stage

| 08.05.2009 | ‹#›

Regulatory framework

• Screening of national building regulations (preliminary concept discussed in April 2009) • Roadmap for the construction supply chain to cope with the recasting of the EPBD • Case studies on the cumulative effects of EU and national legislations: volunteers not yet identified

European Commission

Enterprise and Industry | 08.05.2009 | ‹#›


• FP7 call for proposals for assessment methods and benchmarks for sustainability performances of buildings • Integration of sustainability aspects in construction design standards (Eurocodes) • New sustainability essential requirements in CPR and clarification for the technical assessment of innovative products

European Commission

Enterprise and Industry | 08.05.2009 | ‹#›

LCC & Public Procurement

• Guidance on the use of Life Cycle Costing (LCC) in 15 public procurement projects, including training framework • New thematic network(s): procurement strategies and practices, dialogue with the supply chain, market “watch” mechanisms, …(Autumn 2009)

European Commission

Enterprise and Industry | 08.05.2009 | ‹#›


• Guidance and promotion strategy for collaborative working schemes in construction services (finished in March 2009) • The role of insurance to support innovative and sustainable construction • Strategies for future qualifications and skills needs to uptake innovation in construction (finished April 2009) • Good practice concerning financial and fiscal incentives for a “sustainable” renovation of buildings

European Commission

Enterprise and Industry | 08.05.2009 | ‹#›

Steering Group

• Established through stakeholder contacts • First meeting 30 September 2008:  Endorsing main objectives   Broadened stakeholder base Specifics on expected outcomes • Three Working Groups:   Regulatory Framework (April 2009) Life Cycle Costing & Public Procurement (Dec. 2008 & April 2009)  Strategies for Sustainable Construction (Dec. 2008 & April 2009)

European Commission

Enterprise and Industry | 08.05.2009 | ‹#›

Future steps and directions

• • • • Methodological approach for monitoring and assessing Lead Markets Improved analytical framework for the identification of new Lead Markets Connect LMI better with supply side policies Better addressing societal challenges

European Commission

Enterprise and Industry | 08.05.2009 | ‹#›


• The ambition is to set up the market conditions appropriately for whatever product, service and technology • Pilot nature of the initiative – Development of an integrated and coordinated approach • Establishment of governance mechanisms with Member States and stakeholders • Particular attention to renovation of buildings • Better integration with supply side policies

European Commission

Enterprise and Industry | 08.05.2009 | ‹#›

More information

• “A Lead Market Initiative for Europe”: dmarket.htm

• Thematic report and roadmap on sustainable construction: tainable_construction.htm

European Commission

Enterprise and Industry | 08.05.2009 | ‹#›