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AP Practice Exams
Hamlet Applied Practice Passage One
and Two
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Question One Correct Answer
 C. Paradox
 Personally, I had a hard time deciding
between Irony and Paradox
 Seeming contradictions:
 “sometime sister, now our queen”
 “defeated joy”
 “mirth in funeral”; “dirge in marriage”
Question One Wrong Answers
 A. Irony – difference between Irony
and Paradox
 Irony is the exact opposite in what is said
and what is meant. It does not say
dramatic irony, so we shouldn’t go there
 Paradox, on the other hand, is a
statement that seems to be contradictory,
but when you think about it, it is true and
insightful. The intended message is the
same as the stated message
Question One: Wrong Answers
 B. Alliteration – “sometime sister”
and “delight and dole” are in the
passage, BUT, it can not be said that
it is a “primary” part of the passage
 D. Euphemism – What is
 E. Hyperbole – What is exaggerated?
Question Two: Correct Answer
 D. concerning
 “He hath not fail’d to pester us with
message/Importing the surrender of
those lands/Lost by his father”
 Remember: Read the whole sentence
and the sentence before and after before
 It is a message he is pestering them
with, and the message is about the
surrender of the lands his father lost
Question Two: Wrong Answers
 A. asking for – he is not asking for the
surrender of the land – he is building an
army to get the land back
 B. bringing in – he is not bringing the land
back into his property at the time
 C. demanding – He is not demanding them
– there’s no indication he is saying you
must give me the lands or else. He is
simply preparing an army to go and take
the land
 E. suggesting – refer to asking for
Question Three: Correct Answer
 C. belief that “old Norway” will not
serve as king much longer
 Nothing shows that they think the King
of Norway will die soon; yes, he is old
and sickly, but the very fact that they are
writing him to fix the problem indicates
their belief that he will live long enough
to calm Fortinbras
Question Three: Wrong Answers
 A. owe allegiance – “commend your
duty” (43)
 B. desire for swifty action – “let your
haste commend your duty” (42)
 D. concern for limits – “Giving to you
no further personal power” (39)
 E. confidence in the two – “We doubt
it nothing; heartily” (45)
Question Four: Correct Answer
 B. metonymy
 Is when a closely related object is used
to represent an object or concept or
 The throne is closely related to King
Claudius, so when he says that that
Laertes’ father is instrumental to the
throne, he is saying Polonius is helpful to
Question Four: Correct Answer
 Other Examples
 The red pen could be used to refer to a
teacher who likes to correct in red pen
 The teacher could be used to refer to a
red pen
 Activity: Please write your own
metonymy about the person next to
Question Four: Wrong Answers
 A. litotes
 Understatement – but it is a specific kind
of understatement – when the affirmative
statement is understated by saying a
negative statement
 Example: Say, you get a free ride to
Harvard, and your parents say, “Not bad”.
 Activity: Write your own litotes to
congratulate someone on winning the
Question Four: Wrong Answers
 C. syllepsis
 Use of a word to perform two syntactic
functions when the numbers don’t agree
 Huh????
 Example: Neither he nor we are willing to
go to the grocery story.
 He is singular; we is plural, so we use a
syllepsis – a rule to follow or a compromise to
make to allow one word to follow two rules:
ARE is allowed to function as singular and
Question Four: Wrong Answers
 D. chiasmus
 Reversal of a parallel phrase
 Example: I go not to the store; the store
comes not to me.
 Activity: Please write the chiasmus
for this phrase:
 I love peanut butter ice cream.
Question Four: Wrong Answers
 E. synecdoche
 Use the part in place of the whole or vice
 Example: Nice threads!
 The part = threads
 The whole it represents = clothes
 Example: Texas promotes the death
 The whole = the state of Texas
 The part it represents = Texas legislature
WAIT! Synecdoche vs.
 These two are easily confused –
certain “experts” even say they are
the same thing, but that is not going
to fly.
 Metonymy – is a RELATED object
 Synecdoche is a PART of the SAME
Synecdoche vs. Metonymy
Ways to remember these silly words:
 My mommy is related to me
(metonymy), but my sin is a part of
me (synecdoche).
 My neck is a part of me, but Tony and
I are only related.
Activity – Write down your own way to
remember the difference
Question Five: Correct Answer
 C. I and II only
 Less than a son, but he does not look
favorably on the King
 Hamlet agrees that he is related – and
more than just a nephew (cousin means
kin), BUT he is less than made from the
same kind of stuff that Claudius is – he is
less than a son.
 The fact that he doesn’t want to be
considered his son = unfavorable tone
Question Five: Wrong Answers
 We will look just at III – he does NOT
reject the king’s notion that he is
related – he says, “more than kin”.
Question Six: Correct Answer
 A. pun
 A pun is a play on words – where a word
is meaning two things at once
 Hamlet says he is “too much in the sun”;
son = sun is the pun
 Claudius asks him why he is still gloomy,
and he says that he is in the sun too
much – this only really makes sense if he
is saying that he dislikes being
considered Claudius’ son.
Question Six: Wrong Answers
 B. allusion
 He is not alluding to anything
 C. metaphor
 The sun is not representing anything else
 D. symbol
 There is no symbol with the sun
 E. oxymoron
 There is no phrase with opposing words
side by side
Questions Seven: Correct Answer
 E. 1st = external; 2nd = internal