Transcript Slide 1

Innovation Fund
Why was this fund created?
We want to commission services that will meet the needs of local people and
reduce health inequalities in City and Hackney. The way we do this needs to be
informed by genuine patient and public involvement.
Innovation Fund was established in 2014 in response to comments and suggestions
from patients and public.
This year the fund criteria is based on
Feedback from our patients and members of public
Findings from 23 Fund for Health community research projects
Through this fund we want to support projects that will
test out new approaches
introduce new ideas into mainstream services
Introduce approaches that tick multiple strategic priorities and holistic approaches
Research undertaken through Fund for Health:
Maternity &Children
African Community School; Minik Kardes; Interlink
• Mental Health
Core Arts; Hackney Chinese Community Services; Hackney People First; Social Action for Health;
Interlink; Volunteer Centre Hackney; MRS Independent living, City and Hackney Mind
• Long Term Conditions, learning disabilities
Headway East London; Choice in Hackney; Hackney People First
• Non-English speaking groups, refugee &migrant communities
Alevi Cultural Centre; Halkevi Community Centre; Derman; Refugee Workers’ Association; VLC
(Vietnam Lao Cambodia Centre), Positive East
People with limited access to internet and/or low levels of literacy
Social Action for Health
• Homeless people and those living in sheltered accommodation
Peter Bedford Association
• People with disabilities
Hackney Disability Back Up / Age UK; Deaf Plus
Key themes identified through Fund for Health:
Support to use services
•Clear information and easy access to services
•Targeted support (LGBT population)
•Effective signposting to services
•Support around understanding services and
submitting applications etc.
•Understanding services, simplifying processes
•Access to information and new technologies
•Support around discharge
•Interpretation and advocacy
User centred services
•Peer support
•Involving families, working with the family as a whole
•Awareness raising
•Patient or service user centred approach
•Taking services out to communities
•Involving patients and service users in the care
•Joint up, patient centred services
•Language and culture appropriate services
•Training for professionals
•Training volunteers
The solution
• People told us they wanted to understand health services and to be able to access
the right service when they need it.
• We believe that understanding your own health needs and being able to access the
right support at the right time is important and helps people get better more
• We want patients to be well informed and to be able to get the right support.
• We are interested in a wide range of solutions.
• Solutions that are patient focused or support and enable professionals in their
• Technology based solutions, which are low cost and make a real difference to the
people using them
• Creative, different solutions that are new to the health care sphere.
We don’t have all the answers but we think that you might…
“We are looking for new ideas
that will help people in City &
Hackney better understand their
health needs and access and find
their way to the right health
We want to fund projects that will result in:
1. Empowered patients
Solutions which help patients to build knowledge, skills and confidence
2. Better Health Outcomes
Solutions which will improve the health and wellbeing of our population
3. Increased Efficiency
Solutions to encourage and enable appropriate use of services
4. Integrated Services
Joint up services and solutions that are built around the patient and their needs
An innovation fund works when:
• You have a specific goal in mind that relates to a particular social problem
and you want to find radical and different solutions to address it.
• You want to encourage people to put forward creative solutions.
• You want to hear from organisations and people who are new to your
• You want to harness the communities’ potential to address social
• You want to learn about how new solutions work practice and about the
conditions that could make them work better.
Innovation Fund – key facts
The Innovation Fund is worth £400k in total.
You can submit bids ranging from £5,000 to £100,000
Proposals submitted in partnerships are very welcome but not a necessary
There is no limit to the number of applications that an organisation can
submit but we encourage applicants to only submit their strongest proposals
Awardees will receive 50% of the grant at the beginning of the project and
50% at an agreed milestone
In budgeting for your proposal we suggest you plan for a delivery period of 12
to 18 months.
The Future
• We hope that this fund gives us an opportunity to find new and different solutions
that the CCG as well as the wider community of providers can learn from.
• We hope to identify effective interventions that can be mainstreamed in the CCG’s
wider commissioning plans
• We hope to generate models of best practice that will shape and influence existing
• We want to hear from people and organisations that have a deep understanding of
the local needs and can demonstrate demand for the interventions they propose
and who
Can articulate a strong case for the change they want to see
Are innovative and creative in their approach to the fund challenge
Have great ideas about how to transform and radically improve services
Are able to demonstrate how they are involving users in shaping, delivering and reviewing the solutions
they propose
Ideation and Inspiration
Innovation requires creativity
Generating new ideas requires looking at things in a new way
Tools and methods to do so
This session is to equip you to challenge your own thinking
A new way at looking at a problem
Taking ideas from other sectors and applying them in a new
Can be a product… or a process …. or a system, or a way of
organising teams …..
The Challenge
“We are looking for new ideas
that will help people in City &
Hackney better understand their
health needs and access and find
their way to the right health
Opening up the challenge
• Community solutions: Peer-to-peer support
• New services: Technological solutions - an app that provides local info
on health services
• Best practice: Communication training for health professionals
• New practices: Group appointments
• New roles/services - Navigator of primary care services
• Incentives for health professionals to provide clear communication
- Innovation requires creativity
- We need to free ourselves from judgement to
encounter new possibilities
- A structured way to open up your thought process
- A safe space to come up with plenty of ideas
- Plenty of different approaches
Reframing the challenge
Over 100 languages
are spoken in
Wouldn’t it be great if
what language you speak
had no effect on your
experience of the care
you receive?
50% of women and 25% of
men living in City and
Hackney are affected by
depression at some point
of their lives
What if everyone knew how
to access support and help
around mental health and
The number of
informal carers is
Imagine if the experience of
patients, carers, community
services and healthcare
professionals was available
to others who are in a
similar situation.
Brain storming activity
-We want as many ideas as possible
-the wilder the better
-no judgement
-build on others’ ideas
It’s about quantity and not quality
The Challenge
We are looking for new ideas that will help
people in City & Hackney better understand
their health needs and access and find their way
to the right health service.
Empowered Patients
Increased Efficiency
Better Health Outcomes
Integrated Services
Here is some
Let’s get radical
Take a specific lens:
What happens to this idea if we think
Local – locally focused, locally staffed, locally based, local assets,
source and harness local ideas, local business, local people, local
Equal – accessible for all, inclusive, patients – staff – carers
Green/sustainable – open spaces, sustainably sourced, using existing
Radicalising activity
-We want as many ideas as possible
-the wilder the better
-no judgement
-build on others’ ideas
It’s about quantity and not quality
your idea
What would you need to do to
develop your idea and turn it into
Talking to service users
Speaking to people in the local community can be helpful to
discover whether there is demand and need for a new service.
Questions you might ask people could include:
What are your health needs?
What challenges do you face when trying to be healthy?
What support could help you live a healthier life?
Talking to experts
Interviewing a community worker, social worker or other
health professional can be a very insightful way to
contextualise the existing health and social care landscape.
Questions you might ask could include:
What challenges is the local health system facing?
What opportunities do you think there is in a local context to
do something different?
What needs do your users present to you?
Testing out the idea
Once you have the seed of an idea, a useful exercise can be to
very quickly and cheaply test parts of the idea out to see
whether it could work in practice.
Some ways of doing this might be to:
Create a simple storyboard detailing the main parts of the idea
to understand how it might work in practice
Hold a coffee morning with users to discuss the idea and
understand whether it resonates with their needs and
Doing desk based research
Looking into current research such as reports, case studies,
statistics and data, can be a great way to build an evidence
base for your idea.
Please take a label and write on it
a topic that you would like to
discuss further
Thank you and
good luck!