What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You!

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What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You!

By John McCullum


• • John – Student teacher – Attempting to review in a fashion different from that of the regular teacher Richard – Begin fighting with another student – Continues problematic behavior after being confronted and getting administration involved


• • • • Unknown Behavioral Problems Ethnic Divisions – Students formed groups accordingly Academic Divisions – “All the smart kids were in one group” Richard and Chris – Argument erupts from each end of the spectrum • Chris is a high achiever, Richard is a low achiever – Chris escapes!!


• • • Punish Chris – Show Richard behavior is not acceptable to help with his problem – Teach Chris how to back down or let it go Seek Help Sooner – Ask other teachers and administrators about Richards behavior – Consult administration about the repeated threats Punish Neither Child – Allow the incident to go unchecked


• • • The knowledge needed would be the previous history of Richard More teaching experience Better understanding of Richard’s type of behavioral problem


• • • Richard – Does not understand why Chris did not receive the same treatment – Is ready to “fight to the death” for what his mind is telling him Chris – Defending himself John – Two disruptive children – Wants to regain control so other students can learn


• • • Punish Chris – Chris may become a further problem when the two boys meet in detention.

Seek Help Sooner – John learns about Richards problem sooner – Administration records the outburst and seeks further help for Richard Punish Neither Child – Richard and Chris fight again • Next day • – Behavior goes unchecked • Outside school Appears acceptable