War in the Pacific

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War in the Pacific


Pearl Harbor: December 7, 1941

Japan attacked US Naval

Base Pearl Harbor because:

US was boycotting Japanese

goods because of China and Indochina (FDR had demanded Japan withdraw from both)

US stood between Japan and

Pacific expansion

Greater victory than they

had hoped:

Sank/disabled 19 ships, 188

airplanes, killed over 2400 and wounded 1100

US aircraft carries out to sea,

so they escaped damage

Roosevelt declared war the

next day

Victory in the Pacific (1942-45)

While European war occurring, Japan

taking over much of the Pacific (wanted living space)

1942 Japan took Philippines, Malay

States, Dutch East Indies, part of New Guinea

US halted their advance north of

Australia at Coral Sea (May) and Midway (June, considered payback for Pearl Harbor)

August, under command of Douglas

MacArthur, launched an attack at Guadalcanal

6 months to victoryBeginning of “island hopping” North to

Japan, take some islands, skip others

1945 captured Iwo Jima and Okinawa,

allowed US to launch air raids on Japan

Japan fought back with

suicide pilots


Pacific Theater

Back to Europe

Yalta Conference

Feb. 1945, the

Big Three Soviet Union to decide what to do with the world after the war

Decisions reached:

United Nations would be organized as a permanent international peace keeping organization (Roosevelt, Stalin & Churchill) met in the

Germany & Berlin would be divided into 4 zones of occupation by the US,

Britain, Soviet Union, & France

Victory Over Japan

General Hideki Tojo refused to


July US issued an ultimatum,

surrender or face “utter destruction”

Japan did not surrenderJapanese refused to surrender &

President Harry S. Truman (FDR had died in April) knew an invasion of Japan could mean up to a 1 million American deaths, he ordered that a new defensive weapon be dropped on a Japanese city

August 6, 1945 first bomb

dropped on Hiroshima

Japan still did not surrenderAugust 9 second dropped on


August 14 Japan surrendered

Truman’s notes to Stalin At Potsdam

Manhattan Project

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Atomic bomb Invented in the Manhattan Project

Albert Einstein told FDR in 1939 that a a-bomb could be built and the Nazis were working on it US secret project led by Oppenheimer

Used people from US, GB, Canada, and refugees from Nazi-occupied Europe

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Made Atomic Bomb containing 2 lbs of Uranium; explosive power of 20,000 tons of TNT Bombs were known as “fat man” and “little boy” Hiroshima bomb killed or injured 130,000 destroyed 60% of city GB worked on it, Allies did not tell Stalin about a-bomb: led to resentment that leads to Cold War H-bombs, which we have today, several thousand times more powerful than a-bomb, can wipe out all life within a 60- to 100-mile radius Bad times

Bomb cloud over Hiroshima

Hiroshima Before and After

Effects of the War

55 million people died in this warChina, Japan, & Germany were in ruins

from the bombing

Millions of people were homeless & w/o

families—known as

displaced persons

The US and Soviet Union would have

major conflicts that would result in the Cold War