21st Century Leadership - USP Business Development

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USP Business Development
21st Century Leadership
Skills and attributes
Leaders and leadership
Everyone should have
the opportunity
the right
and the responsibility
to be a Leader in their own life
Building capability…what does it look like
The future is about nurturing
leadership skills in everyone
and providing an environment
for flexibility and change
what has
20th Century changes in the workplace
• No ‘jobs for life’
• Skills requirements are
continuously evolving
• Rapid pace of change
• Global workplace and
migrating workers
• Pure academic skills not
• Flatter organisations able to
adapt more quickly
• Strategy constantly under
• Career management and
advancement down to individuals
• Constant need to refresh & update
• Increased interest in self-help/selfdevelopment
• Soft skills, communication skills,
people skills required for building
• Flexibility and versatility compete
with struggle for work-life balance
21st Century changes in expectations
Third-world populations don’t want hand-outs - they want tools and
skills to help themselves
Disabled people don’t want sympathy - they want equal
Sick people don’t want to be wholly dependent on health
professionals - they want to find advice and guidance to improving
their conditions on informed web-pages
Older people don’t want to block hospital beds - they want good
health care and assistance to lead independent lives.
The Sick, the Old and the Poor don’t want to be a burden - they
want the opportunity, the right and the responsibility to be
leaders in their own lives
Building capability…where does it start
In the classroom
In the workplace
Leadership attitudes, behaviours and qualities
Staying ahead of the game
Leadership in school
• Schools are teaching leadership at age 9
(HTI Spring 2005 Bulletin)
• Tomlinson 14-19 Report - prescribes more ‘soft skills’ development
Teamship & citizenship
Effective listening
Communication and presentation
Respect for diversity
Ownership & responsibility
• Leadership skills are now used to provide differentiation between
the most able students at University selection
Top performers go beyond academic achievement
Engaging employees
Stretch and empower
Set the bar high and reward excellence
Allow people to make their own mistakes…and let them learn
from them
Make change and growth synonymous
Promote enthusiasm and positive thinking
Seek ownership and accountability
If you believe knowledge is power - Share Information
Take involvement in development & well-being of staff
Work as a team but lead from the front
Another day’s work or an awesome day’s work?
The empowered workplace!
Interdependent working
Devolved ownership & responsibility
Unified purpose
Mutual regard
Self-motivation and ‘can do’ attitude
Good communication and information sharing
Open performance tracking and accountability
‘Blame culture’ replaced by ‘lessons learned’
WOW! ways of working
None of us are as smart as all of us
- Japanese proverb -
! Leadership competencies
• Strategic vision and the ability to share that
• Clear communication and messages
• Success beyond narrow professional boundaries
• Leading by influence, not control
• Creating alliances and devolved management
• Flexibility and versatility
Take the lead - devolve the power….
Leaders do this
Put performance at the top of the agenda
Translate vision into action
Influence behaviours through diversity and mutual respect
Rouse the workforce from indifference to enthusiasm
Develop a workforce with focus and relentless desire to improve
Keep ‘Learning’ at the heart of the agenda!
‘Motivation & inspiration
encourage people by
satisfying basic human needs
for achievement, a sense of
belonging, a feeling of control
over one’s life and the ability
to live up to one’s ideals’
John Kotter - Harvard Business School
Leadership Characteristics
Tenacious or bloody-minded
Visionary - Macro view
Energetic & Passionate
Leadership Behaviour
Risk taking
Crossing the line/Pushing the boundaries
Joined-up thinking/acting
Encouraging and motivating
Leading by example
Saying ‘thank you’
Leadership Attitude
‘Can Do’
Establishing high standards for self and others
Promoting learning
Welcoming diversity
Style of a 21st Century Leader
Provides clear direction & support
Manages through influence, rather than control
Maintains a broad understanding of the context & situation
Keeps a working overview of issues
Gives considered and timely advice
Able to work in a pressured & political environment
Has strong communications and presentation skills
Persuasive & influential
Effective and tolerant interpersonal skills
Analytical & creative mindset
Demands energy and enthusiasm
and a sense of adventure……..
and the truly outstanding…..
Overstep the mark…often!
Don’t take ‘no’ for an answer
Take risks and make mistakes
Understand that they may not know best
Recognise that talent doesn’t always wear a suit
Know that empowered teams tend to make more
informed decisions
AIM to change the world!
ahead of
the game
Leadership habits
• Mix your read…. comics, white papers, polls and reports,
broadsheets and tabloids…for new ideas!
• Mix with different people, smart, exciting, insightful,
measured and mundane….and absorb!
• Keep your diet fresh and nourishing
• Make time for brief chats in the corridors and at the coffee
machine - invaluable for keeping up with ‘the buzz’
• Exercise your body as well as your mind
• Take a 15 minute nap to refresh and unwind
Remember your family…they need you too!
Know thyself
Know your values and beliefs
Promote your principles
Be proud to stand up for your integrity
Protect your personal ‘hallmark’
Continuously develop your learning
Guard your reputation
Have confidence
take heart
and Go for it!
Sue McCauley
USP Business Development
For more information on our Leadership and Team-Building Programmes
contact us on: 0870 428 2614 or visit www.usp-bd.com