Transcript Document

School Counseling
PowerPoint produced by Melinda Haley, M.S., New Mexico State University.
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“Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Program and Counselor Evaluation
Counselor Accountability
• Beginning in the 1960’s, school counselors have been
held accountable for their work.
• All counselor groups, not just school counselors, seem to
be reluctant to be held accountable and this attitude hurts
the profession’s credibility.
• Even in the 21st century, there is very little evidence that
accountability methods are being used voluntarily in school
"Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Program and Counselor Evaluation
Counselor Accountability
Counselor reluctance may have several explanations:
Lack of time to plan and assess their programs.
Resistance to measuring what counselors do.
Confusion about the difference between research and
Fear of outcomes.
"Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Program and Counselor Evaluation
Counselor Accountability
Methods counselors can use for accountability include:
Needs assessments
Activity evaluations
Surveys of students, parents and teachers
Self-rating scales
Performance appraisal processes
"Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Program and Counselor Evaluation
Counselor Accountability
The purpose for training school counselors in the evaluation
process is:
To help counselors gather data that will also be beneficial
in the planning of their own professional development.
To help counselors make a solid case for their value and
worth in the schools.
To invite counselors to participate in research that lends
credibility and validity to the field and the work counselors
"Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Program and Counselor Evaluation
Counselor Accountability
Principles and guidelines for counselor accountability include:
The goals are agreed upon in advance by all who
participate in the evaluation process.
All people who are a part of the school counselor program
should be involved in the evaluation process.
The instruments used for evaluation should be valid
measures of the services and goals of the program.
The evaluation process should be viewed as a vital
component to the school counseling program.
The essential component of evaluation is to assist
counselors in doing their job effectively.
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Program and Counselor Evaluation
Types of Program Evaluation
Process Evaluation
Outcome Evaluation
What was the
outcome of
counseling and was
this successful?
Were the services and
strategies carried
out in an
efficient manner?
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Program and Counselor Evaluation
Four Methods of Program Evaluation
Goal Attainment
Learning related goals: Assessment instruments and
processes need to measure what students are learning
and how well they are learning it.
Service related goals:
» Report the number of times a service is
» Count the number of people who participated
in a given service.
» Survey people and obtain their observations
about a particular service offered.
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Program and Counselor Evaluation
Student Outcomes
Counseling services should
compliment learning.
Evaluations must occur not only at the group
level but at the individual student level as well.
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Program and Counselor Evaluation
Student Outcomes
Outcome measures can be:
» Based upon some minimally accepted level
that must be achieved.
» A comparison between students who have
completed a program with those who have
» An examination of student attitudes,
knowledge and behavioral changes using
surveys, checklists, rating scales etc.
Use of pretest and posttest comparisons.
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Program and Counselor Evaluation
Consumer Satisfaction
Counselors check for the satisfaction of students,
parents and teachers by using empirical or perceptual
– Survey questionnaires about effectiveness of
school counseling programs are generally used
and results can be complied to establish the
opinion of the entire population.
Example student survey question:
The counselor help me focus on
my concerns.
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Program and Counselor Evaluation
Expert Assessment
If counselors only use internal perspectives regarding
the effectiveness of their work (e.g. principals,
teachers, students and parents), the evaluation is
Internal evaluations neglect national and international
issues and trends.
Outside experts in school counseling can add a
valuable perspective and increase objectivity.
"Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Program and Counselor Evaluation
Expert Assessment
Questions that need to be asked before an external evaluation:
1. What do we want or need to know?
2. Who should be involved in designing the evaluation?
3. Who will be the outside expert to conduct the evaluation?
4. What instruments and processes will be used?
5. Who will receive the results of the evaluation?
6. How will those results be used?
"Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Program and Counselor Evaluation
School Counselor Evaluation
Some States and schools have developed specific
criteria to evaluate school counselors. These criteria
look at the areas of:
Program planning and organization
Group and individual counseling skills
Group guidance presentations
Coordination of services
Ethical practice
Professional development activities
"Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
Program and Counselor Evaluation
What Is Used to Evaluate The School Counselor?
Audio and Videotaping
Self-Assessments and Portfolios
Consumer Feedback
Schedules and Records
Personal Memos
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Program and Counselor Evaluation
Performance Appraisal Processes and Instruments
The first step is to identify the essential services that
are being evaluated.
A list of specific service methods and practices should
be made.
Methods to obtain data could be questionnaires,
interviews, observation etc., however no single
assessment is adequate by itself and multiple
assessment instruments should be used.
School counselor performance evaluations, ethically
and legally, must include the best possible instruments
and processes to fairly and accurately judge
effectiveness of the counselor.
"Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”
School Counseling Presentation Resources
Schmidt, J. J. (2003). Counseling in schools: Essential services
and comprehensive programs, 4th ed. Boston, MA.: Allyn &
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