Cooperative Learning

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Cooperative Learning

What, Why, When and How

First some questions:

What’s your purpose for using cooperative learning in the classroom?

What kind of cooperative learning activities do you already use with your students?

Think of a time you used cooperative learning and were pleased with the results.

Why did it work out?

Think of a time you used cooperative learning and were not pleased with the results.

Why did it not work well?

What questions do you have about cooperative learning in your classroom?

Today we’ll talk about

 5 elements of cooperative learning  3 types of groups  Assessment and feedback  Some activities for groups  A planning tool

5 Elements of Cooperative Learning

 Positive Interdependence  Face-to-face to promote interaction  Individual and group accountability  Interpersonal and small group skills  Group Processing

Decrease tension

Make the group more constructive.

Have an activity to emphasize each element as you introduce it.

Vary the tactics you use to form groups

 Interests  Birthday month  First letter of name  Color of backpack  “Mixing it up”  What else have you used?

There are three types of groups

 Formal groups  Informal groups  Base groups

Informal Groups

 “Turn to your neighbor”  Last a few minutes or a class period  Formed “on the fly”  Check understanding of content  Review a skill

Formal Groups

 Most structured  Extended assignments  Teacher designs tasks in all 5 elements  Take time to create but reward student and instructor

Base groups

 Last for quarter or more  Build camaraderie and teamwork  Good for giving mutual feedback  Support for larger projects  Support for learning complicated tasks

Size counts

 The most effective groups have 3-5 students  Why?

Typical Team Considerations

 Assigned or rotating roles  Unequal Resources  Team Ground Rules  Keeper of the Bridge  Tens!

 5 on Fridays

Assigned Rotating Roles

 No one gets “stuck”  Leader, recorder, speaker, encourager, bridge keeper

Unequal Resources

 Have teams complete simple tasks  Make a flag  Make a logo  Make a poster of ground rules  Teams get unequal resources  Bargain with other teams for materials

Typical Team Ground Rules

 Do your homework  Work your team Role  Contribute to team’s success  Use consensus  Conflict okay  Express feelings  Celebrate the team

Keeper of the Bridge

 Put assignments in team folder  One team member responsible for keeping absentees caught up


 T ouch  Establish E ye contact  Use a person’s N ame  S mile

5 on Fridays

 Promote honest and open team and individual performance  Take 5 minutes at the end of the week for feedback  Sandwich technique


Some activities for groups

Will any of these work for you?

The Jigsaw

Recombine for projects or role playing

Send a problem/Solve a problem

 Each team prepares a problem and sends it to an adjoining team  They answer it and send it back or to another team to be checked  Have the solving team prepare a visual and present solution

Expert Team

 Ask each team to become an expert on one aspect or a subject, chapter or process  Present to the whole class


Rubrics and other feedback

Weekly peer evaluation

 Give each student a 3x5 card  Write their name on one side  Shuffle the cards  Re-distribute  Write a short constructive evaluation  Return to original student


 Have each student write down the gifts or talents they bring  Have them share with the group  Positive constructive feedback

Sharing the score

 Students decide who gets how many of the points earned by the team

Rubrics for Groups

Rubric for Group Goals

 Commitment  Assigned Roles  Identifying Group Goals

Effective Interpersonal Skills

 Participates  Expresses ideas  Sensitivity to others

Group Maintenance

 Leadership  Supports group development  Supports individual group members

Planning for Cooperative Learning

What will you take away?

 Questions?

 Plans?


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