IBM Presentations: Blue Pearl Basic template

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Transcript IBM Presentations: Blue Pearl Basic template

IBM User Technologies

Authoring DITA content

Adapted from a presentation by Dennis Bockus Presented by Michael Priestley IBM® November 2005 © 2005 IBM Corporation

IBM User Technologies Overview      

Topics Making topics retrievable Identifying the topics you need Authoring tasks Authoring concepts Authoring reference topics

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© 2005 IBM Corporation

IBM User Technologies Topics 




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© 2005 IBM Corporation

IBM User Technologies Topic – expanded definition 

A topic is an independent unit of information.

It is meaningful when it is displayed alone.

It follows the rules for a specific information type.

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IBM User Technologies Structure of a topic    

Heading Text May contain nontext elements such as tables or graphics In a Web, probably contains links to other closely related topics

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Topic structure IBM User Technologies

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© 2005 IBM Corporation

IBM User Technologies Demonstration: authoring a simple topic

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© 2005 IBM Corporation

IBM User Technologies Topic retrieval 

Navigation in print

Online retrieval problems

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© 2005 IBM Corporation

IBM User Technologies Navigation aids in books The table of contents and the index are the state of the art in print navigation. These systems have been refined over centuries of use. They are common because they work.

Many of the standard approaches to improving online information originated in design for books: topic orientation, task orientation, Minimalism, chunking, information typing….

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IBM User Technologies Retrievability problems online 

Jared Spool has found that on the


sites, users cannot find what they are looking for 57% of the time.

On-site search engines fail 70% of the time.

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IBM User Technologies Improving online navigation       

Logical chunking Guidelines Navigation tree/table of contents Topic headings Related links Index Search

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© 2005 IBM Corporation

IBM User Technologies Chunking  Explain one thing at a time – easier for audience to integrate learning and doing  In a concept topic, address only one idea or one component.

 In a task topic, explain how to do only one task.

 In a reference topic, explain only one command, language element, or API.

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IBM User Technologies Guidelines  When multiple writers contribute to a single solution (infocenter, book, helpset…) you need guidelines to ensure content can be integrated into a usable solution  Guidelines are part of the picture: DITA for technical ability to integrate Guidelines for consistency of result Usability tests and customer feedback for quality of result © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Navigation/table of contents  Use task-based organization for most important content – what does the user want to do?

 Use system-based or category-based organization for reference content – what can the product/system do?

 Organize not just for retrieval, but for learning: users need to understand how tasks and systems fit together – if they know what they’re looking for, they’re probably using search, not the table of contents © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Topic headings -- questions  Does your heading tell users exactly what information the topic contains?  Does it differentiate this topic from other topics in the information center?

 Does it give a clear idea of the topic’s scope (operating system, application, or tool within application)? © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Topic headings – general tips  Compose titles that are meaningful to users.

 Control vocabulary to aid searching and browsing.

 Strive for consistency . © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Topic headings – specific tips  Put keywords at the beginning of the title so that users can quickly identify the most important aspect of the information that the topic contains.

 The structure of the topic title should let people know whether they can expect task, concept, reference, tutorial, or sample information.

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IBM User Technologies Topic headings -- summary


Tasks Start the title with a present participle (verb with an -ing ending) Avoid “Using” and Working with”.

Concepts Reference Samples and tutorials Use a noun phrase.

For topics about commands, language statements, configuration parameters, and so on, begin the topic title with the command or keyword, followed by the descriptive name of the technical entity

db2sync - Start DB2 Synchronizer Command

Start with the name of the information type. Provide a descriptive name for the sample or tutorial that starts with a present participle.

Authoring with DITA XML

© 2005 IBM Corporation

IBM User Technologies Linking Hypertext links were the basis for the Web. Using them well is a critical part of building a successful web. © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Linking principles  Linking should complement the navigation hierarchy.

 Leave a


to give users confidence that they can find what they need.

 The most important factor in successful linking is how well users can predict where the links will lead.  Provide most related links at the end of the topic. © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Spool on linking  Jared Spool has done usability tests that show that embedding links (surrounding them with text) reduces users' success in finding information.  Spool’s research indicates that longer links often work better than short ones.  He has found that people scan for

target words


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IBM User Technologies Demo: adding a link  xref  link  linklist  Linking to non-DITA topics  Linking to external topics  Linking to topics the build process can’t reach

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IBM User Technologies The danger of authoring links in topics  Create a dependency on the target, which reduces the reusability of the topic, and increases the chance of it breaking when the information set changes  Map-based links manage related links, and certain kinds of embedded links – reducing risk, increasing efficiency  More on maps later © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Indexing   

indexterm element Nesting indexterms Managing indexterms:

– Inline for ease of authoring – In prologs for ease of review – In maps for ease of maintenance – Via conref for consistency and maintenance © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Improving search information  Operating system  Type of information (concept, task, reference)  Component  Book  User role

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© 2005 IBM Corporation

IBM User Technologies Improving search retrieval  Cram as many keywords onto the page as possible.

 Make introductory files short and use the most common keywords in them.  If tools permit, track the keywords employed by users searching your web.

 Add keywords in the DITA prolog to get them into HTML output tags. © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Identifying the topics you need       

Topic hierarchies Minimalism Reference topics: the safety net Task analysis Task orientation Completeness Prioritizing: demos and tutorials for key tasks

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IBM User Technologies Topic hierarchies  The topic hierarchy is the plan that writers follow in constructing a Web of information.  Task information is the core of every good documentation hierarchy.

 Concept topics provide the background information that users require to successfully attempt a solution or to use a product or component.

 Most reference topics can be grouped into a few broad categories (for example,



language elements

). © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Minimalist principles  Allow learners to start immediately on meaningful tasks.  Minimize the amount of reading and other passive forms of training by allowing users to fill in the gaps themselves  Include error recognition and recovery activities in the instruction  Make all learning activities self-contained and independent of sequence.

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IBM User Technologies Provide a safety net David Farkas argues that we should add supplementary material to minimalist documentation to provide a safety net for users. I agree. © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Task analysis  Which tasks are most important to users?

 What sequence do users follow?

 Where do they encounter difficulties?

 What roles exist among the users?  What is the typical knowledge level of people in each of those roles?

 Who does which tasks?

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IBM User Technologies Task orientation  Describe the user’s tasks, not the product’s functions.

 Start with a list of major tasks.

 Break those tasks into smaller tasks and steps.

 Provide (or link to) background information (concepts).

 Point (or link) to related reference material.

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IBM User Technologies Completeness  Do we provide all the information needed to perform a task?

 How much should we document?

 How much detail should we provide?

 Should we repeat concept information in task topics or refer to it?

 Do we link to all the supporting information needed to perform the task?

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IBM User Technologies Prioritizing     Use reference documentation as the safety net Use task analysis for main user tasks Add conceptual information to support task flows Save learning information – tutorials, samples, demos - for key tasks © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Authoring task topics  Guidelines  Demonstration

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© 2005 IBM Corporation

IBM User Technologies Task topics  Document the steps that a user follows to accomplish a goal.

 Begin the heading with a verb so users will recognize it as a task.  Use an opening paragraph to introduce the task and provide context for it.

 If the task has a prerequisite, provide a link to that prerequisite before the list of steps. © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Task topics (continued)  Use a numbered list for the steps the reader must follow to complete the task.  Write the steps as brief imperative sentences. When the user's context has changed, introduce the step with a phrase that establishes that context (for example, In the Topics window, ...).  Write one step for each significant user action. © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Task topics (continued)  If a task has more than nine steps, try to divide it into two or more separate tasks.

 Document only one way of doing a task in each topic.  If the task is one of a set sequence of tasks, provide a link to the next task.

 Provide links to parent tasks and to closely related concept, task, and reference topics.

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IBM User Technologies Task structure

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IBM User Technologies Example  Authoring a task topic

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IBM User Technologies Authoring concept topics  Guidelines  Demonstration

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© 2005 IBM Corporation

IBM User Technologies Concept topics  Document the background knowledge users need to successfully use the system, product, component, or feature. Concept topics should give the reader a mental model of how the system works.  Use a noun or noun phrase as the heading.  Use paragraphs to document concepts.

 Use subheadings to break the topic into sections, especially if it is longer than two screens of information. © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Concept topics (continued)  When introducing a new term, begin with a definition; then, expand that definition.

 Add diagrams when they simplify the explanation, such as when showing a process or the relationships among concepts.

 Address only one complete idea. Keep the concept topic concise, but describe everything that the user needs to understand to be successful.

 Provide links to closely related concept, task, and reference topics.

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IBM User Technologies Example  Authoring a concept topic

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IBM User Technologies Authoring reference topics  Guidelines  Demonstration

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© 2005 IBM Corporation

IBM User Technologies Reference topics  Write reference topics to provide quick access to facts that users need while they carry out their tasks.  Use a noun or noun phrase as the heading.

 For a particular category of information, such as API documentation, use a consistent format so users can find what they want to know quickly.  Be brief, but write in full sentences. © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Reference topics (continued)  Do not go into long explanations; assume that readers understand the basic technology.

 Make the topic as long as it needs to be to cover the subject.

 Provide links to closely related reference topics and, in some cases, to related concept and task topics.

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IBM User Technologies Example  Authoring reference topics

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IBM User Technologies Summary    Topics have a specific structure Good topics are useless if they can’t be found, so making them retrievable is important Methodologies for creating content also tell us how to organize them  The DITA document types encourage good writing, but aren’t enough on their own – you still need guidelines, good writing skills, and most importantly an understanding of your audience and subject matter © 2005 IBM Corporation

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IBM User Technologies Questions and comments

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