Democracies Online

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Democracies Online

Building Civic Life on the New Frontier

Presentation by Steven L. Clift [email protected] Copyright 1997 This presentation is available online at:

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Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

In their own communities, it is time for people to build “civic life” both online and off-line through the use of the information technology and networks.

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Tale of Twin Cities 2005 E-mail In-box

 Tamara B. in Minneapolis  Headlines New York Times and Minneapolis StarTribune      National Arts Newsletter Traffic Report Overdue Parking Ticket Reminder Women’s Ice Fishing Network Personal Messages from Family and Friends

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

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Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

Tale of Twin Cities 2005 E-mail In-box

 Mick S. In St.Paul

 St. Paul Pioneer Press Headlines     Neighborhood Press Stories Bus Arrival Time Update Parent’s School Discussion City Issues Forum   Neighborhood Safety Committee Messages Personal Messages from Family, Friends, and Neighbors Jump to first page

Tale of Twin Cities 2005 E-mail In-box - Geography Matters

  Local Community Use of the Internet Flips Expectations Upside Down Expectation: The Internet is global and allows individuals to gather based on special and unique interests.

 New Emphasis: The Internet is also local and helps people build community and democracy in the

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

 common interest.

We must swim upstream to grow stronger. Jump to first page

Putting Pen to Paper: Electronic Democracy, Write On!

 3 Actor Scenario  Government  Private Sector (Media)  Citizens 

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

 Who has the power?

Who sets the agenda?

   2 Communication Tools  Paper  Pens Unlimited Supply of Paper for All Only Government and Private Sector have Pens and therefore ...

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Putting Pen to Paper: Electronic Democracy, Write On!

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

   … and therefore the ability to be heard, communicate, organize, set the agenda, and have power.

“Citizen-based electronic democracy” is about getting “pens” to the people.

Ability to distribute messages to groups is key, must move beyond the World Wide Warehouse. Jump to first page

Democracy Online Today

Current Democracy Online Contributions

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift Political Organizations Government Private Sector Media and Commercial Content

What is missing?

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Democracy Online Today

  

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

 Current interests use the Internet to further their interests, they must to survive.

Where do the current interests interact online?

Where will citizens and interests within democracies interact online?

To move from one-to-many toward many-to-many communication, we need the ...

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Democracy Online Future

Democracy Online with an Interactive Public Commons

Political Organizations Government Civic Participation Center Private Sector Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

Media and Commercial Content

We must build them one at a time!

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Contributions to Democracy Online

Government Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

 Government   Provide Extensive Information Online with User-Focused Systems and Public Access Points Make “Democracy” Information Fully Available “Open Government”  E-mail to/from Public  E-mail Information Dissemination  Use Interactivity and Collaboration Externally/Internally  Regulatory Factors and Support  Local - More Direct Involvement Jump to first page

Contributions to Democracy Online

Media and Commercial Content Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

 Media and Commercial Content  Provide News and Information  Ensure Availability of Political and Community News at National/Regional/Local Levels  Highlight and Cover Other Democracy Online Resources and Events - Calendars, Co-Sponsor  Provide Interactive Online Spaces, but Collaborate with Other Efforts  Fight One-Way Mentality and Pure Advertising “Eye-Ball” Focus Jump to first page

Contributions to Democracy Online

Private Sector Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

 Private Sector  Provide User Connectivity, Increase Bandwidth, Lower Costs, and Bring More Users  Provide and Develop User Tools  Provide Technical Support  Embrace Open Standards  Make Information Tools beyond the WWW, like E-mail Lists, Push Channels, WWW Conferencing Available to Community Organizations, Citizen-based Online Democracy Efforts, and Individuals  Provide Funding to Civic Efforts (as should the other sectors) Jump to first page

Contributions to Democracy Online

Political Organizations Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

 Political Organizations  Provide Information About Positions, Candidates, Advocacy Efforts, Involvement Opportunities  Use Tools Strategically to Further Your Cause   Involve Organization and Supporters Directly in Online Interactive Spaces Don’t Use IT to Only Increase the Level of Political Protest Aimed at Representative Democracy  Enhance Participatory Democracy Jump to first page

Contributions to Democracy Online

Civic Participation Center Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

 Citizens in the Online Commons  Commit Time to Participate  Use and Analyze Information  Produce and Share Own Information, Ideas, and Opinions  Communicate Respectfully and Responsibly  Help Others Learn  Start/Volunteer with Citizen-based Online Democracy Efforts and Community Networks  Work with Others to Use Tools For Public Good at all Levels Jump to first page

Minnesota E-Democracy Building Civic Life

Civic Participation Centers Minnesota E-Democracy has been building an interactive “Public Commons” since 1994. We have learned a few lessons, we’d like share our experiences and learn from yours.

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift Here is how we are using the Internet to improve participation in democracy in Minnesota.

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Minnesota E-Democracy Building Civic Life

 Background  Started in 1994   Mission “… to improve participation in democracy in Minnesota through use of information networks.” World’s first election oriented WWW site  Non-partisan  Issue Neutral 

Democracies Online Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

   Non-Profit Volunteer-based Small Board Donated Infostructure  Activities  Election Efforts  1994, 1996, 1997, 1998!

 MN-POLITICS  E-Debates  MN-FORUM  Citizen Participation  Media Guide  Promote Interaction  In-Person Events Jump to first page

Minnesota E-Democracy Building Civic Life

World-Wide Web is a “Pull” Medium Something has to attract each user to our site.

User decides to visit WWW site each time Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift Questions: How do we get users to come back? How do we build an interactive community?

Users may:

Join MN-DEMOCRACY Join MN-POLITICS Read MN-POLITICS Archive Visit election year pages Read about project Send comments to board Follow WWW links to candidates, political parties, media sites, other interactive sites

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Print Out for Lt. Governor

Minnesota E-Democracy Building Civic Life

Stories MN-POLITICS E-mail Lists are a “Push” Medium Direct Receivers/ Senders External Networks 4 0 0 + User subscribes once Commitment made May post via e-mail MN-POLITICS E-List Server Holds Addresses Messages Sent to 400 Directly Copy sent to WWW Archive


Democracies Online Copyright 1997, Steven Clift Secondary Networks Around Capitol/City Hall

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Minnesota E-Democracy Building Civic Life

 MN-POLITICS Examples  Candidates for Governor and Tobacco Money  Lawson Software  Citizen Legislative Report  Snow Emergencies  Event Announcements  Opinions  Other

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

 MN-POLITICS Facts  Started in August 1994  Largest Regional Political E-mail Forum  Scope limited to MN Politics  Has Critical Mass for Participation  ~10-15 Posts Daily  On WWW: http://www.e  Mick Souder, List Manager Jump to first page

Minnesota E-Democracy Building Civic Life

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

 MN-POLITICS Lessons    Trusted Neutral Host and Facilitation Essential Emphasis on Many-to-Many Communication Geographic Base of Forum Promotes Community      Rules and Guidelines Important   Posts not previewed, rules enforced after complaint - manager/board roles Two posts per day per person limit  Must sign posts with full name “Public Meetings” With 400 People - Sooner or later the Media and Politicians Show Up Interface with “Real” Politics Key to Success Balancing Expectations Opinions vs. “Juice” More ... Jump to first page

Minnesota E-Democracy Building Civic Life

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

MN-POLITICS Lessons - Continued      Message Volume Should Be Constrained, but Need to Avoid Topical Censorship of Opinions MN-POLITICS Provides Self-Generating Content - Something is Always Happening E-mail is Powerful and A Very Personal Medium Need to Promote Respectful Communication Need More Online Spaces - Resource Limitations    Comments on WWW Conferencing, News Community Conferencing - Forum Naming Part of Our Larger Communications Plan - MN DEMOCRACY, ANNOUNCE, MN-FORUM ...

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MNPA General Submissions E-Democracy Board Important Role

Minnesota E-Democracy Information Plan

MN-DEMOCRACY - Major Announcements - 1300 Members MNPA Moderators MN-POLITICS -DIGEST 100 Members MNP Manager MN-POLITICS 300 Members MN-POLITICS-ANNOUNCE Moderated Announcements 600 New Members Estimated Launch Fall 1997 Democracies Online MN-FORUM Event Hosts MN-FORUM - Co-Sponsored Organized Special Events on SelectedTopic/Guests Via E-mail with Use of WWW, Membership increases with each event, Launch w/ MN State Senate Virtual Hearing

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Minnesota E-Democracy More Information

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

    Visit Minnesota E-Democracy on the WWW: 

Articles and Papers:  Join the MN-DEMOCRACY announcement-only list for updates Follow the Democracies Online Effort:  Jump to first page


In their own communities, it is time for people to build “civic life” both online and off-line through the use of the information technology and networks.

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

 Contacting Steven Clift  [email protected]

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Democracies Online

 Purpose  An international partnership initiative to promote the development and sustainability of online civic participation and democracy efforts across the world.

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

  Goal  To build a strong foundation for improving democracy as democracies around the world converge with information networks.

WWW - Jump to first page

Democracies Online

 Timeline and Support  The project will officially start with its first year of activities once foundation funding is obtained. The start up and development phase will last through the year 2000.

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

 Host  The Center for Democracy and Citizenship at the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota will house the project.

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Democracies Online

 Core Activities - Getting Started  Democracy Notes - Twice Monthly Electronic Newsletter  Democracies Online Newswire Service “Best-Of” announcements.

 Peer Networks - Interactive online spaces for “builders” from important “sectors.”

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

 Possible Activities - Future Thoughts  Virtual Conferences, DO Association, Democracy Online World Summit, Presentation surrounding ITU meeting, Foundation-Joint Fundraising Effort 2000 2020?, Funding to Seed Local Efforts Jump to first page

Democracies Online

Strategic Information Services and Networks The area of each box represents the proportional range of “users.”

Newswire Service

Moderated “Best Of” Announcements 4,000 E-mail Subscribers

DO Peer Networks

Democracy Notes

Twice Monthly E-Newsletter Multiple Democracy Peer Sectors Active Networking and Information Tool From 50 to 200 Members Likely

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

WWW and E-mail Forums 10,000 E-mail Subscribers Jump to first page

Democracies Online

Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

 Democracy Notes - Subscribe Now  Send an e-mail message to:

[email protected]

 In the body of your message, write:

subscribe do-notes Your Name

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In the next few years we will help shape the foundation for democracy in the interactive information age. What should we do today to improve our democracies tomorrow? Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier What must we do to help them survive?

Copyright 1997, Steven Clift

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Future Slides

The following are slides that I will develop if I have time and would be used based on questions: 1. MN-FORUM Plan 2. E-Debate Example 3. Community Conferencing Prototype 4. Global Grid for Community Conferencing 5. Making the Internet a Communities Network - Geography Matters Democracies Online Building Civic Life on the New Frontier Copyright 1997, Steven Clift 6. Community Digital Broadcasts

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