Transcript MCA Namibia

MCA Namibia
M C A - N E S A Te a m
1 7 M ay 2 0 1 1
 What is it?
Refers to social roles, responsibilities & relations between men
& women
The gender roles of women & men are socially constructed
Gender vs. affirmative action
The term gender refers to culturally based expectations of the roles
and behaviours of males and females. The term distinguishes the
socially constructed from the biologically determined aspects of
being male and female. Unlike the biology of sex, gender roles and
behaviours can change historically, sometimes relatively quickly,
if aspects of these roles originated in the biological differences
between the sexes.
Because the religious or cultural traditions that
define and justify the distinct roles and expected behaviours of males
and females are strongly cherished and socially enforced, change in
gender systems often is contested. In some countries, there are
groups which seek to impose more stringent divisions between males
and females than currently exist, while feminist movements seek to
reduce or eradicate these divisions.
Lessons learnt
 males and females have unequal rights, resources, and voice in decision
making in almost all countries, including the developed countries
 the average extent of the gender gap varies from region to region and
from country to country
 gender disparities tend to be greater in low-income than in higher-
income countries
 within countries, disparities are greater among the poor than in the well
strata of society.
 the nature of gender inequalities varies from region to region and
country to country, and from community to community within a
Gender inequalities
 roles and responsibilities or
gender based division of labour
 Gender based disparities in
access and control of resources
 Gender biases in rights and
 expectations and identities
have an impact on development, economic
growth and poverty reduction ……..
Gender inequalities ….
• Acts to undermine economic growth
• Reduces the well being of men,
women & children
• Contributes to poverty
Take a note of examples around you or in your community…
GRN and Gender
 GRN – very committed to ensure: gender issues
integration into all laws, policies & Programmes
National Gender Policy – NGP
 National Gender plan of Action – NGPA
 Prioritise gender balance in power and decision
Aims at improving women participation in politics and
decision making
For achieving transparency & accountability in GRN
 For new perspective and experiences to political agenda
 For social & economical development
 Awareness and attitude change
• Promote & facilitate equal representation of women
& men at all levels of the decision making structures
at national, regional and community levels
• Build capacity of women in management &
leadership positions
• Change negative attitudes towards gender equality
• Increase awareness of negative practices that inhibit
women's participation on power sharing at all levels
of society
NGPA – some results
 Namibian Women Parliamentary Causus – 1996
 Promote gender sensitive legislations
 Greater role for women in the Namibia Parliament
 50/50 Campaign
 Gender equality in political representation (Sister Namibia)
 Awareness campaign
NPD3 Goal indicators, Baseline, Targets
ne %
ets %
Local Authorities
Private Sector
Women in informal sector
Women owning SMEs
Primary Education
Secondary Education
Tertiary Education (UNAM
& PoN)
Women in Politics
Women in decision
making positions in
Ration of girls
(women) to boys
(men) enrolled:
MCC and Gender
MCC’s Environmental Guidelines are inclusive of
assessing social and gender impacts and risks of
negative impacts.
Since Oct. 2006, MCC has a policy on how gender
analysis will be integrated into the Compact
development process.
MCC and Gender
MCC’s Gender Policy based on growing evidence that
inequality is a constraint to growth and poverty
Incorporating gender = economic and project effectiveness
Lack of understanding of gender differences can lead to
ineffective or biased project design
• roles and responsibilities
• access and control of resources
MCC and Gender
Gender Policy:
Integration of gender into
all stages of development
and implementation of
Requires eligible countries to utilize an analysis of gender
differences and inequalities to inform the development,
design, implementation, and monitoring of MCC-funded
MCC and Gender
• Compact Implementation
MCA-N Responsibilities in Compact Implementation
Ensure that sex-disaggregated data will be analyzed in
monitoring performance and results and evaluating impacts.
Where projects have specifically addressed gender differences
and inequalities in design, countries will monitor gender indicators
MCC and Gender
MCC Responsibilities in Compact Implementation
MCC will integrate gender into its oversight and assessment of a
country’s performance during implementation
MCC will assess the extent to which Compact programs reflect
findings on gender differences and inequalities and meet
intended gender outcomes
Some disbursements of MCA funds may be conditioned upon the
satisfaction of targets and progress on indicators measuring
project performance
MCC and Gender
MCC 2009 Gender Review
•When MCC/A social and gender staff engage early, there is
improved quality of gender integration in contractor deliverables
•Provide regular training for MCC and MCA staff on the gender
policy implementation
•Increase female participation in MCC-funded projects, by
focusing at an early stage on project design, outreach, or
execution of plans with the appropriate capacity and staff
MCC and Gender
MCC Gender Review: Public Commitments
•Ensure that the MCAs have social assessment and gender competency on
their staff during compact development and implementation.
•Annual social and gender assessment training will be offered for all MCC staff
and will be mandatory for all new MCC employees.
•MCAs in new compact countries will be expected to engage social assessment
specialists with gender expertise at an early stage
•Provide training for all MCA staff on gender and other social issues.
•Gender integration will become part of all implementation workshops in
compact countries.
•Gender integration will be a recurring topic at MCC University,
•Updates on gender integration will formally be included in every internal MCC
quarterly country portfolio review.
MCA-N Gender sensitive activities
 Communal land support
 Conservancy support
 Gender issues at MCA-N Office?
What has been and can be done at activity
What has been done?
 Gender training for decision makers – Traditional
Authorities; Communal Land Boards; Senior Headmen
and a training module / manual was developed and
translated in local languages.
 INP PPO also planned / done three (3) modules focusing
on gender namely gender action learning system, gender
for management committees public speaking /
communication skills.
 Encourage inclusion and participation of women and
vulnerable groups in all MCA-N activities.
What has been and can be done Cont’d
 Reviewed project proposals, inception report and
advised Contractors / Grantees to ensure women and
vulnerable people are participating / benefiting in
their various activities.
 Our Community Land Support has started with the
process of amending the application process for
applying for land to enable women and vulnerable
groups to acquire land.
 Gender Integration Plans developed by various
contractors and currently being implemented.
What has been and can be done Cont’d
 Production of materials such as comic and photo
banks which could be used for a reporting as well as
 INP PPO have / will also be conducting a training for
PPOs, training of community consultations as well as
monitoring of field support.
What has been and can be done Cont’d
What can be done?
 Each project / sub activities / contactors / grantees put
more emphasis on implementing gender strategy as per
their gender plan or MCA-N GSIS;
Making training times and venues more accessible to
Capacity development for women to
fully participate;
Using female trainers/field workers;
Including areas traditionally of
concern to women;
What has been and can be done Cont’d
What can be done Cont’d:
 Considering safety issues;
 Contribute to the MCA-N storyline on gender at activity
 Report on gender disaggregation (number of women vs.
men) participating on training / meeting (M&E);
 Participate and present at the gender workshop with all
MCA-N contractors / grantees in September / October
 Share materials / modules / ideas especially for contractors
working with the same target groups
MCA-N Gender Approach: Gender integration
 Gender Analysis
 Gender Mainstreaming
 Attention to gender equality to become the centre of all
 Gender sensitive indicators
 Demonstrates changes in roles and relations
 Assesses the progress towards gender equality
Gender Analysis
 Understanding of
women and men’s
roles and relations
 Base for developing
better targeted
interventions for
both women & man
needs and
 Main requirement
 Determine if the project benefits are structured to be
accessible by women and vulnerable groups
Study the degree to which activities may inadvertently lead to
additional inequitable or “elite capture” of benefits
Assessment of who contributes and who benefits, using
appropriate tools. Consider divergent interests between men
and women; young and old; more and less powerful
Construction teams and local communities participate in HIV
and AIDS prevention, care and treatment programs with
attention to drivers of the epidemic.
Identify any specific gender inequality (e.g. property rights,
access rights, inheritance rights, etc.) and plan accordingly
Gender Mainstreaming
Safeguards are needed to
ensure that MCA-N
i) Does not adversely
affect vulnerable
ii) Provides access to
training, grants and
other benefits that is
What hinders equal participation and gender
equality in Namibia?
 Equality under the law
 Addressing norms and
behaviors and culture
Equal access to and control
over income and
productive resources,
Equal access to education
Autonomy to make life
choices, free from fear of
Equal powers of
participation and decisionmaking.
Examples of gender-sensitive indicators are:
•Participation of all stakeholders in project identification, design and
implementation meetings (attendance and level of participation/contribution by
sex, age, and socio-economic background).
•Degree of rural women and men's inputs into project activities, in terms of
labor, tools, money, etc.
•Benefits (e.g. increased employment, land registration etc.) are going to
women and men, by socio-economic background and age.
•Degree of participation of women in important decision making
Thank You