2009 CHIP Applicants Basic and Advanced

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Transcript 2009 CHIP Applicants Basic and Advanced

Community HOME Investment
2009 DCA CDBG/CHIP Applicants’ Workshop
• Eligible Local Government Applicants
▪ Local governments not designated by HUD as
Participating Jurisdictions (PJ’s) under the
HOME program
▪ Includes jurisdictions not eligible under DCA’s
State Administered CDBG Program that are not
▪ List of Ineligible HOME PJ’s follows:
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Ineligible HOME PJ’s
• Albany, Atlanta, Macon, Savannah
• Roswell, Marietta
• Athens/Clarke County Consolidated
• Augusta/Richmond County Consolidated
• Columbus Consolidated Government
• Clayton, Cobb, Dekalb, Fulton and Gwinnett
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Other Eligibility Requirements
• Compliance With State Planning and
Financial Reporting Laws
The Georgia Planning Act
The Service Delivery Act (HB 489)
The Local Government Audit Act
DCA Local Government Finance Report
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Restrictions on Eligibility
• Prior Recipients of CHIP Funding
▪ Resolve outstanding audit/monitoring concerns
▪ Acceptable level of expenditure and
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Eligible CHIP Activities
• Homeowner Rehabilitation
• Homebuyer Activities
• Rental Housing
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Ineligible Activities
• Project Reserve Accounts
• Tenant Based Rental Assistance
• Match for other federal programs, except
McKinney Act funds
• Operations or modernization of public
• Pre-payment of low income mortgages under
24 CFR Part 248
• Double-dipping
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Ineligible Activities (continued)
• Reimbursement of State Recipient Owned
• For property used for non-CHIP purpose
• For property in its inventory
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Ineligible Activities (continued)
• Cannot be used for rental assistance if
receipt of funds tied to occupancy in a
particular project – known as Project Based
Rental Assistance
• While HOME regulations allow tenant based
rental assistance, DCA does not allow tenant
assistance as an eligible CHIP activity
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Basic HOME Rules
Definition of a Project
Form of Subsidy
Amount of Subsidy
Eligible Costs
The Property
The Applicant or Beneficiary
The Long-term Affordability of Project
Applicability of Other Federal Requirements
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Basic HOME Rule – The Property
• Property Type (s)
▪ For Homebuyer Activities
Must be principal residence
Two-to-four-unit property
Mutual housing project if recognized as
homeownership by state law
• Manufactured home/modular housing
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Basic HOME Rule – The Property
• Property Types (s)
▪ For Rehabilitation Activities
• Occupied by income eligible homeowner
• Must be owner’s principal residence
• Includes:
– A cooperative unit
– Mutual housing
– Traditional single-family housing owned in fee
– A condominium unit
– Manufactured home/modular housing
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Basic HOME Rule – The Property
• Property Types
▪ For rental activities
• One or more buildings on a single
site, or multiple sites that are under
common ownership, management
and financing
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Note on Manufactured Housing
• Maximum of $5,000 in CHIP for
reconstruction, down payment or second
mortgage assistance if “used”
manufactured housing unit
• “Used” manufactured housing unit can be
no more than five (5) years old
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Note on Manufactured Housing
• Maximum of $7,500 in CHIP for
reconstruction, down payment or second
mortgage assistance if “new” manufactured
housing unit
• Maximum total funding (both CHIP and other
funds) for manufactured housing
rehabilitation is $5,000
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Basic HOME Rule – The Property
• Property Value
• Homebuyer-Cannot exceed $200,160
• Rehabilitation-Cannot exceed $200,160,
after rehabilitation
• *Higher limits in MSA’s – See Appendix I
in Manual
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Basic HOME Rule – The Property
• Property Standards
▪ Must meet state and local codes
▪ Must have written rehabilitation standards
▪ New construction must meet Model Energy
▪ Handicapped accessibility, if applicable
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Basic HOME Rule – The Property
• Property Standards (continued)
▪ Senate Bill 443 for New Single Family
▪ Site and neighborhood standards at 24 CFR
983.6(b) apply only to new construction of rental
▪ For manufactured homes:
• New manufactured housing must meet the
construction and safety standards of 24
CFR Part 3280
• Must be installed to state and local codes
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Basic HOME Rule – The Applicant or
• Annual gross income does not exceed 80% of
median income adjusted for family size
• Income limits are published by HUD annually by
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Basic HOME Rule – The Applicant or
• Appling County Low Income Limits
1 person
2 person
3 person
4 person
5 person
6 person
7 person
8 person
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Basic HOME Rule – Long Term Affordability
Home Investment Per Unit
Less than $15,000
More than $40,000
New construction-rental
Refinancing of rental housing
5 years
10 years
15 years
20 years
15 years
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Basic Home Rule – Application of
Other Federal Requirements
2009 CDBG/CHIP Applicants’ Workshop
Historic Preservation
Citizen Participation
Citizen Participation
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• Bonus points for CHIP in designated DCA
Revitalization Area
• ARMs or other variable rate or flexible
mortgages are discouraged
• Consider innovative concepts such as
appropriate designs for in-fill housing and
addressing special populations
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Matching Requirements
• There are no matching requirements for
• DCA provides the non-federal match
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Pre-Award Costs
• Pre-award costs are ineligible
▪ Preparation of applications
▪ Cannot be reimbursed if awarded CHIP
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Procurement Procedures
• Applies to private consultants, engineers,
• Does not apply to RDC’s/non-profits
• Must follow the Common Rule (24 CFR Part
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Procurement Procedures
• Publicize the RFP
• Allow 30 days for responses
• Send letter with RFP to at least 7 known
• Negotiate with at least 2 respondents
• Evaluate proposals and document
• Consult with counsel
• Gain full council/commission approval
• Sole source approval if only one response
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Developing and Request for Proposals
▪ Indicate level of importance of evaluation factors
• Capacity of organization
• Current workload of applicant
• Applicant’s previous CDBG or CHIP housing
• Qualifications of key personnel
• Level of services provided
• Mobility/proximity to project
• Cost to perform services
• Local government’s experience with applicant
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Administrative Fees
• Maximum of up to 5 percent of CHIP award
• Administrative Fee of $15,000 if awarded
$300,000 in CHIP
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Project Delivery Fees
• Up to $2,500 for stick-built rehabilitation or reconstruction
• Up to $1,500 for stick-built down payment or second
mortgage assistance
• Up to $750 for manufactured housing rehabilitation
• Up to $750 for other manufactured housing with long
term lease
• Up to $1,000 for other manufactured housing on land
owned by unit owner
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Lead Based Paint Project Delivery Fees
• $100 per unit for procurement and oversight
of lead inspection and/or risk assessment
• $300 per unit for procuring and overseeing
lead hazard reduction construction work
• $100 for procuring and overseeing clearance
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Professional Fees
• Primarily for new construction developments
▪ Engineering/Architectural at 7% of
construction cost if paid for with CHIP
▪ Developer Fee at 10%
▪ Real Estate Fee at 7%
▪ DCA can limit based on scope of
engineering/architectural fees
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Application Submission
• Application due:
Must be postmarked no later than:
April 1, 2009
Or hand delivered by close of business:
April 1, 2009
If mailed, use certified or registered mail
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Application Submission
• Send original and 3 copies
• Original photographs in 2 of 4 copies
• If combining CDBG and CHIP, submit original
and 4 copies
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Mailing Address
• Mail applications to:
Administrative Secretary
Office of Community Development
Georgia Department of Community Affairs
60 Executive Park South, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30329-2231
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• Local Governing Body Resolution Required
▪ Authorizing the CHIP Application
▪ Authorizing person named in resolution to
act on behalf of City for CHIP application
▪ DCA-1 must be executed by
• Chief elected official or
• Person named in resolution to act
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Instructions for Completing Application
• Application Summary – DCA 1
▪ Must be signed by Chief Elected Official
or person authorized in resolution
▪ If site-specific or targeted neighborhood,
check on line 24 of DCA - 1 that map is
▪ County-wide or city-wide
▪ Targeted neighborhood
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• Proposed Accomplishments
# of housing units
# of persons served
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• Description of Needs to be Addressed
▪ Include documentation supporting type of
activity proposed
▪ What type of activity are you proposing?
▪ Why is this type of activity proposed?
▪ If applying for CDBG, a separate
description of needs is required for CHIP
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DCA 5 - Description of Activities
• Describe in detail the activity to be undertaken
with CHIP funds
• Identify each activity by name & activity number
• Give detailed description of the financial
techniques/cost summaries
• Additional resources
• Public /private partnerships
• Marketing strategies demand
• All supporting documentation
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Low and Moderate Income and Civil Rights
Benefit Calculation
Not required for CHIP
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• Budget Summary
▪ Review eligible activities
▪ Budget within appropriate line items
▪ Be consistent with cost summaries on
DCA-5, 7 and 8
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• Budget Analysis
▪ Backed up by credible estimates of costs
prepared by qualified individuals and
▪ For leverage contributions, attach letters
of commitments
▪ For other supporting actions, attach
letters of commitments
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• Environmental Review Checklist
▪ Floodplain and Wetland
▪ Georgia Department of Natural
▪ US Fish and Wildlife Service
▪ Local RDC or DCA
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DCA 9 – (cont.)
• Environmental Review Information
▪ Cultural Resources
▪ Historic Preservation Division of
Department of Natural Resources
▪ RDC’s
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DCA 10
• Certified Assurances
▪ Signed by Chief Elected Official
▪ Or authorized person in resolution
▪ Be sure to reference and attach
information on potential conflicts of
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DCA 11
Cooperating Agreement
If application is submitted jointly, this
form must be prepared.
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DCA 12
• Maps
▪ Must be included for CHIP if:
• Site-specific
• Targeting an area or neighborhood
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DCA 13
• CDBG Disclosure Report
▪ Complete Part I
▪ Answer the two questions on Part II
▪ If either answer is YES, complete
remainder of report (Parts III through VI)
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Elements of a Successful Application
Program Strategy TIPS to Remember!
• Leveraging
▪ Meet with lenders and obtain real
commitments with terms and conditions
including estimated dollar amounts
▪ Set forth examples by each activity for total
funds: CHIP, owner, and other funds
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Elements of a Successful Application –
Leverage Strategies
• Examples:
▪ Below market interest rates
▪ Waive PMI
▪ Longer Loan terms
▪ Lower Origination fees
▪ Finance closing costs and back taxes
▪ Reduced closing costs
▪ Homebuyer education
▪ City and Non-Profit Contributions
▪ Habitat Involvement
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Elements of a Successful Application
• Public/Private Partnerships
▪ Tell DCA who they are and the type of
▪ Include their commitment letters with
terms and conditions
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Elements of a Successful Application
• Long-term Commitment to Affordable
Community’s recent program history
Housing types and number of units/dollars
Future commitment – strategic plans
Previous applications, even if not awarded
Community staff for housing
Local PHA or Non-profit Administrators
For-profit administrators
If administered by consultant, what is community’s
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Elements of a Successful Application
• Innovation
▪ Describe innovative features
▪ Use essential features to program
▪ Use unique features
▪ Special populations
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Elements of a Successful Application
• DCA Designated Revitalization Area
▪ Was new for FFY 2005 and still applies in
FFY 2009
▪ Bonus points for targeting CHIP
assistance in DCA Designated
Revitalization Area
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Elements of a Successful
Applications – Program Design
• Detailed description of overall program
• Program Administration
• Role of each entity – community,
consultant, non-profit sub-recipient
• Community’s role
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Program Design (cont.)
• Responsible party for reports, financial
accounting, application procedures, day-today operations
• Does design meet identified needs
• Proposed activities should conform to
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Program Design (cont.)
• Waiting lists for each activity
• If proposing down payment assistance, give
proof of standard affordable housing on
market for sale
• Application in-take and processing
• Include all procedures
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Program Design (cont.)
Full application
1st come, 1st served
Client application documentation and
Financial assistance with bank or other loan
Waiting lists
Development of new waiting lists
Mandatory homeownership counseling
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Program Design (cont.)
• Financing Technique
▪ Maximum amount of CHIP by activity
▪ Minimum required other or leveraged funds by
▪ Basis for homeowner’s portion
• Every applicant does not need the same
amount of assistance
• Very-low income vs. low-income
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Program Design (cont.)
• Financing Technique (cont.)
▪ Or do you customize CHIP loan based on the
gap financing needed
▪ Caution–some applicants will propose a single
financing plan for one activity, but propose to
address several activities
▪ A finance plan for each activity is required
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Program Design (cont.)
• Program Policies (to extent known)
▪ Describe the community’s required program
▪ Include DCA and HOME requirements
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Program Design (cont.)
Construction Management
• Contracts
• Inspections, draws,
project completions
• Lead based paint
Contractor solicitations
Work write-ups
Negotiation or bidding
Bid packages
Pre-bid conference
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Cost Control and Reasonableness
• Describe maximum CHIP and minimum
required leverage
• Tell DCA total cost including CHIP and
leveraged funds
• Describe the costs for lead hazard reduction
• Were preliminary cost estimates conducted?
(If so, indicate this in the application.) What is
basis of total project cost by activity?
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Cost Control and Reasonableness
• Need details to assure proposed outcomes
• Need specific information to assure costs are
reasonable for each activity:
Number of units
Average CHIP
Maximum CHIP
Minimum Required Other Funds
Average Other Dollars
Total Dollars
PDC/unit (regular)
PDC/unit (lead)
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Cost Control and Reasonableness
Itemize lead hazard reduction cost separately
Define minimum property standards for each activity
Set maximum CHIP $’s per type of housing activity
Set minimum required other or leveraged funds by
• Are costs and PDC’s reasonable?
• What are your preliminary cost estimates based on?
▪ Based on previous program averages
▪ Existing per square foot costs in market place
▪ Verified, standard, affordable homes for sale
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Resource Commitment
• Tell DCA types of funding proposed as
• Show DCA the level of control you have
over committed resources
• Propose appropriate, reasonable PDC’s
for each housing activity
• Get dollar commitments for only what is
• Show only needed amount on DCA-8
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Program Marketing/Demand
• What is the basic marketing strategy?
• Have all program applicants been pre-approved?
• Present a well-defined and/or proven marketing
• Fair and open to all qualified applicants
• Document that proposed activity is needed and
appropriate for community
• Existing waiting lists
• Proof of houses in standard condition on market
at affordable price range
• Get details and documentation from real estate
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Lead Based Paint Requirements
• DCA recognizes HUD lead requirements are
• DCA does not expect homeowners to pay for lead
with their funds or other funds
• DCA has provided for additional project delivery
fees for lead
• For budgeting purposes, estimate
• Total cost of regular rehabilitation without lead
▪ Apply your community’s finance plan to these costs
▪ Estimate separately the cost of lead
▪ Provide a total cost with lead
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Example of Estimating Cost of
Rehabilitation and Lead
• Estimated Cost of Regular Rehabilitation is:
• Homeowner required to pay
• Balance from CHIP, not to exceed
▪ CHIP funds
▪ Other funds
▪ Total funds for regular rehab
▪ Lead Hazard @ 25% of total
$ 5,000
▪ Grand total w/lead
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Pre-Funding Site Visits
• One unannounced site visit if:
▪ Site-specific
▪ Targeted area or neighborhood
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