Workshop Presentation

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WRAPS Workshop:
Development of a Nine
Element Watershed Plan
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Bureau of Water
Watershed Management Section
July 6-9, 2009
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
Workshop Overview
Review of EPA’s Nine Elements
Overview of suggested workflow in watershed
plan development
Information regarding KDHE expectations for
plans as they address each element
Overview of technical assistance KDHE can
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
A Review of EPA’s Nine Elements
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
Review of EPA’s Nine Elements
EPA has identified nine key elements that are essential
for achieving improvements in water quality
These elements are required to be in watershed plans funded
with incremental section 319 funds
Highly encouraged that these elements be included in all
watershed plans
WRAPS projects receiving implementation phase
funding must submit a watershed plan which addresses
each of the nine elements
Elements are addressed in EPA’s “Handbook for
Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect
Our Waters”
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
Review of EPA’s Nine Elements
(1) Identification of causes of impairment and
pollutant sources or groups of similar sources that need
to be controlled to achieve needed load reduction, and
any other goals identified in the watershed plan
Sources need to be identified at the subcategory level
Estimates of extent to which they are present in watershed
“X” dairy cattle feedlots needing upgrading (estimate of headcount
per facility)
“X” acres of row crops needing improved nutrient management or
sediment control
“X” linear miles of streambank needing remediated
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
Review of EPA’s Nine Elements
(2) An estimate of the load reductions expected from
management measures
Determine the reductions needed to attain water quality
Determine management measures needed to reduce pollutant
Estimates of load reductions associated with management
Load reduction for feedlots
Load reduction for row crops
Load reduction for eroded streambanks
Overall goals should be related to TMDL
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
Review of EPA’s Nine Elements
(3) A description of the nonpoint source measures
that will need to be implemented to achieve load
reductions and a description of the critical areas in
which those measures will be needed to implement the
Management measures needed for implementation to address
Element 2 along with any additional goals identified in the
Wildlife habitat and conservation
Identify critical areas for management areas to be
Provide enough detail to guide implementation
Identification of priority areas and applicable practices on maps to
further illustrate narrative
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
Review of EPA’s Nine Elements
(4) Estimate of the amounts of technical and financial
assistance needed, associated costs, and/or the sources and
authorities that will be relied upon to implement this plan
Estimates should incorporate entire lifespan of plan
Include authorities that will be involved with plan implementation
Federal, State, local, and private sources of funding
Cost estimates for:
Long-term operation and maintenance of management measures
I/E activities
Evaluation activities
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Review of EPA’s Nine Elements
(5) An information and education component used to
enhance public understanding of the project and
encourage their early and continued participation in
selecting, designing, and implementing the nonpoint
source management measures that will be implemented
Identification of education and outreach activities that will be
utilized to implement plan
Can support adoption and long-term operation/maintenance of
management practices
Can support increased stakeholder involvement efforts
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Review of EPA’s Nine Elements
(6) Schedule for implementing the nonpoint
source management measures identified in this
plan that is reasonably expeditious
A plan for implementing all management measures
listed within watershed plan
 Implementation schedule should reflect milestones
developed for Element 7
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Review of EPA’s Nine Elements
(7) A description of interim measurable milestones for
determining whether nonpoint source management measures or
other control actions are being implemented
Should address short term (1-3 years), mid-term (3-5 years), and long
term (10+ years) timeframe
Should identify primary activities and management measures to be
implemented yearly
Interim milestones should be included that can be measured to monitor
progress in management measure implementation
Number and types of BMPs implemented
Number and types of permit/certifications issued
Monitored or measured results
Measurable social indicators of progress through I&E and outcomes from
SLT process
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Review of EPA’s Nine Elements
(8) A set of criteria that can be used to determine whether
loading reductions are being achieved over time and substantial
progress is being made toward attaining water quality standards
Water quality benchmarks to track progress
Direct benchmarks
Indirect benchmarks
Water quality concentrations
Algae blooms
State ramifications of not meeting benchmarks
Revision of plan?
Changes to management practices
Updated loading information
Reassessment of treatment time correlation to pollutant concentrations
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
Review of EPA’s Nine Elements
(9) A monitoring component to evaluate the
effectiveness of the implementation efforts over time,
measured against the criteria established under Element
Used to determine whether progress is being made towards
attainment or maintaining water quality standards
Monitoring should be integrated with Element 8
Are load reductions being achieved?
Are improvements in water quality occurring?
Watershed-scale monitoring can be used to monitor
effectiveness of implementation efforts
Instream monitoring can be utilized to monitor individual BMPs if
relevant to project
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An Overview of Suggested Workflow
in Watershed Plan Development
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Overview of Workflow
Please see Watershed Plan Workflow handout
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Information Regarding KDHE
Expectations for Plans as They
Address Each Element
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KDHE Expectations for Plans
To address each of the elements, there is a
minimum amount of information needed
KDHE is currently working on a document to
illustrate this information
Information has not been finalized at this time
Changes could occur in the future, so stay tuned…
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
KDHE Expectations for Plans
Element 1
Basic watershed information
Land cover map
HUC 12 map
PWS map
CAFO map
Hydrologic map
Local roads map
High Quality Waters map
Narrative describing features as highlighted in maps
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
KDHE Expectations for Plans
Element 1 (cont.)
303d List information
TMDL Information
List of TMDL pollutants
Pollutant category inventory
Map (s)
Information regarding schedule for TMDL development
Tabular or narrative format
Information that address all pollutants covered under TMDL or 303d
list water bodies
TMDL load allocations to address pollutant loads
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
KDHE Expectations for Plans
Element 2
Identification of types and quantities of BMPs to be
 Load reductions as related to meeting TMDL
 Methodology utilized to produce load reduction
Load reduction estimates need to be expressed in quantity
versus percent reduction (5,000 lb/yr phosphorus load
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
KDHE Expectations for Plans
Element 3
Identification of critical areas
Must be identified to at least HUC 12 level)
Modeling results
BMP needs within watershed
Needs Inventory
Local knowledge
 Satellite/aerial photography can be source of information as well
Explanation of BMP needs within critical areas
Type of BMPs needed
Quantity of BMPs
Associated load reduction estimates
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
KDHE Expectations for Plans
Element 4
Cost estimates for BMP implementation as
determined by SLT or applicable service providers
Estimates for each year of watershed plan
 Estimates for duration of plan
Techical assistance needed during duration of plan
Entity that will be providing assistance
 The service provided by organization
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
KDHE Expectations for Plans
Element 5
Adult I&E activities focused on pertinent groups
within watershed
I&E should be focused on address impairments within
Methodology to evaluate effectiveness of I&E
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KDHE Expectations for Plans
Element 6
Yearly schedule of BMPs to be implemented
Yearly totals should equal total quantity to be
implemented within watershed
Schedule for deliverables and BMPs
Entire Watershed
 Critical/Priority areas
Schedule should reflect implementation focused in priority areas
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
KDHE Expectations for Plans
Element 7
Short term (1-3 years)
 Mid-term (3-5 years)
 Long term (10+ years)
 Milestones should be included so that progress on
plan implementation can be monitored.
Type and quantity of BMP implementation
 Modeling or monitoring results
 I&E deliverables
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
KDHE Expectations for Plans
Element 8
Development of interim water quality milestones used to
assess goals/water quality
Relate plan goals to applicable water quality standards
Refer to TMDLs for criteria, endpoints, and indicators
Refer to TMDLs for timeline of achievement and milestones
Uses (aquatic life, primary rec., pws, food procurement)
Pollutants (bacteria, nutrients, sediment, metals, salts, pesticides)
 KDHE can determine applicable criteria/pollutants
If no TMDL, establish baseline indicators of good water quality
Information can be expressed in matrix/spreadsheet which
highlights goals, mid-point indicators, and long-term critera
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
KDHE Expectations for Plans
Element 9
Water quality and biological parameters being monitored
Group/Organization performing sampling
Location of sampling
Duration and schedule of sampling
Recognition of existing monitoring efforts within watershed
Location of monitoring networks within watershed
Other applicable networks
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
KDHE Expectations for Plans
Element 9 (cont.)
Acknowledgement of how data will be analyzed
What are you doing with the data?
If data gaps are present, address need for additional
If additional monitoring is needed, justification for need
 Approved QAPP needed for monitoring
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An Overview of Technical Assistance
KDHE Can Provide
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
KDHE Technical Assistance
Please see Process for Updating Kansas
WRAPS Plans…handout
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.
Thank You!
Matt Unruh
(785) 296-0694
[email protected]
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.