The New Coordinator

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Workplace Partnership For Life:
12 Weeks of Giving Update
Presented By:
Lauren Fitting
Community Outreach Coordinator
Lifeline of Ohio
[email protected]
1-800-525-5667 EXT. 333
2007 Buckeye-Wolverine Challenge For Life
• Campaign Goal
– To encourage as many Ohio State University and
University of Michigan fans as possible to register or
reconfirm their decision to become organ, eye and
tissue donors from September 5-November 16, 2007.
– Each school utilized a variety of tactics to promote the
Challenge For Life
– The Ohio State University’s “Buckeyes For Life”
committee helped to promote the Challenge For Life
on campus.
2007 Buckeye-Wolverine Challenge For Life Media
The Lantern (OSU Student Newspaper)
The did an online piece geared towards OSU students on the Challenge For Life
LOOP Publications
Virtual e-mail (Sent in November 2007)
• Sent to staff for distribution among friends and family
NewsLOOP (Mailed in November 2007)
• Sent to LOOP Company Contacts Mailing List [3,000 individuals]
Volunteer Voice (Mailed in November 2007)
• Sent to all volunteers [350 individuals]
Created a total of 4 Public Service Announcements
Aired on Coaches Shows from September 5, 2007-November 16, 2007
• One featuring Coach Tressel
– Also featured on Buckeyes For Life website
• One featuring Coach Tressel and a heart recipient
• One featuring Coach Tressel and a tissue recipient
• One featuring Coach Tressel and a kidney recipient
Aired Brutus Buckeye PSA on OSU Scoreboard during all home football games
In game placement for Illinois and Minnesota
Advertised on CABS (Campus Area Bus Service)
Posters displayed on buses (October/November)
Advertised with The Lantern
“First Down” Football publication (Published October 19, 2007)
• ½ Page Horizontal advertisement in tabloid (9.8x5.5)
Hospital Publications
An article was placed in the OSU Hospital Publication
An article was placed in various E-Newsletters
Alumni Connection (Alumni)
OnCampus (Faculty and Staff)
OSU Today/Buckeye Net News/OSU Weekly (OSU Staff, Faculty and Students)
Contacted all the OSU Alumni Association groups via e-mail and asked them to pass the information along to their members
2007 Buckeye-Wolverine Challenge For Life
Distributed mini-flyers at home football (and other sports) games from the OSU Athletic Tent
Displayed table-tents in all the campus Dining Halls the week of the Michigan game
Posted flyers on the Challenge on OSU kiosks
Posted flyers on the Challenge in various campus buildings on OSU’s Main Campus and on the Lima, OH Campus
Gave flyers to post in the dorms to each resident advisor on campus
Handed out flyers at all LOOP Health Fairs and Events
Attended and signed up individuals at the NKF “Pro-Athletes For Life” Luncheon
Purchased an Ad in the Luncheon Program
Participated in various student activities
Participated in the Student Involvement Fair (1st Week of Class)
Participated in the “Rally Round the Scarlet and Gray” Pep-Rally during Michigan Week
Participated in the “Banner For Bucks” event during Michigan Week
Facebook and MySpace mention of the Challenge by SOD students
Participated in the OSU Employee Health Fair (September 2007)
Bookstore Outreach
Asked campus bookstores to display posters and hand out flyers promoting the Challenge
A total of 7 participated in the campaign promotion
Partnered with the Red Cross
Displayed materials at their Campus Blood Drives
Partnered with Bloodmobile on Campus during Michigan Week to sign people up and to hand out flyers on the Challenge
Campaign Results
From September 5-November 16, 2007 a total of 4,390 OSU fans reconfirmed or registered their intent to be an
organ, eye and tissue donor. Of those that registered, a total of 380 were new registrants in Ohio. A total of
20 were new registrants from another state. Michigan secured a total of 1,269 individuals.
Therefore, The Ohio State University was declared the winner of the
2007 Buckeye-Wolverine Challenge For Life!
Workplace Partnership For Life: Connecting
Company And Community
Donate Life Ohio (Life Connection of Ohio, Life
Center Organ Donor Network, LifeBanc and Lifeline
of Ohio) was approached by The Department of
Health and Human Services about putting together
a seminar on organ and tissue donation in the state
of Ohio.
Donate Life Ohio decided to incorporate into the
seminar various speakers who would touch on
topics in health and wellness to draw businesses
into attending.
Positive Results: Every company that came to the
event signed up to participate in the “Donate. Save
8. Do It Now.” Campaign. Donate Life Ohio was
very pleased with the format and the speakers.
Challenges: We only had ~50 people attend and
many of those were already aware of the Workplace
Partnership For Life Program. We should have sent
out the invitations earlier (at least two months in
advance). We should have checked to see what
other events were occurring in Ohio around our
event (to avoid duplication).
2007 Healthy Ohio Event
The Second Chance Trust Fund (educates Ohioans about the need for organ and tissue donation) notified Donate
Life Ohio about the “2007 Healthy Ohio” event on November 15, 2007. This all day seminar featured a variety of
speakers and topics on worksite health and wellness. The Second Chance Trust Fund (part of the Department of
Health) was able to get a free booth space for Donate Life Ohio to share information on donation with the over 600
Donate Life Ohio took this opportunity to share information on the Workplace Partnership For Life program with
attendees in addition to registering attendees to become organ and tissue donors.
Donate Life Ohio members from Lifeline of Ohio and Life Connection of Ohio worked the conference and
encouraged business to take a “Donate. Save 8. Do It Now.” Campaign kit with them that day to implement at
their business. For those not interested in taking a kit that day (and once we ran out!) they were able to add their
name to our mailing list and then we mailed a kit to them.
We signed up 50 companies to participate in our “Donate. Save 8. Do It Now.” Campaign.
Positive Results: Businesses were surprised that such a program existed. When asked if they had ever
considered sharing information on organ and tissue donation with their employees most said they had never
considered it and/or didn’t realize that such a program even was in place. Many were happy that a kit was ready
for them to take and implement. Several attendees mentioned that other organizations ask for information to be
shared and then expect the business to do the majority of the work to promote the cause. One attendee even
said: “I’ve been looking for something like this and it’s so easy-all I have to do is open this box and it’s ready to
go!” (Posters, brochures, pre-written e-mails, pre-written letters, etc. are all included). Donate Life Ohio also got a
list of the 600 attendees with their contact information so that we can follow up with them in the future.
Challenges: Bring more kits for people to take!
Workplace Partnership For Life
• Lifeline of Ohio has also been reaching out to various
organizations and asking for their help to promote
– All libraries (including school libraries) in the Lifeline of Ohio
Service Area were sent a copy of “A Hero’s Gift,” Lifeline of
Ohio’s community education video with a resource form offering
free materials and presentations.
– All health departments were contacted and encouraged to bring
Lifeline of Ohio into one of their meetings to share information on
organ and tissue donation with their employees and to let them
know our organization can be a resource to their community.
– Any presentation to an adult audience includes a quick mention
of the Workplace Partnership For Life program and information
packets are always available for people to take with them to
share with their company and/or organization.